Donald Trump and US politics

Kellog wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Kellog wrote:

Rubbish. The condemnation came from all sides. Even his own party. This tweet is just trying to appease his base.

He doesn't have a party. The RINOs hate him.

Really doesn't matter how you try and spin things, one could almost say it's fake news.

Kind of like that whole Russian thing? When the current furor dies down, the media will trot the Russians story back out for a week or two while they work on the next one.

It's all about controlling the narrative. If the MSM cared so much about deaths, they would make a much bigger deal out of what is happening in Chicago. If they cared so much about racist crowd violence killing someone as they pretend to, they would have covered this story as much as they did the current car attack:

I'm not sure which side defaced the Abraham Lincoln memorial today/last night, but people on both sides are obviously running on 99% emotion and 1% logic.

I think this sums it up pretty well:

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Xavderion wrote:
soneka101 wrote:

You can blame him, it's still cowardice tho. Killing someone isn't that hard, and doing stupid shit like that makes it even easier. Whoever started that is indeed an asshole, but the guys that ganged up with sticks at someone down on the floor have no excuse.

"Play stupid games win stupid prizes"? That could very well apply to any legal repercussion that might come out of this.

Of course it's cowardice. But framing it as "poor black kid gets beaten up because of his skin color" is reaching. He marched side by side with violent people near other violent people. He should've known that getting beaten up was fairly probable in this scenario.

I would agree that it is likely he wasn't beaten solely because of his skin color. Audio of the incident should show whether race was actually a factor, or if they were just attacking people they thought were part of the opposition.

He probably should have been (and likely was) aware that the breakout of violence was likely in such a crowd, especially with taunting. That doesn't make it right, or acceptable - anymore than antifa hitting a Trump supporter who is taunting them, or Antifa hitting someone for saying directly racists things.

It is messed up on both sides. Trump's assessment is correct.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
The_Reporter wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
soneka101 wrote:

You can blame him, it's still cowardice tho. Killing someone isn't that hard, and doing stupid shit like that makes it even easier. Whoever started that is indeed an asshole, but the guys that ganged up with sticks at someone down on the floor have no excuse.

"Play stupid games win stupid prizes"? That could very well apply to any legal repercussion that might come out of this.

Of course it's cowardice. But framing it as "poor black kid gets beaten up because of his skin color" is reaching. He marched side by side with violent people near other violent people. He should've known that getting beaten up was fairly probable in this scenario.

That's the same as stating a woman should expect and accept that she will get raped when going out for a walk in short shorts and a low top.

Should the perpetrator be required to have been raised in a culture where rape was wrong, or should such a rapist with a "sexual emergency" be given a light sentence? I agree with what you are saying, but considering what courts are allowing and recent cases where they have essentially said the victim provoked the rape, we need to take a step back as a society and reconfirm that our foremost priority should be people's safety, NOT their sensibilities.

Otherwise, in a few years your hypothetical woman with a low top and shorts will get the prison sentence for provoking the rape.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
DalaiLama wrote:
Kellog wrote:

Rubbish. The condemnation came from all sides. Even his own party. This tweet is just trying to appease his base.

He doesn't have a party. The RINOs hate him.

Really doesn't matter how you try and spin things, one could almost say it's fake news.

Kind of like that whole Russian thing? When the current furor dies down, the media will trot the Russians story back out for a week or two while they work on the next one.

You mean the "whole Russian thing" that won't go away. I wonder why:

Who's involved

Or perhaps the slew of new emails that show half of his advisors lied, again.

Keep denying all you like.
Last edited by Kellog#5737 on Aug 15, 2017, 11:00:25 PM

It's time to admit that Trump doesn't have the capability to serve the American people and the people of the world.
Xavderion wrote:
Nothing would've happened if that other guy hadn't started a fight. So no, these nazis weren't just hunting and beating black people for fun. Were they waiting for a better reason to do it? Probably.

You don't know that. You can speak for yourself, you can't speak for others.

The thing is, you don't know those guys intentions, you don't know what would have happened if the guy didn't start the fight, but you come here and pretend you know what those guys were thinking, you pretend you know what would have happened if things were different, and you are doing that for what? To make the Nazis look good? Or to put the fault on the guy who got beaten bloody?

What we know for sure so far is that they ganged up on him and beat him while he was on the ground. With the video that you posted here we also can see that he wasn't the one that started the fight, but his friend.

You can think that the reason that he was targeted is unrelated to his race, your choice. What you can't do is to pretend it's the only possibility. You simply can't prove that, there's no way to prove.
DalaiLama wrote:

Otherwise, in a few years your hypothetical woman with a low top and shorts will get the prison sentence for provoking the rape.

Sadly, this is already happening in some cultures.
What the fuck man... I don't even know how we are having this conversation, it's simply un-fucking-believable.

Nazis, internet trolls and Klansman, beat a black dude bloody on a fucking Nazi rally, and dude is saying that race surely isn't a factor.

That's like a detective going to the crime scene to find a cleaver stuck on a body's head and then saying: "Well I guess it wasn't a butcher that did it"
SnowCrash wrote:
The_Reporter wrote:
@ Smiley: Your man Trump is victimizing white supremacists. The guy is a failure and a halfwit loser.

Hes just sticking up for his base. It's the same reason he pretended to not know who David Duke was. Racists and Religious fanatics have always been a big part of the conservative base.

Since nobody say it yet, I will. Democrats exploit black people, republicans exploit white people.
pneuma wrote:
I would, however, love to see the police do their fucking job and arrest people committing assault. They arrested a few and they importantly arrested the murderer, but it seems like their presence was extremely light and/or they were told to stand down.

Where were they during all of this or any of the other protests that antifa have egged?

Claire G. Gastanaga, the Executive Director of the ACLU of Virginia stated:

“It is the responsibility of law enforcement to ensure safety of both protesters and counter-protesters. The policing on Saturday was not effective in preventing violence. I was there and brought concerns directly to the secretary of public safety and the head of the Virginia State Police about the way that the barricades in the park limiting access by the arriving demonstrators and the lack of any physical separation of the protesters and counter-protesters on the street were contributing to the potential of violence. They did not respond. In fact, law enforcement was standing passively by, seeming to be waiting for violence to take place, so that they would have grounds to declare an emergency, declare an ‘unlawful assembly’ and clear the area.”

Another witness reported:

"Then the tear gas and pepper spray started. Antifa groups had some, the white supremacists had more, and so the streets surrounding Emancipation Park slowly emptied as more and more people came into contact with the gas and spray. Volunteer medics down the block poured milk into dozens of protesters’ eyes. This continued for two hours—a few people were punched, a few others were badly beaten, and the cops stood by, down the block, for all of it."

What did the Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe have to say about it:

"Our police did a magnificent job."

For those who may have forgotten:

"Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system, according to a report.

The political action committee of McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist, gave $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of the wife of Andrew McCabe"

"A top FBI official who came under scrutiny last year over his wife’s campaign contributions from a Hillary Clinton ally did not list those 2015 donations or his wife’s salary in financial disclosure forms, according to records reviewed by Fox News.

The records, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, show FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe left the box blank for wife Dr. Jill McCabe's salary, as a doctor with Commonwealth Emergency Physicians. And there is no documentation of the hundreds of thousands of campaign funds she received in her unsuccessful 2015 Virginia state Senate race."

I agree that Andrew McCabe should be fired and investigated, and almost certainly prosecuted if the appearances of impropriety are accurate.

Something is rotten in Virginia.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story

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