Whoa Diablo 4 and Diablo 2 Remastered at Blizzcon?

That source doesn't seem too reliable, it was just a twitter post literally just saying it was gonna happen.

I'm not gonna write it off as not believing it, that site you linked to said they also called the release of some Overwatch hero.

But I think it's just as likely to be that D3 expansion that was announced, and then everybody acted like it was cancelled for no reason. They've never said that wasn't going to happen, just that the Necromancer was originally intended to be a part of it.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
I am donating the money I would pay for one of their games to buy Winnie the Pooh onesies for the protesters at Blizzcon.

Not kidding.

But all that aside, there have been rumors about a D2 remaster for years what makes anyone think this time the rumors are true?

d2 is garbage compared to poe. the amount of build diversity and endgame on offer would keep most players playing for a couple of weeks at best and then they would come right back.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
kolyaboo wrote:

But all that aside, there have been rumors about a D2 remaster for years what makes anyone think this time the rumors are true?

Because it's very easy money. Blizzard doesn't even have to make too much effort. They already have a foundation, along with "history" and "lore", all characters are created and more or less balanced, the same applies to game items. Now they just have to adapt the graphics to the requirements of 2020, create a trade based on auction house, maybe add another "act" and the product will sell great because ... it won't have competition.

Someone could say that this kind of competition would be Path of Exile. But that's not true, because Diablo 2 is the H'n'S arpg Path of Exile is a combination of an Android shooter with a casino simulator. All malcontents who bitching on PoE every day and all those players who gave up playing PoE will immediately start playing this "new" D2. What was the historical PoE peak on Steam? 123k. Let's multiply it by 2, in connection with the "standalone client" users and we have 250,000. If the price of the game is set at USD 40 and Blizzard does not let its product steam, then only 250,000 players will give a revenue of USD 10 million, whcich means probably about 7 million profit. Easy money.

Only it won't sell in 250k copies, because it's Blizzard and Diablo. A million copies will be sold, because D2 is, apart from great gameplay, also a multiplayer, which is completely missing in PoE since they since they've eliminated the three-fold transition in campaign - normal - merciless and this last one, I even forgot the name:)

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Snorkle_uk wrote:
d2 is garbage compared to poe. the amount of build diversity and endgame on offer would keep most players playing for a couple of weeks at best and then they would come right back.

I mean I understand that the PoE forum isnt exactly a paradise for Diablo fans, but cmon.

A Remastered Diablo 2 will do incredibly well. Also this common misconception that PoE is incredibly deep is absurd. Dont get me wrong, I like PoE, been playing for years, but Diablo is Diablo.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
I find it really questionable that they'd announce both a D2 remaster and D4 at the same time. A D2 remaster would definitely kill off most of who's still playing D3, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But unless D4 hems much more closely to the style and substance of D2 than D3 did, I think a D2 remaster would hurt the success of D4 also.

Even if they did announce them both, I certainly wouldn't expect to see them released any less than a year apart. D2 first to rebuild hype and interest in the franchise in general, or D4 first then D2 later after D4 sinks or swims and the bulk of its sales have already taken place. D2 still has a pretty sizeable fanbase that they can cash in on at any time, after all.

DarthSki44 wrote:
A Remastered Diablo 2 will do incredibly well. Also this common misconception that PoE is incredibly deep is absurd. Dont get me wrong, I like PoE, been playing for years, but Diablo is Diablo.

Lol yeah, as fun as PoE can be it's about as deep as a puddle in the Mojave after the annual day of rain.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
Last edited by aggromagnet#5565 on Oct 20, 2019, 8:13:01 PM
Snorkle_uk wrote:
d2 is garbage compared to poe. the amount of build diversity and endgame on offer would keep most players playing for a couple of weeks at best and then they would come right back.

We tested it extensively
Icholas wrote:
Snorkle_uk wrote:
d2 is garbage compared to poe. the amount of build diversity and endgame on offer would keep most players playing for a couple of weeks at best and then they would come right back.


Its not a zero sum game. You can play both. That being said it's likely you would play one more than the other.

Diablo 2 Remastered, and Diablo 4, if not royally fucked up, (which I suppose is possible) would likely take more of my time compared to PoE. PoE is just so stale at its core. 4.0 cant come soon enough.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Remastered? Probably more like Re-Mustard with the way Blizzard screws things up. The marketing team will be in charge of game design, and anyone who has read Dilbert knows how that ends up.

The added potential competition might be a good wake up call for GGG to realize that a substantial chunk of their financially supporting players are not interested in forever chasing a new meta.

What happened to GGG understanding the 3 basic player types? Did the GGG office run out of coffee and everyone fell asleep? It isn't that their innovations aren't fun and worth playing, but PoE shouldn't strictly be about throwing out the old and running away with something new.

The potential interested in an old game - Diablo 2 - should clue GGG in that there is a very large number of players that like a comfortable familiar game that is done well.

Meta shouldn't be the only iron GGG has in the fire.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
DalaiLama wrote:

What happened to GGG understanding the 3 basic player types? Did the GGG office run out of coffee and everyone fell asleep? It isn't that their innovations aren't fun and worth playing, but PoE shouldn't strictly be about throwing out the old and running away with something new.

The potential interested in an old game - Diablo 2 - should clue GGG in that there is a very large number of players that like a comfortable familiar game that is done well.

Meta shouldn't be the only iron GGG has in the fire.

GGG has already lost. The reason for failure was greed, laziness and easy going. Greed ordered them to release underdeveloped products every 3 months. In turn, "meta shifting" is the result of laziness. Why deliver a good quality product, if every 3 months you can deliver [Removed by Support], with adding something so that all the opponents in the game can be humiliated with one specific build and make MTX for this build.

Then over 50% of players will play with this build, so it is certain that they will not "overlook" it. And then they will buy MTX. Lazy, cheap, short-sighted. It works great until players realize that hundreds of hours of work on improving their build after 3 months can be thrown in the trash can. In this way people stop wanting to play. Now everything is still working with "momentum", but if there is any competition, then consumers will escape to it immediately and will not come back, because why go back to where they treat you only as a good and a "milk cow"?
Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Oct 21, 2019, 10:28:09 AM

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