ALF + F4 Exploit ?
Hi !
I just want to know if something will prevent from an Instant Disconnection on a Windowed Client or Alt + F4 ? It can be an exploit to escape death penalty during PvE ... (flasks empty ... 20% life ... run and ALT + F4 yay you are safe in city !) And for PvP it can be very very bad to be able to instant disconnect ... (i will die ... and no ! ALT + F4 powa !) Is it planned to add a few seconds timer on disconnect ? Thank you very much! and discuss all :) PS: Timer on portal summoning can be nice too or it can be used as exploit too ;) | |
bump ? :)
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And what if the client crashes or disconnects?
This beta manifesto thread addresses a related issue: Hardcore Heartbeat time Level Designer/Dungeoneer
Always post a screenshot with /debug command entered into the chat window. First stop for Common Technical Problems | |
" I went to the hardcore link but i'll comment here: Its called HARDCORE. If your computer sucks and you have weak internet; You're not a HARDCORE gamer. Professional athlete's dont compete with FAIL equipment. There should definitely be a DC timer to stop ppl in PVP from DCing to escape certain doom from someone who is actually hardcore. Too bad for people who don't invest in their computer. |
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Even the best pc on the best connection is still vulnerable to lightning strikes/meteors/dinosaur attacks, and we don't want Hardcore players to loose their characters because of a short interruption like that.
Also, it's not the hardware that makes the player hardcore, it's the player! Some of our best testers and top hardcore players have below average gear, or are playing from a location with sub-optimum internet, because that's all they have available to them. They have a higher risk of loosing a character to a disconnection, but they're okay with that, and they're still some of the best :D Balance & Design
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" this made me cringe pretty badly. Your post is bad and you should feel bad. |
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I don't really agree with the "it's called Hardcore" because there is no link between our connection and our "skill" imo.
But i think it could totally ruin "open PvP" (Cut Of Throat) and hardcore PvE if nothing is made. Diablo 2 and many other integrated the ALT+F4 function as a "skill" and it would be sad to see this in PoE. I don't have the perfect solution to solve it and to split unexpected disconnection cases and planned client closing to avoid a certain situation. I just don't want to see this in PoE ... because i'm sure many unfair players will use it in many cases. What about to set up a timer on disconnect related to past disconnections during a period ? Let me explain: - When a player quits the game he has two choices: 1) Quitting with a X seconds timer (normal disconnection on a safe place) 2) Quitting instantly with ALT + F4 or client force close (like actually) If a player reach X instant disconnections during the last month/week or period, he will have a timer on ALT + F4, client force closing or unexpected disconnection. Like this, it could separate rare connection crashes from ALT + F4 spammers. After the period, the instant disconnection counter is resetted and the counter starts counting for a new period. Let's take for examples (numbers need to be discussed to be balanced): - Someone with a bad connection will crash 20 times during one month without timer, so he won't loose his char on HC League for example. Those 20 are accidents so no timer. Next month, he will be able to encounter 20 connection accidents. - One bad boy ALT + F4 spammer will use this "skill" only 20 times and after will have a timer, even on accidental client crash. I think it could make "bad boys" to keep their client crash for a REAL connection accident ;) - It's just an idea i don't say it's the best but, at least, it reduces the way to abuse of the ALT + F4 skills Thank you to read and sorry for my bad english :) | |
There is another solution, that is not 100% reliable, becouse can be overriden, but still, it will prevent most of players from cheating
You can control behaviour of application closing. I mean in windows applications you can control event. For example, if alt+f4 pressed you send exit command to server, but also pass parameter, that application was forced to close. And after command sent -> close application Now, server should check if: 1) User in PVE 2) User in PVP 3) User's average ping for some period of time(if possible), not neccessary And based on this parameters you decide how much time to keep character in combat If he quits in PVP, put this timer to 20 seconds. Let the cheater die. Easy. For a cases of crashes you just keep old behaviour. No sygnals from user(as well no exit command) -> 5 seconds or whatever it is now. ----- Firefox is example, that close event can be controlled. And many other programms ask for confirmation. Last edited by Shtormovik#4810 on Apr 4, 2012, 4:36:20 AM
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I don't know if you can detect a ALT + F4 key combo, a windowed client close or a CTRL + ALT + DEL or a right click - close in the task bar.
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well I'm assuming the devs do not consider it a exploit. Since there have been posts by some of the players doing the ladder races on how they were able to disconnect their client to prevent them from dying and the devs did not disqualify them from the races.
Luke: Sorry we have to leave you here, but it just ain't right to eat your wife's and daughter's brains. Plus you're really disgusting and I don't want to spend anymore time with you.
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