Some Bestiary Changes in Patch 3.2.1
If you trade with the missing beasts, will they be shown as trapped in the bestiary?
"Poor fish-wife."
"Oops, clumsy me!" ♥ |
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I'm sorry to burst your bubble GGG but honestly i haven't crafted jack since i started for few reasons: finding specific monsters takes too much time, the items you can get are 120% of the time crappy. There is no incentive to try and play the new features of the league whatsoever. I will be doing the same thing I have been doing: farm maps. Last league , at least, I could find many abysses and get much xp + currency+ nice items. This league feels incredibly stale ! I am sorry for all the work you guys have put into making this but you need to make a clear relation between in-game economy/items and new league or it's just some fancy stuff you do to mobs with no result. GL!
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Would it be possible to organize the monsters that you can select for recipes by level or something? right now i think it's whatever order you catch them in and it's really messy to try and get your recipe to be the right level.
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I want to remind you about the following problems, that are very urgent.
1. AOE net´s Playing a summoner is already tough, as our screens are full of things but now we also have to target the right beast within all of that. Please, give net´s the ability to auto capture the highest level beast in range. 2. Where are the beasts? I played a huge amount of maps and so far, still have not really encountered many high end recipes. This is Lich spawn rates all over again and this in a league which is about beasts. I have Abyss cracks and Breaches in almost each map, but beasts - the main content of this league... They just don´t exist! Please buff their spawn rates by at least 200%, so that we can actually craft something. 3. What does my beast do? I have no idea what stuff the beast I just captured actually does. Nor do I have a location where a beast in a recipe that I miss, might spawn. You could say "well a crab spawns in the water", but this is not the case. I captured craps in non water maps too.. so this is all way to random. Let us targets these beasts, by providing information about their whereabouts and highlight the recipe we can use them in, after we captured them. Just use the info screen that we get at our first capture, please. |
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Drops have been pretty crappy for far. I couldn't believe GGG substituted items for nets but the numbers posted by others confirm this. And this post does that officially. What the hell were you thinking GGG ?
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone |
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Make this 'crafting league' about crafting, not just picking monsters and rolling the alchemy/chance orbs.
Recipes should target rolls on existing items, or utilize provided item bases. Not churn out some random junk when the player has spent considerable time trying to find the target beasts to perform a given recipe. Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive. Patch Notes 3.19: Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment. |
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IT would be VERY nice if you'd allow stashes in menagerie.
Fingers crossed BK |
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Today i made chaiyla breach. All i got was nets nets nets and more nets not a single splinter or any currency rather than transmo orbs and a few wisdom scrolls. Also as mentioned crafting is useless so far as it give only vendor food e.g 6 to life 40 fire resist or 10 live 3 lightning resisston lv 71 items.Some maps doesent even have yellow beasts,so spawn rate should be increased
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Since the chances for a red beast to spawn is 1/10 maps, you could add in some beast bait as an incremental reward. This would make mapping interesting, the bait you use will be different and rare. Just an idea. Depending on the area you use the specific bait, to the specific beast it will have that ilvl.
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So far having a lot less currency drops, but endless net drops.
I used to buy like 30 of each net tier until I reached tier4, now the number increases on itself just by drops, something likely happens with tier5. In recent days, I think the beast spawn rate was meager, could have been just chance though. (Compared to when I started with the league start through act 1, each or every second map a special beast, now in act 4,5,6 I had them every 4 maps at best.) I still play squishy Rangers so beast-catching is ridiculously hard with red tier beast cause it dies to a random crit or I have to die (or leave to town to refill health pots). A LOT. => So the net throwing speed upgrade and the currency drop fix sound good. But I agree with what the other players complain about, I crafted only one item so far and I fear even catching a lot of higher level beast results in wasted_time_items. It's hard to figure out which beast are new or have a new mod to look out for, or to find the beast at all if you look at the "blank" in your beast-crafting-recipes. Well, please GGG keep going with a lot of changes so you might find a few that work really well for the players, or even if not to keep it interesting so no player just sticks to maps and waits for the league end. |
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