Some Bestiary Changes in Patch 3.2.1
No why trading =(((
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hope you removed the invisible net throwing cooldown and fixed the "mashing the v key like a maniac while my character stands there doing nothing even though i haven't thrown a net in 10 minutes" bug
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At the begining i was not very exited about Bestiary. All semmd dull and ovecomplicated. But changed nets to spacebar, learned to manage all that and im actually enjoying it. Not aiming at challanges but it has actual story behind it and that hasnt happen for long period of time.
So keep this up. I hope in future we will travel to last continent - Ngamakanui - where we face that end Einhar is talking about and maby some more interesting content and changes? We wiell se. |
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Good stuff, some nice changes are being made which should improve things somewhat. Hope you go all out with some unusual recipes, that's the best part of Bestiary crafting in my opinion.
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This all sounds good! All four of us in my household play, we have all loved this league. Keep up the good work, i've enjoyed this whole ride. Beastcrafting itself hasn't netted me any amazing items yet, but i did get a wise oak i needed for my build. I feel like there could be a "make a map" beast mod, with varying tiers. I have had very tough time advancing in atlas this go round, and this is always alcing maps (though i don't always chisel because im poor) Anyways i've had tons of fun, plan to slowly get enough achievements to earn that portal!
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" I think pressing 'v' or spacebar, is not the dull and overcomplicated things about bestiary. The problems i see are: - there are very few interesting recipes (between 200 absolutely crap ones) - VERY few red beast - and when you trap a beast you never know if its worth something unless you had them written down in a paper or a secondary screen with a not-ggg page open (like poedb) to check if is worth the effort - Fights with red ones are a pain in the a*s, to trap the right one with all the effects, the dozen if adds summoned.... - Also the suspicious about lower drop rate of item/maps/currency/Encroaching Darkness i think have a real base, although GGG says otherwise I get excited when i find a breach or abyss in a map... i have a "meh" when i see something related to this league (like the 1000000 nets per map) PS: Also there are a limit in beast catched and the game dont make any kind of warning. I suppose the lowest ilevel will get removed. Which means you can lose valuable mods Last edited by xonsuns#3198 on Mar 13, 2018, 4:58:15 AM
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Make a Bestiary Safari Zone or thing like from pokemon.
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" Good point. Beastcrafting is obfuscated and confusing, compared to other types of crafting. Essences are neatly sorted out in one single tab and crafting with them is straightforward and simple. Bestiary book is a confusing mess of "herp derp" beast names and useless recipes. Should I craft this "whatever" recipe, or it will maybe use up some beast in some other more important recipe? etc.. Bestiary also does not offer that feeling of working toward some goal. In Breach you were working toward Breachlords, in Essence you were piling up essences to create more powerful ones, Abyss was a nice lootfest of collecting jewels... Bestiary cant be improved without major redesigns of the concept and I don't see that happening. Sure, the levelling recipes are nice, as are some endgame "OP" ones, but it's all too RNG related and more importantly bloated/confusing. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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" To me pressing "v" was kinda pain in ass. So i changed it to spacebar because i like it more. I dont look at recipes, i dont see a point in current state. When i will reach mapping or at least laters acts i will do it. I find some, try to capture all i find. Kinda found my way but happens that i kill them to fast. Just let go and go further. I dont care. Its not that hard but when i get slayer and will have culling strike then mightbe a problem. But... really dont care. I work with strict filter from neversink so drop is overall limited by default. So dont see a problem with it. |
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Well Dear Natalia , Would you like to do something about game crashes also? like every gate we take we getting stupid error , and have to doing alt f4? its not so fun if you farm uber lab you know..just saying..
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