Donald Trump and US politics

Donnerdrummel wrote:
But lets be fair, you did not make that point when you referred to your relative.
I'm not Smiley.
Donnerdrummel wrote:
Also, look at that flagpole-video. The sound and the car visibly accelerating follow very shortly. I'm not even sure it's possible to react that fast. On the other hand, it's not impossible that he drove there to honk loudly and simply annoy the protesters, then got nervous and frightened, then reacted to the sound of the hit and panicked. We'll see.
Frankly, I think the stick hit might be a reaction to the driver, not the other way around.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Aug 14, 2017, 4:18:17 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
I'm not Smiley.

But you're to the right of Stalin, so you might as well be!

Donnerdrummel wrote:

What I find to be so strange is that the freedom of speech, that you value so highly, seems to trump almost everything. Some of your (radio) talk shows are so ravingly lunatic, so absurd, so far from good and evil, it's simply astonishing that you allow it. I can not quote a single one, but sometimes, strange soundbites make it over the atlantic, leaving me with the impression that your law does not care about this free speech incites violence and hatred. I believe that openly hate-inspiring speech should at least be fined.

You see comrade, freedom of speech in the USA doesn't mean you have the right to not be offended. The argument that someone is inciting violence just because they might say they don't like some other group of people is completely and utterly erroneous.

The ones offended are calling it violence because they themselves are offended to the point of engaging in violence. The feelings of snowflakes don't outweigh freedom of speech in the USA. The 1st amendment is more important than people's feelings getting hurt. People in the USA decided that we don't want to be like Europe, and I believe the feeling is mutual.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Aug 14, 2017, 5:10:44 PM
After the latest teleprompter speech by Donnyboy I wonder how much longer neofascists like Bannon and Gorka will remain in the white house...

MrSmiley21 wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
I'm not Smiley.
But you're to the right of Stalin, so you might as well be!
I'd rather not be alt-right, thank you. Some things aren't worth grabbing even if they're offered for free. Although you're correct about it being on sale.
Schmodderhengst wrote:
After the latest teleprompter speech by Donnyboy I wonder how much longer neofascists like Bannon and Gorka will remain in the white house...
Not actually neofascists. Merely right of Stalin.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Aug 14, 2017, 10:12:32 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Schmodderhengst wrote:
After the latest teleprompter speech by Donnyboy I wonder how much longer neofascists like Bannon and Gorka will remain in the white house...
Not actually neofascists. Merely right of Stalin.

Same thing all the white supremacists are claiming now. This must be the new right wing talking point. I guess the right winger that tried to blow up OKC bank was another moderate.

Those guys are the scum of this world.
Kellog wrote:
Please don't resort to calling out previous Presidents.

Knowing history isn't a "resort to". Not knowing history IS "doomed to"

Kellog wrote:
Whatever Obama did or didn't do, is in no way related to how the current incumbent behaves.

People are frequently judged by their predecessors in office, whether it is the new manager of a small company, a new CEO or a new POTUS. Then there is the concept of being "presidential" - which can only be determined by how previous presidents behave. The US was fortunate in that its very first president, Washington set a very high bar. Had he wanted, he could have kept that position for life, but voluntarily stepped down after two terms.

Obama was judged by his predecessors, whether it was Bush, Reagan, Carter, Clinton etc.

Kellog wrote:
Moreover, compare Trumps statements regarding Charlottesville with those he made about similar attracts in Europe.

Will Charlottesville still be in a state of emergency a year and a half later after this, like France has been since Nov 2015? Have their been several repeated vehicle attacks by white supremacists? Did the KKK kill 85 people with a truck last year?

Pattern recognition is something humans have, and something they try to ingrain AIs with for a reason. Using good judgment with that recognition is also important. If over 9,000 people were killed by supremacists this year, the pattern would certainly be clear.

I certainly hope the supremacists don't adopt this tactic and if there are more, of course they will be viewed similarly to the attacks in Europe, and the US, and Africa, and Asia.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Donnerdrummel wrote:
Would you prefer a world in which racist are openly racists and criticism on that is suppressed? Because I don't think you can have it both ways.

Laws can allow people to be openly racist - in non threatening manners, while not suppressing criticism. It is the open public criticism and ridicule that makes it clear to everyone (speaker included)that the racism is wrong, and the rationale for why it is wrong can be brought up to reinforce it. Examples of how the racism is unfounded can be brought up. If the person espousing racist views is honest, they will start to see that for themselves.

It is currently considered one of the best ways for fighting racism - getting people to see others in their daily lives, experiencing some of their culture and allowing them to form their own judgement. Seeing someone from THAT group (whichever group it may be) and realizing they face the same struggles as YOUR group (whichever group it may be) as well as celebrating many of the same things is life changing for many people with bigoted views. Some of the viewpoint arises from fear or ignorance, and that part can be changed by sharing the truth, or better yet, having the bigoted person experience the truth.

Here's a bad analogy for you - imagine a parent trying to get a child to try a new vegetable (Broccoli) -

Parent: "Here, eat this!"
Child: "Why, I don't like it!"
Parent: "I don't care, we've taken away what you do like, and we'll punish you if you don't eat the new one."

Then the parent wonders why, as an adult, the child doesn't enjoy broccoli as much as the parent does.

Humans aren't simple machines, and our thoughts are governed by three brain systems. Pretending two of them don't exist, doesn't work anymore than pretending gravity doesn't exist allows someone to fly.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
DalaiLama wrote:
Kellog wrote:
Please don't resort to calling out previous Presidents.

Knowing history isn't a "resort to". Not knowing history IS "doomed to"

Kellog wrote:
Whatever Obama did or didn't do, is in no way related to how the current incumbent behaves.

People are frequently judged by their predecessors in office, whether it is the new manager of a small company, a new CEO or a new POTUS. Then there is the concept of being "presidential" - which can only be determined by how previous presidents behave. The US was fortunate in that its very first president, Washington set a very high bar. Had he wanted, he could have kept that position for life, but voluntarily stepped down after two terms.

Obama was judged by his predecessors, whether it was Bush, Reagan, Carter, Clinton etc.

Constantly raising the past deeds of various officials, is a typical diversionary tactic used by Trumpers. That's the only thing I see you doing here.

Kellog wrote:
Moreover, compare Trumps statements regarding Charlottesville with those he made about similar attracts in Europe.

Will Charlottesville still be in a state of emergency a year and a half later after this, like France has been since Nov 2015?

I have no way of knowing, neither do you.

Have their been several repeated vehicle attacks by white supremacists? Did the KKK kill 85 people with a truck last year?

Perhaps this just the first.

Pattern recognition is something humans have, and something they try to ingrain AIs with for a reason. Using good judgment with that recognition is also important. If over 9,000 people were killed by supremacists this year, the pattern would certainly be clear.

Really not sure what you're trying to convey with this. Seems to me like more distraction.

I certainly hope the supremacists don't adopt this tactic and if there are more, of course they will be viewed similarly to the attacks in Europe, and the US, and Africa, and Asia.

We can, at least, agree on that.

Regardless. of the above distraction, Trump has been extremely quick to condemn attacks perpetrated by 'brown' people wherever they may have taken place. This time, it took almost three days for him to actually point the finger and that was only after severe criticism from all sides.

While we're at this, I should also remind you of the 'silence' from Trump regarding the Finsbury Park attack and the Minnesota mosque bombing. Why, because those attacks, just like the Charlottesville murder, don't fit with his racist narrative.

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