Donald Trump and US politics

morbo wrote:
Schmodderhengst wrote:
If you notice you want to change your gender being like 11 to 14 years old ?


11-14 yo are little kids, who are not yet developed, not mentally not physically and should not have a say in anything, let alone in life impacting decisions like "sex change". Liberals should stop projecting their insanity onto kids.
There are children with measurable chemical imbalances that contribute to gender dysphoria, with onset as early as the beginning of puberty.

There are also parents with Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MDbP) who will thrust the media illness du jour upon their innocent children. Probably more than children with authentic gender dysphoria, based off relative rarity of the disorders involved. MDbP is much older than transgender acceptance, however, and I think it is perhaps unfair to blame the transgender movement for drawing the attention of such psychotic parents to gender dysphoria, as they likely would have found some other bullshit to diagnose their victims with otherwise.

It's the duty of the medical profession to separate these cases, and it's usually unfair for us to assume a specific case is legitimate or not.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jul 29, 2017, 1:23:04 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
There are children with measurable chemical imbalances that contribute to gender dysphoria, with onset as early as the beginning of puberty.

Aren't these imbalances part of the process of puberty? Can you really say for sure that some 11 yo kid should "transition" into the other gender, even before the process of puberty is completed? I'm no expert, but have heard that in many cases "dysphoria" dissapears after puberty is completed. Interfering with the process is what can actually mess up the kid.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
morbo wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
There are children with measurable chemical imbalances that contribute to gender dysphoria, with onset as early as the beginning of puberty.
Aren't these imbalances part of the process of puberty? Can you really say for sure that some 11 yo kid should "transition" into the other gender, even before the process of puberty is completed? I'm no expert, but have heard that in many cases "dysphoria" dissapears after puberty is completed. Interfering with the process is what can actually mess up the kid.
Sometimes things do seem to be heading in an aberrant direction, then course-corect themselves. Other times they don't. The earlier it is, the stronger I'd say the signal needs to be. Again, case by case basis.

I don't know if this is just a lefty thing, but the danger here is a normalization of victimhood — in this case, gender dysphoria (as opposed to non-dysphoric transition). No, it's neither normal or something to be proud of that you're a victim of a rare hormonal disorder; what it is is a tragedy. No parent, anywhere, should be unironically beaming with happiness at their child's illness. Making light of it while being proud of their tenacity in the face of their struggle against it, well, that's different.

Nondysphoric transition should always be the choice of the individual involved, and as an adult. A parent who makes that choice for their child is like a parent who pimps their own kids.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jul 29, 2017, 2:02:36 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
morbo wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
There are children with measurable chemical imbalances that contribute to gender dysphoria, with onset as early as the beginning of puberty.
Aren't these imbalances part of the process of puberty? Can you really say for sure that some 11 yo kid should "transition" into the other gender, even before the process of puberty is completed? I'm no expert, but have heard that in many cases "dysphoria" dissapears after puberty is completed. Interfering with the process is what can actually mess up the kid.
Sometimes things do seem to be heading in an aberrant direction, then course-corect themselves. Other times they don't. The earlier it is, the stronger I'd say the signal needs to be. Again, case by case basis.

I don't know if this is just a lefty thing, but the danger here is a normalization of victimhood — in this case, gender dysphoria (as opposed to non-dysphoric transition). No, it's neither normal or something to be proud of that you're a victim of a rare hormonal disorder; what it is is a tragedy. No parent, anywhere, should be unironically beaming with happiness at their child's illness. Making light of it while being proud of their tenacity in the face of their struggle against it, well, that's different.

Nondysphoric transition should always be the choice of the individual involved, and as an adult. A parent who makes that choice for their child is like a parent who pimps their own kids.

Non dysphoric transition isnt a thing. If youre trans you have gender dysphoria. Facepalming so hard right now. And people shouldnt be proud of themselves? Its just a hormone thing, trans people are awesome people. I would totally date one.
ImmaPokemon wrote:
I would totally date one.

Hi, Dirk.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
morbo wrote:
What if "transgenderism" is in fact the mental issue, which causes the observed high suicide rates, would you be ok if they are barred from the military, as a group, on this basis?

What if? What if the sky was striped yellow and green? Feel free to research on why LGBTQ and other minorities have problems that white heterosexuals don't have. Prepare to get criticized for that by lines of "Don't waste federal money on such research that nobody needs." Afterwards, don't act on your findings, because it might require change. In the mean time, I prefer to act on the assumption that people with equal standing usually behave roughly the same instead of discriminating a part of the population because another part of the population feels uneasy about them, mostly because they don't accept that they are different from themselves.

morbo wrote:
I do not believe, for a second, that the suicide rates are caused by the environment (people not accepting transgenders), because if that was so, we would have to observe the same high suicide rates among other groups that have been "discriminated" in the past, like eg. gays a decade or two ago.

