
Vipermagi wrote:

TC does not change the functionality of Puncture; just makes it expire more slowly. :) Pretty swish!

It's really interesting, skill description says: "This useful curse warps a small area of space and actually causes time to pass slower within its confines".

So, technically, DoT effects really should do less damage because enemies aren't really slowed themselves but time around them, flesh would burn slower, poison would take more time to spread and bleeding would slow down too.

Well, if we're anal about it they should also get physical damage reduction as hits would lose some speed before connecting, but who cares, this isn't called 'fantasy setting' for nothing :)
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on May 11, 2013, 12:26:49 PM
It also doesn't really cover an area for a certain time; other monsters can rush in no problem :) So yeah, the descriptions are sometimes a little more colorful than the actual effects. Heh.
Has anyone tried this supported with Point Blank and Remote Mine? That seems to be the biggest guaranteed multiplier you can get on the physical damage.
Sry if it was answered before, but I dont have much time reading, because I want to play ;)

Does punctures Dot scale with Crit?

If you crit for 200% damage, will the Dot also be calculated off this damage?
The DoT damage is based on Damage Dealt. Crits increase Damage Dealt.
This should either be a support gem or the critical effect of physical damage. On it's own it is the most unfun skill I've ever seen...
Mark_GGG wrote:
DoT cannot ever apply leech.
The additional damage while moving is additional damage, and is described as such on the gem and skill (unless something's been broken, but the gem linked earlier in the thread still has that for me). You're always taking the base 10% DoT, and while moving you're taking the additional 50%, for a total of 60%.

rats! this killed my idea of (probably too op) continious leeching mass puncture zombie bower. oh well.. back to drawing board
I understand that critical strikes will increase the damage dealt in the initial hit, thereby causing higher DoT from bleeding, but what happens if Puncture is your main skill and you're using it continuously? Let's say you crit for a big amount, but then your next Puncture doesn't crit and does less damage. Since Puncture can't stack, would the bleeding DoT be calculated from the most recent Puncture?

If so, then crit Puncture isn't as good as it could be, as you would constantly be making your DoT go up and down depending on whether you crit.
Last edited by mimivirus on Jun 18, 2013, 3:07:50 PM
I understand that critical strikes will increase the damage dealt in the initial hit, thereby causing higher DoT from bleeding, but what happens if Puncture is your main skill and you're using it continuously? Let's say you crit for a big amount, but then your next Puncture doesn't crit and does less damage. Since Puncture can't stack, would the bleeding DoT be calculated from the most recent Puncture?

If so, then crit Puncture isn't as good as it could be, as you would constantly be making your DoT go up and down depending on whether you crit.
yes puncture "doesn't stack" but your strongest one will always be working for its full duration, extras will be doing thier own timers but only work if the next strongest isn't working anymore.
soul4hdwn wrote:
I understand that critical strikes will increase the damage dealt in the initial hit, thereby causing higher DoT from bleeding, but what happens if Puncture is your main skill and you're using it continuously? Let's say you crit for a big amount, but then your next Puncture doesn't crit and does less damage. Since Puncture can't stack, would the bleeding DoT be calculated from the most recent Puncture?

If so, then crit Puncture isn't as good as it could be, as you would constantly be making your DoT go up and down depending on whether you crit.
yes puncture "doesn't stack" but your strongest one will always be working for its full duration, extras will be doing thier own timers but only work if the next strongest isn't working anymore.

Thanks for the input. I was considering making a crit bow duelist, but I wasn't sure if it would pay off. Now it looks like crit multipliers will be very useful.

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