
MortalKombat3 wrote:
Bleed isnt a physical damage, no wonder that phys damage increase dont work for it directy.

Bleeding is Physical Damage over Time...
I've yet to test Fending+Puncture+Melee Splash... but my thoughts tell me that this might be op. When I get a hold of a puncture gem, I'll test it and post the results.
Last edited by axtranti on Dec 4, 2013, 1:42:50 PM
Knockback is an on-Hit effect; Damage over Time does not Hit.
Prepare to be underwhelmed.
axtranti wrote:
I've yet to test Fending+Puncture+Melee Splash... but my thoughts tell me that this might be op. When I get a hold of a puncture gem, I'll test it and post the results.

Perhaps better try Puncture + Heavy stike Combo. Or, if you face melee mobs, place Smoke Mine before charging them, hits with puncture, teleport far away, enemies charge you and bleed to death.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Puncture + Trap support + Remote Mine = ??

Does the DoT component benefit from increased mine/trap damage passives in the skill tree? I would think that the support gems would but i'm not 100% on the passives here
Cuddles' DoT trapper build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/683322
Cuddlepaws wrote:
Puncture + Trap support + Remote Mine = ??

Does the DoT component benefit from increased mine/trap damage passives in the skill tree? I would think that the support gems would but i'm not 100% on the passives here
yes they do.
Good to hear

mathcrafted to do 206k dps..

If anyone is interested, I've already made a build using this concept here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/683322
Cuddles' DoT trapper build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/683322
Last edited by Cuddlepaws on Dec 11, 2013, 11:23:45 AM
Does the bleed scale with all initial damage done (elemental too), or just the physical damage of the initial hit?
Nickkelz wrote:
Does the bleed scale with all initial damage done (elemental too), or just the physical damage of the initial hit?
just physical.
Increased DOT passives do not update the tooltip on the bleed damage of puncture at all for me. Is this a bug, or do the increased DOT passives not affect Puncture?

Example, if the mob is supposed to bleed for 10.0% of the initial hit per second, and I spec in 9% increased dot, the mob should now bleed for (10*1.09=10.9%), and yet there is literally no change in my tooltip display.

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