Whoa Diablo 4 and Diablo 2 Remastered at Blizzcon?


This could be a very interesting couple of years...

Edit: more evidence. Looks like this will be quite large set of announcements next month.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Oct 21, 2019, 10:29:47 AM
Last bumped on Nov 10, 2019, 2:57:39 PM
If Blizzard had some tactical sense, he would release "Diablo 2 Remastered" at the end of 2020. Then Wilson could neither plagiarize anything in his 4.0, nor hold off its release any longer, because even after 3 or 4 consecutive expansions his “masterpiece” will begin to implode under the weight of its own bugs. As if that wasn't enough, half of his playerbase will still run away to this remastered Diablo 2, it will be enough if Blizzard will improve graphics, make good trade system and add some new items and enemies. In this case, Blizzard will be able to observe what worked in 4.0 and what did not work and apply it in Diablo 4.
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Last edited by srogi_kotek#5493 on Oct 20, 2019, 9:39:01 AM
D2 Remaster will crush PoE lol.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:
D2 Remaster will crush PoE lol.

i'd have to be free, i feel
xMustard wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
D2 Remaster will crush PoE lol.

i'd have to be free, i feel

Id easily pay 40-60, and would play more than PoE in its current form.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
boycott them already for their stance on China!
diablofdb wrote:
boycott them already for their stance on China!

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
diablofdb wrote:
boycott them already for their stance on China!

You're right! It's definitely better to play a game produced by a Chinese company based in New Zealand!
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DarthSki44 wrote:
Id easily pay 40-60, and would play more than PoE in its current form.

sure you would be, but people who haven't played D2 yet or whatever probably wouldn't drop money on it just to try it out. they'd prefer to install path of exile for free, and given that d2/poe are the biggest comparisons and rivals (if remastered) if people didn't like poe they'd probably skip dishing out money for d2

i agree probably a bunch of long timers in poe would leave and go play D2, cause thats probably where their roots are, but that wouldn't kill poe.

i think the better question is what would do better, d4 or d2r? and at that point what would happen with d3?
to me, i feel like a d2r is way too late. with the mods and community remasters already in play, with d3 and a possible d4 announcement, i just wouldn't really understand the decision to do an official d2 remaster at this point.

i would love to see it though - i'd definitely try it out if it were free. if it cost some coin i probably would just skip out and keep on with poe.
xMustard wrote:

I would love to see it though - i'd definitely try it out if it were free. if it cost some coin i probably would just skip out and keep on with poe.

Said the person who spent at least $ 450 on the "free" game :P Just don't inform Blizzard about it, because we are threatened that they will actually do D2 Remastered "free". As they see, they can earn $ 450 instead of $ 40 on each player :)
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