Summon Specter + GMP = Broken?

Faction3 wrote:
imr1212 wrote:
Someone copy and paste this into the definition of butthurt on urban dictionary.

Go for it. I insist.

But I guarantee I'll kill just as fast as someone with the Wand, and have the exact same amount of Minions available, with almost the exact same stats applied to them.

But I'll have more HP, and 17 times the currency leftover.

Butthurt and all!

Last edited by imr1212#6835 on Feb 22, 2013, 3:15:10 PM
imr1212 wrote:
Faction3 wrote:
imr1212 wrote:
Someone copy and paste this into the definition of butthurt on urban dictionary.

Go for it. I insist.

But I guarantee I'll kill just as fast as someone with the Wand, and have the exact same amount of Minions available, with almost the exact same stats applied to them.

But I'll have more HP, and 17 times the currency leftover.

Butthurt and all!

If proving a point makes me a badass...thanks I guess?
LOL I would of never thought of this. I gotta try it just to see for myself :P
Faction3 wrote:
But I'll have more HP, and 17 times the currency leftover.

So g'head on with your Bargain-rockin' self. You're doing nothing faster or better than I am.

And that's not lecturing, champ, that's a goddamn fact.

Gheed is in the other game, not this one silly.
Isn't this, like, the only reason to even take Spectre? I mean, what did you think you were supposed to do with the gem, raise a melee monster?
ign: weaklygdlk
"Charge chicken is dangerous, they are master of killing me." - fasknifer
Last edited by ThirstyGhost#4000 on Feb 22, 2013, 4:36:45 PM
Ahahaha Shermo, I see what you did there.

To Faction. I'm with you 100% bud, from reading through this entire thread, I am definitely on your side. I was on the fence before hand, but here is the way I see it.

The reason I puchased
is because It has the stats I cared about, minions. I could care less about ES, HP, Resists or whatever other bs could be on a shield.

The Decree cost me 2 chaos, whereas the wand was going to cost me 4 exalted. FOR THE SAME STATS. the only difference, one was 1 handed, and would end up taking about over 300 hp ( at the time ) which would have equated into ALOT of my passive hp nodes being useless. So end-game, I would be level 60 instead of 85 due to having to spend 25 points into passives just to get my hp to where it would have been without the wand.

I thought about NAegis, but honestly the only thing that I can think of that would make it worth it, is if I got a 100%+ spell damage shield. Other than that, nope.

The only BIG, and I do mean BIIIG gripe, is that decree is a str/dex sword to rolling blue sockets on it is a beetch, and the item level is so low that trying to get anything more than 4 sockets with 4 links is never gonna happen. This almost makes me want to ditch it for a 6L staff of something. idk yet.

As for trying this out, I did. Here is an 8 minute video showing my current level, passives, stats and gear, and then I do a 5 minute clear of Merciless Ledge at lvl 52. Just in case people reading this want to see this build in action, feel free to post it on the original post.

As a side note, in the video I was using 3 Flame Sentinels ( one died before hand due to mme going afk in a bad spot ), and they had GMP + Fork + IR equipped. After the video, I purchased a 15% lvl 12 Chain to replace Fork, and the results were magnificent. Chain was devastatingly more dps than fork. I'll get some footage of that later tonight.

Feel free to add me as a friend on here, I will be theory crafting everything witch. This is my third witch above 50.
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Avicularia wrote:

The only BIG, and I do mean BIIIG gripe, is that decree is a str/dex sword to rolling blue sockets on it is a beetch, and the item level is so low that trying to get anything more than 4 sockets with 4 links is never gonna happen. This almost makes me want to ditch it for a 6L staff of something. idk yet.

Yeah, that's a common issue that I have to deal with too. But due to the fact that I CAN get Green & Red sockets easily make it a perfect "Aura Stick".

(Empty Green Socket is reserved for Haste once I meet the Dex requirement)
Ultralisk153 wrote:
I ran spec + GMP and some times chain depending on what specs I have. It's broken as hell, some one posted a video of it and GGG hasn't nerfed it yet thankfully. It was one of my super secret tricks.

They better not nerf it, after denouncing it as boring to play, I caved in and I am building a summoner/farmer JUST to exploit this. But yep, totally broken (and boring). I am level 56 on Merciless with my new 'Specter Gunner' and it is so easy compared to all other classes I've built to date that it's a joke.

Wheneever you are going to start a session, you just nip into Lunaris and grab a bunch of the big flags that shoot Fireballs. Then go wherever you like and roflstomp while watching TV = GG.

No need to nerf it though. What's wrong with having a class that is easy mode?
Did you know level 91 is the halfway point to level 100? This means that a softcore character dying ONCE at level 85+ can lose many days of progress.
Last edited by GhostlightX#1022 on Mar 4, 2013, 4:42:45 PM
Ultralisk153 wrote:
but the sword is crap. and getting a 6 socket one is harder then getting 3 in wand 3 in shield and the links needed.


Welp, I'll g'head and keep the sword, and those who think it's crap can spend the 25+ GCP for the Wand while the Sword serves the EXACT SAME PURPOSE, and I'll use only half of that to get my links and sockets required.

And I can guarantee I'll kill just as fast as someone with the Wand, and have the exact same amount of Minions available, with the exact same stats applied to them.

But I'll have 30% more HP.

Very nice :) Faction3 gets their A++ today in necromancy 101, sending Ultralisk153 BACK to the graveyard to study further. The sword is obviously better of the two. Necros:
1) Don't need spell power - we can forgo a shield in lieu of the sword.
2) Use minions

In CB I had 28 minions and was face-rolling all the bosses even on the 4th level of difficulty, which we don't have now. And pwning end game maps with my minions and doing it with 650hps and jacked ES. 2 totems + ele dmg + crit, traps + ele dmg + crit and a shit ton of angry aggressive minions with blood lust in their eyes to kill. Oh and they don't ninja shit as well :D I prefer them any day over other players.
The Pope quit, a meteor fell on Russia, an
asteroid came close to the earth, there's snow
in Arizona, star wars and star trek have the
same director! Who the hell is playing jumanji?
I would also like to point out to the OP of this thread that once upon a time, there was no such thing as stuff or combinations of things in this game as being OP (over powered as to not confuse with original poster lmao!). GGG encouraged making and experimenting with different things to create great builds and to become powerful. That was in the beginning... somehow, from the nerfs that I've noticed (odd since this is an ARPG...) this philosophy dissapated to a great extant. Way back when in CB, if someone were to come on the forums and tell us what you did, we all be like "cool, great, I can't wait to try something like that." Now ppl say, "This combination seems way too powerful to me, did they even intend for GMP to work on summoned monsters?" Pity, this philosophy had such great potential...
The Pope quit, a meteor fell on Russia, an
asteroid came close to the earth, there's snow
in Arizona, star wars and star trek have the
same director! Who the hell is playing jumanji?

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