Whoa Diablo 4 and Diablo 2 Remastered at Blizzcon?
I was really waiting for "We now welcome back the newest member of the Diablo Team, Jay Wilson, who will now talk about trade and RMAH 2.0"
IGN: DabrixRN Last edited by Thomasmgp#1035 on Nov 1, 2019, 5:36:31 PM
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Looks like they're just trying to remake D2 in the new engine. Hell, they're even bringing all the old classes back. Chances are we're getting Druid, Sorceress, Barbarian (all confirmed), Amazon (cos you need to fill the archer/rogue archetype) and Necromancer (for summoners, no Druid doesn't cut it for satisfying summoners). So that leaves Paladin and Assassin left out in the cold (cos only 5 on launch). What little gameplay they've shown looks ... pretty standard. Meh.
People make a big deal out of the return to the old art style. I don't give a crap about the art style. I want an interesting game, and if all they're gonna do is remake D2 in a new engine then no thanks (I'm not a graphics nut either). D4 needs to actually push the genre forward and introduce new ideas that make for interesting gameplay, not cash in on nostalgia. I don't give a crap about this being a Blizzard game - I'll judge it on its own merits as if it came from some unknown studio, much like PoE. P.S.: Btw, what makes Lilith so scary? She's the daughter of Mephisto. Sure she (co-)created Sanctuary, but we've already defeated each of the PRIME Evils, then all 3 of them together, then all of them together + Malthael. How's she gonna top that? Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Nov 1, 2019, 5:37:18 PM
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well it was stupid to let us fight all of those. they need to strip it back, pretend d3 didnt happen and go back to having a boss like this be the boss and give themselves room to build with expansions and further games.
they painted themselves into a corner with d3 story wise, a noob mistake, which lets be honest could be said of probably 50% of d3 in total, its hard to point to anything in that game that wasnt a partial mistake at least. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" 1. Grown men dont get scared of pixels. Cmon. 2. Art style, theme, ect...makes a big difference to many people. Cartoonish never sat well with me in D3. 3. The game is no where near release, and Blizzard has always been great about polish. For a bare bones sample this was pretty good. 4. I'm happy with ranged, melee, magic, summoner, hybrid (druid-pally) - I mean what do you want? "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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" Played WoW for 5.5 years. Used to watch Kripp's WoW videos. One day, he was playing/talking about this game called Path Of Exile from New Zealand. Here we are 7+ years later. ~ There are spectacular moments. Last edited by DoubleU#7266 on Nov 1, 2019, 6:03:23 PM
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D2 remastered, Diablo 4 and PoE 4.0.0. What a time to be alive, this is much more than what I could have dreamt 15 years ago. 2020 is going to be a crazy year in terms of game releases.
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" It's not about whether we as players ought to be scared. It's about whether she actually represents a credible threat to the game world, compared to what our characters have faced before. In both D2 and D3, she'd be a mid-Act boss at best (and in fact was just that in D2), so what makes her worthy to be the Big Bad now, after we've already beaten all the previous Big Bads combined? " Polish is different from innovation. Blizzard never lost their talent for polish, but they've long since lost any right they have to claim to be innovative. I said it looked like they were planning to cash in on D2 nostalgia, by essentially copying D2 in a new engine, not that it wouldn't run smooth. And I'm not interested in a D2 copy. " See above. It's not about what the classes they choose are, but what their choices so far seem to indicate about what they're trying to do. And it certainly doesn't suggest anything particularly new is coming. I mean, if you want to be like those CoD-boys or FIFA-fans who just keep buying the same damn thing every time ... well, be my guest. But that's not my thing, sorry. Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Nov 2, 2019, 7:58:02 AM
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" Lots of opinions here, which is fine, but you assume too much. Lilith is fine as an antagonist, and certainly a threating force to most of humanity. Of course "our characters" will be able to defeat her....that's kinda the point of the game. As far as innovation goes, thats a bit of a buzz word. I hate all the "innovation" PoE has experimented with like TD, Table Top, Pokemon, ect... I want good, solid, core arpg mechanics. They can to toy with runes, crafting, skill growth, and that's fine by me. Finally on character design, you didnt even remotely attempt to answer an easy question. What do you want? You cant just say "new", I have no idea what you mean. Diablo was never going to not have a Barbarian or Sorceress. The Druid which is a blend between,seemed like a good choice too, and something D3 players have been pushing for. (Likey necro and pally coming too) Overall it's very early, but looks promising for what I would want in a modern Diablo. I understand this might not be your thing. That's ok too. Edit: From the dev panels: some good stuff " "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Nov 2, 2019, 1:15:08 PM
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It doesn't look impressive to me.
Graphics are slightly better then D3 as far as i can tell, combat system seems "low impact". Then again it's an alpha reveal so those aren't locked in. If anything it just seems like a bit of extra choice in games to play, similar like D3 currently, something you take from beneath the dust every three months for a few days of distraction. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" Again, and you mention it, this is a very early build. It looks quite promising given what the Devs are saying the world functions will have in addition to the more core arpgs mechanics we all know and love. Build looked solid, Kripp played for 2 hours, and there wasnt significant technical issues at all. I will refrain from PoE jokes for now... We are probably 20+ months out though. So who knows. There was nothing but positive vibes that I was getting so far. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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