[3.25] Ice Crash-Jugg-2h-Axe-Crit (FREEZE THE GAME) 100% Crit Rate Full Screen Explosions

Lyutsifer665 wrote:
ah ok, that doesnt sound too bad. I've gotten lazy lately and played RF and explode RF in the past few leagues but want to try a real melee build :)

It's a different game playing melee. It is harder but more rewarding as well. You may have to cast warcries more often in early levels but it gets easier as the min maxing comes. If you play this I hope you love it as much as I do. If you have never delved or like delve it is pretty epic in it as well.

I like the sounds of Ice Crash and the MTX and so much about it. The skill makes me feel like I AM hitting the mob.

With gem changes we should be doing much more damage early.
Last edited by HeroEvermore on Jul 22, 2024, 12:33:30 AM
HeroEvermore wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
ah ok, that doesnt sound too bad. I've gotten lazy lately and played RF and explode RF in the past few leagues but want to try a real melee build :)

It's a different game playing melee. It is harder but more rewarding as well. You may have to cast warcries more often in early levels but it gets easier as the min maxing comes. If you play this I hope you love it as much as I do. If you have never delved or like delve it is pretty epic in it as well.

I like the sounds of Ice Crash and the MTX and so much about it. The skill makes me feel like I AM hitting the mob.

i'll prob just level as RF jugg since the process is so smooth and easy then switch to ice crash once i can buy some decent gear for it
Nice that you write answers to all ours questions. Waiting for your new ideas to items for this build, theres many new options: good rares instead uniques, cluster jewels, new mechanics etc.
Theres Dancing dervish variation of this build if you know it (wanted to play it but Raider was removed from game).
I played Ice Crash Jugg forever ago after a long hiatus to re-learn the game(Incursion League). Basically the same boat this time, going to most likely be trying Ice Crash again since it looks like slams will be pretty good.

Not sure if I want to stick with Jugg, or try another class/ascendancy. I generally like starting Duelist the best, maybe Glad or Slayer?
shishkabob wrote:
I played Ice Crash Jugg forever ago after a long hiatus to re-learn the game(Incursion League). Basically the same boat this time, going to most likely be trying Ice Crash again since it looks like slams will be pretty good.

Not sure if I want to stick with Jugg, or try another class/ascendancy. I generally like starting Duelist the best, maybe Glad or Slayer?

I like Jugg because of the AoE inc with endurance charges along with pulverize. This is how this character clears screens. I like a lot more about Jugg as well.

IF I was not going Jugg I would try out Berserker since it was has nice Warcry tech.

The main reason I choose Jugg is because I think it is the most fun.

Ice Crash is also what brought back my love for PoE and took me from casual to hardcore during Harvest. While there are always meta builds. I do not find them as rewarding.
Last edited by HeroEvermore on Jul 22, 2024, 12:55:07 PM
JJSniper wrote:
Nice that you write answers to all ours questions. Waiting for your new ideas to items for this build, theres many new options: good rares instead uniques, cluster jewels, new mechanics etc.
Theres Dancing dervish variation of this build if you know it (wanted to play it but Raider was removed from game).

Yeah I'll be very active on the forums and in game.

That said, my vacation starts tomorrow and I will be spending 5 days adventuring outside before the league. I will have my laptop and be on at times though.

When I get back it's no life city on here for me.
Whats the minimum level of entry to this exact build?? Guess leveling gonna be easier with some other skill? Or straight on lvl 28 into ice crash???
JJSniper wrote:
Whats the minimum level of entry to this exact build?? Guess leveling gonna be easier with some other skill? Or straight on lvl 28 into ice crash???

Pretty sure I will just lifetap support Ice Crash and use it instantly. It's fun right away. That said, Earthshatter is really fun to finish campaign with as well and since we wont have as much gear to inflate cold damage any skill works.
Sweep and things looking like good options also, but I miss Ice Crash so I am putting it on instantly and beating campaign with it.
I assume we might use autoextertion on two warcry gems, then use other two normally which is enduring and sesimic i believe?
Tecken1407 wrote:
I assume we might use autoextertion on two warcry gems, then use other two normally which is enduring and sesimic i believe?

Highly possible but I will not be doing this early on at all. I had no issues with using them manually as most of the time you do not need to use m/any. Due to it not triggering buff effects it will also be a weaker version if doing so. But I am certainly open minded to testing it.

Expect me to post many different PoB variations while I test things.
Last edited by HeroEvermore on Jul 22, 2024, 4:45:06 PM

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