Summon Specter + GMP = Broken?


Yeah, that's a common issue that I have to deal with too. But due to the fact that I CAN get Green & Red sockets easily make it a perfect "Aura Stick".

*sob* I remember the days of aura witches... then GGG nerfed shit...

The Pope quit, a meteor fell on Russia, an
asteroid came close to the earth, there's snow
in Arizona, star wars and star trek have the
same director! Who the hell is playing jumanji?
It's strong, but there's plenty of builds out there just as strong which don't require 5-15 minutes of searching for spectres every time you play.

Also, there's plenty of situations in which your spectres will be obliterated and you'll have to go through the whole process of getting them again.

And I feel the Undying Incinerators from the Crematorium in Act 3 are the strongest spectres you can have. The grenades they throw are pure death and they are also much easier on the old framerate compared to Flame Sentinels.

I've always enjoyed making spectres out of Val's constructs and using them against him. There's something lovely to be said about using chaos dmg against those who like to wield it against you :)

The Pope quit, a meteor fell on Russia, an
asteroid came close to the earth, there's snow
in Arizona, star wars and star trek have the
same director! Who the hell is playing jumanji?

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