EA Templar, or how to deal up to 350k dps.

-The bow is the most important core item.
-The armor is very good too cause it increase the burning duration heavy, but not a must have.
-Atleast one double curse item will be a huge dmg boost
-elemtal proliferation, added lightningmdg, chanche to ignite and elemental weakness or/and Flamability are the core gems u need atleast to start the build

The rest is skilltree depended. The important Keystone passives are the shockchanche/duration, the burningdmg, elemental equilibrium and resolute technique.
Bloodmagic is recomended too, cause otherwise u must spend a huge ammount of points in mana/manareg, and still will be constantly have mana issues. I know its possible without it, i know people do it, but with bloodmagic the build feels way more fluid.

At all, EA is strong even with no of that items.
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:
Very fun build, thanks for posting!

Doing a marauder variant, just hit level 59, 2850 HP. Wondering where I should go next on the passive tree as I close out Merciless and head to maps.

Current gear:

Far from optimal both itemwise and with gem set ups, in fact I have only 1 4L set up the way I want it yet I still am having no problem blowing through content (even with a massive 202 armor score lol).

Current passive tree: Current EA Build

I was thinking of a couple of options.

Option 1: Witch start

Basically head to blast radius keystone and grab a few fire damage nodes on the way.

Option 2: Duelist start

Basically head to fury bolts keystone and pick up nearby attack speed and projectile damage nodes.

So, what do you think? Would you go with option 1 or 2 or perhaps a 3rd option that I haven't thought about? Any thoughts you may have would be appreciated!
Seems like u do not go on shocking, and take life instead. Miss allot of dmg, but its only good possible with a 6L armor.

I made some changes in youre skilltree, cause u skilled some points that makes no sense (there was 3x10int and 2x10% elemental weapon dmg that i turned in 3x10str and +8% max life) and changed some points in youre advanced path.
The Duelest path is more defensive, the witch part more offensive. Att all, the fire tree at withc i would take anyway, if i where you.



After this, you should skill the fire tree left near bloodmagic. There is a "+30% burn duration" nood in it.
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:
hi I just wanna know in your split arrow shot, what element did your split arrow shot hit triggering the EE? because you have a light ele and fire ele damage on hit.
I only have lighning and cold dmg on hit.
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:
IsodorRodosi wrote:
Seems like u do not go on shocking, and take life instead. Miss allot of dmg, but its only good possible with a 6L armor.

I made some changes in youre skilltree, cause u skilled some points that makes no sense (there was 3x10int and 2x10% elemental weapon dmg that i turned in 3x10str and +8% max life) and changed some points in youre advanced path.
The Duelest path is more defensive, the witch part more offensive. Att all, the fire tree at withc i would take anyway, if i where you.


Thanks Iso! Appreciate the feedback, and nice catch on reworking the templar path to be more efficient.

You mentioned shock damage and a 6L (I'm still waiting for my first 5L :p), with my current 4L of EA-ignite-proliferation-increased AOE, I don't see a good swap to get the added lighting gem slotted in yet. If I can properly gear for it, I'm close enough to static blows for a quick respec to take advantage of it.

With the duelist tree, do the +armor nodes make a big difference defensively? I'm planning to stick with the cloak of flame, and with the cloak and no iron reflexes, it seems that stacking a high armor score would be difficult.

Finally, if I do go the witch route, would you advise rushing for blast radius first or working on the Immolation fire nodes near witch and then head for blast radius?

Thanks again!
No, they dont make a big idfference, but u get 40(20 base hp) str instead of 50(nothing) dex. If you not need the dex for the arrow, i would take my choice. If you need it, use youre choice instead.

I would prefer Immoaltion and the 2 bruning dmg noodes.
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:
Last edited by IsodorRodosi#0726 on Mar 31, 2013, 11:54:50 AM
Oh, sorry for the confusion, I meant the utility of the armor nodes versus heading for the witch tree, not which path to take into the duelist tree. On further review, I would head toward the armor nodes vs heading to fury bolts if I were to go toward duelist for the reasons you cited above.

I'll head to witch now and start grabbing the nodes in the Immolation cluster, thanks for the feedback.
Btw, u wear the gloves only for adding lighning dmg?

Use Wrath instead, and get some gloves with max Hp and other enchantments. Just lvl wrath a bit, u will loose no hp at all, but get more resistence/stats/whatever on gloves.
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:
Good idea! I've been using the clasp this whole time since it is my only 4L glove that works with the build, but I really only need GGR for the lightning arrow slot. I 3L'd my boots and swapped in some gloves that have +11% attack speed and +55 life, nice upgrade for now and increases my HP to 3250. I'll upgrade them down the line to help cap resists but should be serviceable for the time being.

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