Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

Not sure how to solve this, but please make sure it won't be possible to just trade on character A, put in stash, switch to character B, pull it out of stash, still "SSF"

Stash access shouldn't be locked, or it should be at least tied to SSF / Opted out. So once one char opts out, you lose access to stash to stay SSF. Or if all chars are SSF, stash stays unlocked. IDK.
xykivo wrote:
Just adding a SSF league isn't enough.
That league needs to have drop rates increased - significantly.

From the fact that characters can be ported to non SSF leagues it seems this won't happen.

For people wanting easy access to items, the regular shopping leagues will be available.

xykivo wrote:

I would also love to see SSF normal and HC leagues.

There will be both HC and standard.
finally =)
Estatica wrote:
HoneyBadGerMan wrote:
SSF is definitely a good addition. I'd like to see SSF characters as an offline version of the game. At some point in the future, GGG will probably stop running the Path of Exile servers. Hopefully that'll be more than a decade away, but who knows? It might be sooner than that. I'd like to know if GGG will, in the event that it stops running the servers, release a stand alone version of the game?

this, man a offline version for the SSF is maybe the best deal. 0 lag or connection problems.

Not gonna happen. Lots of calculations are done server-side. They'd have to rewrite the entire game.
Yaboy125 wrote:
Not sure how to solve this, but please make sure it won't be possible to just trade on character A, put in stash, switch to character B, pull it out of stash, still "SSF"

Stash access shouldn't be locked, or it should be at least tied to SSF / Opted out. So once one char opts out, you lose access to stash to stay SSF. Or if all chars are SSF, stash stays unlocked. IDK.

This is not a problem, stashes will just be separate. It would be possible to bring items from SSF into the other league just like from hardcore to standard but not the other way around.
I would like to see the self found league have increased magic find and not have the option to go back to standard. I also think group play should be OK as long as the drops are for your character only.
What is that as a goal ?
Make your game more SOLO, by removing even the only ting which makes you talk to people... Trading.

This is how u kill your game.

Make it the contrary:

More you are in a group, more you gain xp and loot.
This is absolutely great mechanics !
Last edited by Ghost29#7695 on Jan 25, 2017, 2:11:16 AM
They added an OPTIONAL league / game mode, that should be something we should commend, irrespectivelly to if we are or are not going to participate in SSF.

My feeling is that half of us did not even read the announcement properly.
SSF will be separate league, so no stash worries are in place.
SSF folks did not trade nor party ANYWAY so talking about segregating the population is on weak legs anyway.

GGG added an option and I really thank them for putting in the effort, and I might not even participate, I just like they listen to the players needs from time to time :)
Perimax wrote:

But what I really do not like is this opt-out thingy.

If you want to play SSF league, then play SSF league. If you want to play trading leagues then play trading leagues. What is the point of being able to opt-out any time from SSF to trading? I am also not able to opt-out from hardcore to softcore or vice versa. And it is also senseless, because why then not everybody automatically starts in the SSF league untill he/she opens a trade window or joins a party and then automatically gets an opt-out. So this opt-out thing does not make any sense to me


You CAN opt out of hardcore into software... you just die. You can't opt out of software into hardcore, just as you won't be able to go from tradable to SSF.

Why then not start everyone automatically in SSF league until they trade? Well then, why not start everyone in hardcore until they die?

You made the a good connection between hardcore vs softcore, and SSF vs tradeable league... but somehow you drew incorrect conclusions from it.

I didn't include the rest of the wall of text but any issues you might dream up for SSF would also exist for HC v SC, and the current solutions for HC v SC can be implemented for this SSF.
Last edited by wooli#6358 on Jan 25, 2017, 4:08:58 AM

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