
鬼殺し wrote:
rockdog2161 wrote:
teksuoPOE wrote:
in New Zealand? yeah no i'll pass. That's like at the opposite side of the world just for a nerd convention.. eh.

Pretty sure NZers aren't the majority of PoE gamers ; sounds like a weird decision to me.

Yeah, weird huh that they plan to run it in their own town - [Removed by Support]

Hahahahah your good-natured sarcasm got censored. Oh, wow.


That's a hard pass.

$5K for flight, hotel, etc. to attend a XXXXXCom?

At some point we need to thin about villages in Africa that need a freshwater well, and stuff...
Sell flat billed hats!! ill buy 6 of them
Return ES Buff in 4.0.0 :)
I want, but one way ticket cost ~1000$ :/
And I have fince so we need 2x tickets xD
Nah... 8000pln is too much
But online ticket could be great idea.
I would definitely be going, I live in Auckland :), please don't be discouraged by the people saying it's too expensive, it sucks that they wouldn't be able to go but no matter where it is in the world there will be the same problem, it will be an awesome thing for Auckland to have something like this :).
Chris mentioned in an Interview with Ziz Q1/2018 that new character models are incoming soonish.
I guess 4.0 would be the perfect opportunity for a content update with a lot of overhauled old assets.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
I would attend.
We tested it extensively
The options in the reply form are a bit wonky, I think. I chose "I'd like to go, but I probably won't be able to." Saying, "I plan to attend, but it depends a bit on timing and money." seemed a little strong, considering we haven't yet committed to travel dates, and those depend somewhat on our jobs.

We were already talking about taking a trip to NZ again next year (we went a couple years ago), and Auckland is on our list of cities to spend some time in. Just not sure if we'll be able to work the timing to make it.

Is this a multi-day event? How many days are we talking about here? Can I just pay for 1 or 2 days? Do uninterested spouses get in free? Is there a spa or something on site to serve as daycare for them? :) These are important questions!!
My wife and I are planning some over seas vacations and this is a pretty big incentive for me to go to New Zealand which is already high on our list.

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