So is this Jesus Christ?
" I didn't say he created imperfect humans and angels. The bible tells us that the humans and angels were created perfect. I also didn't say that God can forsee only 98% or so. Christianity believes that before God created earth he was aware of the consequences from the beginning to the very end. " The bible consists of 66 books. The first 5 books, or the Thora as they are called, are written down during the life and death of Mozes. Genesis, the first book from the Thora orriginates from oral tradition and has a scientifically weak basis. From some of the books the orrigin is more or less unknown like the book of Job, Ester and Ruth. Other books like Samuel and Kings are written during the reign of king Hizkia (800bc) and can be seen as religious influenced history books. Other books have known authors. King Solomon was responsible for 'Song of songs'. The Psalms are a mixture of authors where king David was the most notable author. The new testament can be divided into the 4 gospels, the letters from Paul and a few from the other apostles. Those are written between 60 and 90ac. 2 of them are written on witness accounts of the deciples. 2 of them are most likely influenced in the same way. The author is known, but the time, reason and place is unknown. The other books in the New Testament are mostly written by Paul as letters to the early churches and those have been saved by those churches and got embedded into the early compilations of what we now call the bible. Last edited by Kaw#5407 on Dec 23, 2016, 9:33:44 AM
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Things are getting offtopic by now but if you want a scientific reason why I believe in God, ill try to give you an indepth answer as good as I can as a non-scientist.
Newton made a system that explained how objects interacted with each other. It was a nice system with simple rules. Later on when studying the visible universe people discovered that the movement of Mercury around the sun wasn't explainable with the inventions of Newton. People started to make all sorts of complex theories but Einstein wasn't satisfied and came up with a theorem that would change the world and how we look at it. Newtons laws still work, but we now know that there is a deeper understanding of the why and how. I (and a lot of scientists) believe that the current state of science is like in the pre-Einstein days. A lot of questions. A lot of things we cannot explain or explain with overly complex theories. There is a reason why scientists are trying to find that one simple theory for everything. I can go in depth on this but I believe in the direction of cellular automata. But again there needs to be a designer and an orriginal state. That's where God joins the equation. I am fully aware that the reason I am a christian is orriginated in the geographical location of my birth and the enviroment I grew up in. But for now it's the best system I know that involves a religion and my personal quest for the truth and the reason behind it. | |
" Thank you. As I've said I don't want to prevent you from your beliefs. If it has bought good things to your life, I'm happy for you. Cheers. Filthy Casual Scrub.
"Belief is the strongest metal of them all." - Izaro |
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My problem with most religions is that it is derived from humans, not God, and only removes 1 layer of questions while generating much more in depth ones. How can the bible be the word of God if it was written by a man? Surely at the very best it's the word of man inspired by the word of God?
And if man is corruptible and has the potential for evil than how can we trust anything that was written by them, inspired or otherwise? Just for a fairly silly example: How do we know there weren't 9 commandments but because mosses' wife had just cheated on him he threw in the adultery part as revenge, which being human and full of emotions he easily could have done. I also can't help wonder if maybe, deep down somewhere hidden in our primal subconscious, we all really know there is no God and no eternal afterlife. What makes me think this is our natural desire to live as long as possible. If you believe in God and Jesus doesn't that mean you believe you'll be saved and there is something good waiting for you after death? In which case why would any Christian ever go to the doctors or a hospital? Surely they would want to die as soon as possible so they can experience everlasting life and happiness etc? Instead if anything they are doing the extreme opposite and finding ways to prolong their life for as long as possible and meeting their loving father. Isn't that if anything a major insult to God? The other thing I find weird about the bible is there is no modern day equivalent to 'About the Author'. Who is God? How did he come about? Why does he exist? Why did he decide to have children? Why is there only one of him? If the universe or whatever is beyond our concept of it allowed God to exist why didn't it create 2 or 2000? If it could allow 1 to exist why not 2? Instead the bible just sort off starts of half way through the story sort of like a "Oh hey guys, yeah well I exist, long story about that I'll tell you about it later in the prequel once you're dead, anyway so I created some stuff, you as well obviously and now I've glossed over the basic bits here's what happened to some of you and how I dealt with it." It's essentially the part about us and why we're here and what we should do if we want to live forever and stop us going insane from worrying about what happens after we die. It stokes the ego well, tells us we're all loved and special just so long as we keep our arms and legs inside the carriage at all times. It also never explains to me where I was before I was born. Something I always found curious. Did I exist in some form before the sperm hit the egg? If not why would there be any expectation I'd stop existing in the same manner once my body is dead? And if I did exist before I was born then was I in hell, heaven or some other place? What about everyone else that exists before they were born as well? Is there a queue to get into 'Life'? I obviously didn't care before I was born that I existed so going back to that state shouldn't be an issue. It's a bit like going on a game show and not winning. "Oh I had a lovely time, everyone's been so nice and I did win this lovely blender, I'm ready for the heart attack now." Queue the countdown music... Just my ignorant, uniformed, self-serving, questioning point of view. |
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Hmm ok just woke up from a long night of work and I see some thought being put into this thread.
