Some Bestiary Changes in Patch 3.2.1

-good that you still try to improve it (general idea of crafting is really good!)
-good change with swapped recipe order (last choosen should be reminded)
-(optional) base item for mod recipes: very good!

-areas with very less beastly inhabitants should be possible to have more beastspawns.
-red beast fights should not last THAT much longer than regular bossfights.
(adds should spawn significant slower, lesser regen?)
-stash in menagerie (could need a transition portal to the altar arena?)
-(additional?) small notification for new discovered recipes
-option/switch/marker for hunting beasts for a specific recipe (similar to the 'new' sign on beasts)
-bestiary completion counter (does sacrificed beasts still count or do we have to catch them again?)
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Question to GGG.

What did you do with map drops?? When you run T9 or higher you almost NEVER drop +1 map and you are pushed back to t8 and t7? It has something to do with shitty net drops everywhere and taking maps place in loot table? I am veteran player and can definitely feel something with maps drop looks very very weird. Not mentioning that finding alchemy orb is like finding mirror of kalandra.. Could someone from GGG answer my question plz? Thank you.
meh, no excitement .. move along
Seem the map drop rate wont come up any time soon, made about 25 T15, (chisel quant pack sized vall) i got 1 T16. Had to buy the shaper acces and rekted him without being able to do 3 of the 4 guardian. There is something realy wrong with the droprate. We struggle with alch this league way more than we are used to. I understand you dont want to tell us how your algorithm is working but some of us here are developers so we can guess. So stop telling us than currency drop is the same, it's no where near the same as usual.
This changes are on point of what we need.
in my opinion the most annoying part about the league is the missing intensity of beasts. Give us more red beasts and 5x the spawn rate of bosses. More than 5 days /played and only 1 boss spawn is disgusting and demotivating.

Instead of helping us out you post patch-informations about upcomming patches that don't deal with the central point. And thats the missing league - intensive, not the mechanics. Frustrating to see that chris_wilson comments everything on reddit but doenst't come to this central point.
i like the net speed in this patch but the big problem i have at the moment, and i am sure i am not alone, is the recipe bar popping up when you get a new capture and no way to close it fast in battle. the big blob at the bottom centre of the screen is not working for me guys HELP PLEASE! and keep up the good work.
Crossbow ???? Crossbow ! Tease ? When ?
... nothing
FearMyShadow wrote:
Well Dear Natalia , Would you like to do something about game crashes also? like every gate we take we getting stupid error , and have to doing alt f4? its not so fun if you farm uber lab you know..just saying..

I will tell You what other players are telling me when i adressed that some crashes are made because some toons are standing in towns and flashing their power eating mtxes and do nothing - change potato computer You have. Yeah very very helpfull... ;)
Oxygene_PoE wrote:
in my opinion the most annoying part about the league is the missing intensity of beasts. Give us more red beasts and 5x the spawn rate of bosses. More than 5 days /played and only 1 boss spawn is disgusting and demotivating.

I played a lot and I still didn't encounter a single one. And the spawn rate of red scull beasts (i.e. league mechanics) in general is ridiculously low compared to all previous leagues. In Essence, Breach, Abyss... we regularly had multiple instances of each league mechanics, and here in Bestiary I've *never* encountered two red beasts on a single map. Even worse, good chance is you'll find none.
Last edited by Dex#5296 on Mar 13, 2018, 5:41:11 AM

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