Litecoin and bitcoin payments for supporter packs.

Even if tghey do most game companies are backing out and away from bitcoins in a hurry the market is way to unstable.

you post a price, for 20 bucks, someone gives you that day's value, suddenly the next day, you are out all of the money cause they dropped 300 bucks a coin.

World currencies don't shift that much

Also because the value / volumes being asked for are so small the cost of the transactions. end up being about as much as the value.

small bit coin exchanges cost a lot to deal with cause of the nature of how it works and how the exchanges have it setup.

It's why steam stopped taking bitcoin, they were losing money on trasactions, and losing if they didn't guess market's rapid daily swings correctly.

These are game companies not commodity traders.
When you need 10 accountants 2 stock brokers, and a mystic on staff to try and guess if your revenue stream is going to be ok the next day. You've done something wrong.

As mentioned though I believe Xsolla does take bitcoins, and if not just sell your bitcoins get the money and then buy what you want. It's no harder than to ask the devs to do it for you. If it's a pain in the ass, then you now know why the devs don't do it, if it's simple then no worries just do it yourself.
keeperofstars wrote:
World currencies don't shift that much


age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
vio wrote:
keeperofstars wrote:
World currencies don't shift that much


Now compare it to bitcoin.

You proved his point.
Sickness wrote:
vio wrote:
keeperofstars wrote:
World currencies don't shift that much


Now compare it to bitcoin.
You proved his point.

USD to NZD translation: over a ten year period, lowest value 1 NZD buys 0.49 USD, highest value 1 NZD buys 0.88 USD, so the variance is a little over 50 percent of value if we take the absolute minimum and maximum value over that time.

If we look at the same graph from the same source for XBT to USD over ten years we see the lowest value is 1 XBT buys 0.05 USD, and the highest value is 1 XBT buys 19435.92 USD. The total range there is cough just a tiny bit larger than the NZD range cough.

That said, using the minimum and maximum over a ten year period, comparing them, and using that to make any assertion about volatility is ... not good stats. Much better would be to look at the rate of change in valuation over that time.

Thankfully Wolfram Alpha has some conveniences for us: XBT NZD

They politely tell us an actual measure of annualized volatility, 98 percent for XBT, 12 percent for NZD, which is a much more accurate way to think about the overall currency risk. Of course, to get the annualized rate rather than the daily rate you need to be doing significant amounts of XBT trade every day. If you have a low volume of transactions, this is a much better way to see the effect:

I suggest you click on any of the 30 or 60 day volatility measures other than XBT on that, and compare what, eg, USD/EUR, or whatever, on that graph. That ... other than a few tiny blips in the grand scheme of things, nothing other than a currency in crisis comes even close to the level of day to day volatility of XBT, and when they do it is vastly less far, and recovers to normality fairly quickly.

So ... please. Believe what you want about the long term success of XBT, but don't try and make farcical arguments about comparative volatility to try and support those beliefs.
I have some mark1030coins for sale if anybody wants them.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class
mark1030 wrote:
I have some mark1030coins for sale if anybody wants them.

Hell yeah, I'd like some mark1030coins!
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
I am creating a new coin called "Just Pure Faith" and let me tell you, it will be the best coin ever.
I hope GGG will start accepting them.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.

i havent checked since posting.
wow, cant believe some of the comments and the apprehension towards cryptocurrencies.

you guys in doubt should read up on it, it may change your mind.
anyone comparing it to monopoly money, i have no idea what to say.
"The problem with scrubcore is that it is full of of scrubs"
- King Edward the Longshanks
I'm not saying it's monopoly money, i'm saying it's a stock, bottom line cyptocurrencies function more like a stock. then actual money does.

a bad news post and the dollar doesn't lose $4000 worth of it's value, cause hell it's only worth 1 dollar to begin with. if the world markets collapsed you were out a dollar.

1 bit coin, can go up or down a $1,000 in an hour, just like stocks do. They are traded like stocks, they are managed in a very similar way to stocks, (not legally just transitionally).

The price to process can be expensive at times. It's a huge gamble unless you are dealing in huge volumes, where that gamble can pay off. When you are trying ot deal with 30 bucks here and there, the overhead costs add up way to much.

30 bucks cost the devs like 1 dollar to process

taking a bit coin by the time the blockchain transact fully finishes, could have them losing hundreds of dollars or gaining hundreds of dollars. all depends on who pissed in who's cereal that day.

Wake up one morning and someone decides to split the bit coin pool and instantly everything is in half, as the legacy coins take one value and the new chain of coins start at a different one.

It's very much like asking GGG to take stock options for MTX.
vio wrote:
Zee wrote:
WTH is with all the crypto hate here?

crypto currencies are a bubble and a scam.
massively wasting energy as a means to secure transactions was a stupid idea to begin with.

bitcoin is a fashion hype, nothing more.

This is uninformed and unfounded ignorance tbh. Crypto-currency certainly isn't a scam, it works exactly the same as every other kind of currency except you can't be scammed. That's the ENTIRE idea of bitcoin/crypto-currency in general. It's a closed, unmanipulable system that cannot be changed, modified or tampered with in any way other than generating or contributing to the stability of this closed system.

Just because something isn't backed by government, doesn't make it monopoly money, in fact it's quite the opposite of that or otherwise governments wouldn't be making such a gigantic effort to stop all of it before it lift's off, which it already has done globally. Crypto currency is the future, no argument in it.

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