Stuck on a loading screen

Im stuck on Shore Encampment loading screen on Europe gateway.I can play on America,but i have lags.Europe is unplayable for me.Ive got also many stucks at ACT 2.
Stucks on loading screen only if i in party with my friend. If i alone - all ok, no stucks... But if my friend connect to me - next location we visit - stucks for me, but for him all ok..
upd. its only on Europe gateway, in America all ok, but ping is too high..
upd 2. its on all gateways, random...
Last edited by dennie#4014 on Sep 1, 2012, 3:22:48 PM
was in a party of 6 just now about to do a map and of course i get the loading screen - program is not responding bug and lose the party and the map, awesome, looks like this problem is far from being fixed
Last edited by Thugnificent#3196 on Sep 5, 2012, 2:23:09 AM
two days cant even go to forest encampment, first loading location after choosing charater on Europe gateway...must play on America with ping above 800 ms... GGG, do something, plz! :)
Last edited by dennie#4014 on Sep 5, 2012, 8:17:26 AM
But..i can login and play another character on my account..What's going on?
I just experienced this problem for the first time today. for a few hours today I could only get to the loading screen for the level, then it just hung there.

finally the game is working again. the only thing I changed was going from full screen to windowed, this got the game to fully load, then I just switched back to full screen and played for a while :)

does this work for anyone else?! just a random chance?!
shaner81 wrote:
I just experienced this problem for the first time today. for a few hours today I could only get to the loading screen for the level, then it just hung there.

finally the game is working again. the only thing I changed was going from full screen to windowed, this got the game to fully load, then I just switched back to full screen and played for a while :)

does this work for anyone else?! just a random chance?!

maybe it works..i'll try it today.
Tried, it works, 2 hours of zoning seems to be ok. But its not solution...
Last edited by dennie#4014 on Sep 7, 2012, 2:59:49 AM
Great, if I'm lucky, I can play 2 instances, then the loading bug appears. How am I supposed to test the beta, if I can't even enter the Shore Encampment? Please hurry up with this game-killing bug or what ever this is...
shaner81 wrote:
I just experienced this problem for the first time today. for a few hours today I could only get to the loading screen for the level, then it just hung there.

finally the game is working again. the only thing I changed was going from full screen to windowed, this got the game to fully load, then I just switched back to full screen and played for a while :)

does this work for anyone else?! just a random chance?!

its helped for some time, but now i again cant enter even Shore Encampment...tried in windowed, fullscreen and windowed fullscreen options..
Could this be a problem exclusive to Windows XP? I have it using XP, my friend doesn't using Win 7. We're using the same connection.
Last edited by Soranor#6834 on Sep 9, 2012, 10:58:28 AM

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