Donald Trump and US politics
" Seattle had a somewhat similar rally on the same day. Three arrests (all Antifa), no major violence broke out. The arrests were all for people assaulting the police (firecrackers, balloons filled with "unknown fluids"). No arrests were made for shooting Silly String at police. The Seattle police kept the rally people and the protestors apart from each other. One group had a permit for their event, and they were allowed to use that space. The Charlottesville group also had a permit, but then were pushed out of that area by the police, and into the area occupied by protestors. THAT is the major difference. The ACLU is already suing Charlottesville for their actions. In addition, people are starting to go through event photographs and ask who was doing what, who started what, who was defending themselves etc. For instance, the question was raised on a photo - is the person circled an off-duty police officer just standing by and watching the person on the ground getting beaten? (original Photo showed an actual attack, so I decided to remove the link). Going to edit that part out and repost. Here's the edited version: ![]() "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 15, 2017, 1:50:32 AM
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" ... and Trump just encouraged them. They praised his "reaction". I hope there are still some more or less normal and responsible people within the Republican party.... Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Aug 15, 2017, 1:57:17 AM
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" It really doesn't surprise me, these people have serious mental health issues. If you can stand more than a few seconds, you should take a look at the top posts in /r/The_Donald or /r/Conspiracy (Reddit) right now, Trumpers are well and truly triggered. |
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" Pattern recognition seems like a distraction to you? OK, I'll agree to disagree on this one and let it go. " 'brown people' is not a term Trump has used in criticizing such attacks. " His silence on twitter on Finsbury was both a message on how the left treats similar attacks (but in the opposite direction) and an acknowledgement that nothing he would say would be a harsh enough criticism for the left. Every time the media brought up Trump's hypocrisy, they reminded the public of their own. They STILL don't realize that. If Trump had deleted 33 emails during the campaign, the MSM would gleely report "Trump deleted 33 emails, Trump deleted 33 emails" over and over, and never once understand how they had been played a thousand times over. The attack on Finsbury was terrible and completely unwarranted. The Minnesota mosque bombing could be an act of hate/terrorism. The official response was: "Sebastian Gorka, a deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, said in an appearance on MSNBC Tuesday that the White House would not be commenting on the incident until it has "some kind of finalized investigation.” Why would they wait for this, when they have been so quick to criticize other acts of terrorism? Maybe it was the church that was burned with Trump's name and a swastika that turned out to be a member of the same church? Maybe it was the Houston Mosque attack, in which it turns out that one of the mosque's own members is being charged? "Gary Nathaniel Moore has been charged with arson in a place of worship, a first degree felony." Maybe it is any of the other 90+ hate crimes supposedly by "right wingers" proven to be hoaxes in the past year? "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 15, 2017, 2:22:47 AM
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" Stormfront? Yeah, they and other similar groups are, and many of them are on federal watch lists for very good reasons. " When I saw the picture you had posted, I had thoughts of disgust, dismay and alarm. I didn't question its authenticity. It turns out to be FAKE NEWS. How so? Take a look at the second image you posted: ![]() How did this happen NEXT to the police station? (with the unstated assumption that the police LET this happen. Here's how that happened, the police were ALREADY THERE - as you can see in the very same photo: ![]() You can clearly see the police presence, and what actually happened on the video. There's a video of what actually happened - the lead up from several minutes before anything happened and all. It shows a leftist wearing a pink shirt swinging a stick at the "right winger" and a right winger responding with pepper spray, and then the person wearing the pink shirt running backwards, and "the kid" who was being beaten either falls while trying to backpedal, or is knocked over backwards by the guy with the pink shirt. The video does not show "the kid" being attacked with sticks, but it does show a leftist (wearing a teal/turquoise colored shirt) knocking a "right winger" out with a bat to the face. In response the "right wingers" attacked the person (wearing the teal shirt) who swung the bat - not "the kid" shown in the "victim" photo. Rather than link the video, you should be able to find it easily enough - search on Google using for "Charlottesville victim of racist beating wasn't victim at all" "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 15, 2017, 3:06:19 AM
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" Some odd stuff there. I didn't dig in too deep, but what's the missing sunroof on the car conspiracy thing about? Did the Charlottesville attacker lose his sunroof during the impact? On a different note, I don't recommend anyone looking at any of the Stormfront type sites, unless you just really need to make yourself puke. Years and years ago, I looked at one (not sure which it was) and they were celebrating babies drowning, celebrating families shooting each other and other stuff that left me with bad dreams for several nights. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 15, 2017, 3:15:26 AM
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" He looks like a victim to me: 3 or 4 guys beat him with sticks while he was in the ground. That's not self defense. PS: That's not an actual officer, is a militia dude. I bet you can buy everything he has there on the internet. -------------- The thing about searching things on google is that you will mostly get what you type. If you type "proofs that aliens exist" you will find that. It doesn't necessary means aliens do exist tho. -------------- BTW you previously posted a video where "it shows" that James Alex might have accelerated only after his car was hit by a baseball bat. When I saw that video the first thing I did was to go on youtube to verify if it was true, and I saw the same recording on Fox News youtube channel and there was no change on the speed of the car when it's hit by the baseball bat. That makes me believe that the video you posted here was edited. I kinda been waiting for you to come here to warn people that the video you posted is most likely fake, but it's kinda disappointing that you didn't. I might start taking things you post here with a grain of salt from now on. Last edited by soneka101#4659 on Aug 15, 2017, 3:44:16 AM
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" Exactly. |
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" Doesn't matter whether it is white supremacists or antifa. The police should tell everyone to go home and stop causing troubles. If not, send in the military and start arresting everyone. Give democracy the middle finger. |
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