Heres a few thoughts of my own. 1.there is overwhelming evidence Jesus existed. Roman historians not only documented the crucifixtion of Jesus Christ but also the unexplainable eclipse that happened at the moment of Jesus death. It's important that it was documented by Romans because they hated Christians and would never make something up. They were actively killing christians on sight in brutal ways at this time.Nero the roman leader at this times own headstone reads the eradicator of the false religion or something to that effect. 2.the bible never changes and although many hate it , it's never been disproved. On the contrary scientific theories are constantly changing. Since the odds of one single protein molecule being created by chance are in the trillions scientists constantly have to keep moving the age of the earth back by Billions Of Years. These are the same people that can't even get my weather forecast right 8 hrs. In advance. I'll keep my faith in God thank you very much.Ive had a heck of a crazy life but it's never been better than when I put complete faith in God. 3.since GGG has allowed this negative text into the game would they consider an equally positive text? My idea for a card : reward one wisdom scroll 1/5 "Money and alms have I none but such as I have give I thee" |
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Let s remember the first Woman come from a man rib and the first man from dirt. Both had no belly buttons. Their children had incest with each other too it seems. 4000 years ago earth was wiped out and from 1 family we have 6 billions people with different races. Giants existed, demi-god too (some fallen gods made babies with humans creating hybrid super humans) and earth sky was covered by water. A Giant monster was living under water and dragon roamed the earth. Also talking birds and vegetarian T-rex. No no, this is not a greek tale but the bible/tora/coran. Yea if this still make sense to you, you are too far gone. ![]() Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Dec 23, 2016, 11:01:06 AM
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" I was hurt at the weather forecast for 8 hours statement. Do you have the faintest idea what kind of maths and calculations are used for weather predicting? No it is not guts of an animal from which an augur foretells the weather, but chaos dynamics which can go south with weather prediction in one single iteration of a supercomputer in which it is run. " Do not mess with the weather man, those are forces unknown. Spreading salt since 2006 Last edited by Necromael#6926 on Dec 23, 2016, 11:03:03 AM
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Its Jesus Chris thank you very much...Chris bless you all.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer 3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life. |
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" No there is not. If you would make any effort to look WHEN those roman historians start to talk about Jesus you would see the first Roman (flavius josephus born 37 AC) talking about him is born 6 year after him and wrote about him 30 years later. Romans were killing Christian only because they refused to worship the emperor. That is the only reason of their hatred. They hated jews the same way since they also refused to worship the emperor. Having an eclipse is not a proof jesus existed, like there was an eclipse 1 month ago. There is eclipse every 5 years in average. Spiderman must exist because comics are describing NY city? Nope. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Dec 23, 2016, 11:13:40 AM
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" The romans were mass murdering Christians on sight and were doing everything they could to erase the existence of Jesus it's amazing that they documented it at all. The historical documents concerning the eclipse specify that no eclipse could have occurred naturally that day . And that it happened at the very moment of Jesus death . This is from multiple roman and Jewish historical documents. |
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