Na, there is probably an unhealthy amount of desperation mixed into it, because of the simple fact that it is probably easier to accept to love someone of the same sex without the added problem of coming to terms with the problem that the body you have does not match the sex you have.

Also, in the eyes of the people, transgender is a while other category than gay. In terms of revulsion, for lack of a better word. And not only is, but was. Think about it this way: You probably have a pretty good idea of what gays and lesbians are and do. In all likelyhood, your grandparents at your age were a lot more prejudiced, but they probably had at least a dim picture. They certainly didn't know a thing about transsexuals, might not even know today. Heck, a lot of people of our age don't have a clue.

So, comparing apples and oranges might be a fun thing to do when you're trying to put an argument, but it doesn't always hold water.

morbo wrote:
11-14 yo are little kids, who are not yet developed, not mentally not physically and should not have a say in anything, let alone in life impacting decisions like "sex change". Liberals should stop projecting their insanity onto kids.

The good news is that "transgenders" can already serve in the military: they enter as their actual sex, don't demand special treatment during the service and perform sex change voodoo after they've completed the service.

No forced identity politics = no discrimination issues.

So, which is it: are transsexuals prone to sudden unmitigated suicidal tendencies, which is purely the result of them being transsexuals, or are there no real transsexuals and those pretending to be transsexuals are, in fact, people that have been indoctrinated by devious liberals at puberty? In that case, why the suicide attempts? And please don't say it's because of the fact that they despair because of the fact that those develish liberals tell them they are of a certain sex that they feel they are not. You would kind of make a point, but it would probably not be the one you wanted to make.
Last edited by Donnerdrummel#4686 on Jul 29, 2017, 4:05:59 PM

This will happen to Trump, whether his handful of supporters likes it or not.
ImmaPokemon wrote:

This will happen to Trump, whether his handful of supporters likes it or not.

The two situations aren't comparable though. Like not at all. Yelling "muh Watergate" all the time won't make it happen.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Schmodderhengst wrote:
Examination is enough, if you trust examinations in general.

If the mind was in a mostly fixed state, like someone's ribcage an examination would do, however an examination here is more like a single frame from a movie. Further, if the condition is such that there are no outward - objective - signs, than there can be no objective examination. If PET scans were further along, their could be some objective basis for it.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
ImmaPokemon wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
I think there are, broadly speaking, two types of transgender people:
1. those suffering under the illness of gender dysphoria, a rare but severe neurological/hormonal condition where one's self-perception of their own gender is in conflict with the reality of their sex, and
2. those who are not suffering in this way, and simply think it would be cool to be the other sex.

The biggest problem with the transgender movement is that those in group #2 attempt to infiltrate group #1. One can tell the left supports this because individuals truly belonging to group #1 can be verified via empirical testing — abnormal brain chemistry leaves physical evidence. Screenings could be conducted to objectively verify known physiological causes of gender dysphoria and prescribe to such people, and only such people, medically necessary treatments. However, the Left resists this, preferring instead that all claims of gender dysphoria go unchallenged, untested, and unchecked.

For those who do not suffer from gender dysphoria yet choose to be transgender, there is no medical urgency and procedures are cosmetic. That said, they should be at full liberty to modify their bodies however they choose, providing they pay for it themselves. Such "trans women" have no more claim to health insurance covering their boob job than a cisgender woman has for her boob job to be so covered... and no less of a right to buy one on the free market.

While I have no objection with non-dysphoric transgendered persons serving in the US military per se, I staunchly oppose any public funding of their hormone or sex reassignment procedures, and frankly I'm against any hormone therapy while on active duty whatsoever (while in reserves may be okay, or maybe not, I don't know). However, as a prerequisite for this acceptance, the afforementioned issues involving screening for dysphoria and differentiating the dysphoric from the non-dysphoric must first be resolved within the healthcare profession; prior to such reform, the impact on military healthcare would be an unacceptable clusterfuck.

At its core, however, being a non-dysphoric trans person is a matter of desire, not physical reality. Merely identifying as wanting to be a sex other than your current sex is but thoughts, and we shouldn't reject soldiers on the basis of "thought crime." Prohibitions should focus on the behaviors of sex change, not on speech. Claiming transgender on Facebook shouldn't get one kicked out of the Army.

For those who suffer from gender dysphoria, I sincerely acknowledge their victimhood, but the US military is not the place for victims. Such people should not be allowed entry into the armed forces.

Point 2 isnt true at all and i stopped reading there. I got trans friends and am active in the community.

Point 2 may be rare, but it occurs. Someone with a broad diversity of transgendered friends - friends who trusted them enough to speak openly, would know this from personal experience. One of the ones I know of is now happily married and other than the loss of muscle mass he experienced for a few years as a woman, doesn't regret that time at all. Another thought it would be cool to be a guy and get all the perqs guys get. She (he at the time) stopped transitioning and said she was disgusted at how guys behaved amongst themselves, and went back to being happily lesbian.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Jul 29, 2017, 5:44:05 PM

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