2.6 CI Ignite Flameblast by Waldgaist - very good starting Build and decent Shaper farmer


I am actually trying out your build and it seems pretty nice so far. :) I have never seriously tried witch before, so it is my first time. I am trying to find better ES gear to make the change into full ES but need a few more items for it. Although, it is still good and pretty easy to play with only some minor exceptions.

I found that playing with Flamebast + Firestorm linked via Cast When Channeling Support is easier for me, because using only Flamebast is, well, too static. I wonder, if I get more cast speed, will it drastically change my experience with Flameblast only?

Anyway, I can see that you are trying blasphemy and I want to ask you how is it working? Is it worth to try out?
Heya Wald!

I have a quick question for you:

For the ascendancy Beacon of Ruin is a no brainer; However, you mention that Mastermind of Discord is OP but seeing as Pendulum of Destruction is sort of lack luster, is Mastermind really that great? Is the 25% more fire penetration that amazing?

I'm asking because Liege of the Primordial looks pretty awesome to run flame AND lightning golems.

So for the Flame Golem:
That's gives 40% inc damage to fire + another 40% (100% to the buff) damage from it's buff.
and the Lightning Golem's attack speed buff is also doubled to 20%

Would this not be better than getting the +25% fire pen?
Or is my math wrong?

You can also then go Paragon of Calamity for some nice defence (and more damage when hit by elementals)

Thanks for your time!

Last edited by Kolder#3361 on Dec 10, 2016, 12:57:31 PM
Kolder wrote:
Heya Wald!

I have a quick question for you:

For the ascendancy Beacon of Ruin is a no brainer; However, you mention that Mastermind of Discord is OP but seeing as Pendulum of Destruction is sort of lack luster, is Mastermind really that great? Is the 25% more fire penetration that amazing?

I'm asking because Liege of the Primordial looks pretty awesome to run flame AND lightning golems.

So for the Flame Golem:
That's gives 40% inc damage to fire + another 40% (100% to the buff) damage from it's buff.
and the Lightning Golem's attack speed buff is also doubled to 20%

Would this not be better than getting the +25% fire pen?
Or is my math wrong?

You can also then go Paragon of Calamity for some nice defence (and more damage when hit by elementals)

Thanks for your time!

Mastermind of Discord will give you more damage. 25%fire pen is a lot especially since we already have a lot of pen. There is no minus resistance cap for monsters. So if we have lets say 130%fire pen and a mob only has 60%res our flameblast damage will count as the mob had -70% fire resistance. Because of this mechanic Mastermind of Discord is way stronger than Liege or Calamity :)

Last edited by waldgaist#2606 on Dec 11, 2016, 1:23:44 AM
ScorpZero wrote:

I am actually trying out your build and it seems pretty nice so far. :) I have never seriously tried witch before, so it is my first time. I am trying to find better ES gear to make the change into full ES but need a few more items for it. Although, it is still good and pretty easy to play with only some minor exceptions.

I found that playing with Flamebast + Firestorm linked via Cast When Channeling Support is easier for me, because using only Flamebast is, well, too static. I wonder, if I get more cast speed, will it drastically change my experience with Flameblast only?

Anyway, I can see that you are trying blasphemy and I want to ask you how is it working? Is it worth to try out?

If you 10stack every mob group flameblast will always feel static. The trick is to dap (2-3stack fb) into a pack of monster and let the ignite and prolif do the work. While the enemys burn to death you can move on to the next group of monster. This is fastest way of playing selfcast flameblast.

I am running a double curse setup which means flammabilty on blasphemy and ele weakness on orb of storms with curse on hit. For Shaper runs i switch to Arctic Armour and drop blasphemy. Both curses will be aplied through orb of storms then. I often ran out of the blasphemy range while dodging everything at the shaper which is why i am using CoH for this fight. For mapping i prefer blasphemy with flammability tho because i won't drop an orb of storms that often at trash packs :)
Last edited by waldgaist#2606 on Dec 11, 2016, 1:31:22 AM
Any of you guys find Tul to be near impossible compared to the other Breachlords? I just cant seem to beat that f'cker with this build :S
waldgaist wrote:

Mastermind of Discord will give you more damage. 25%fire pen is a lot especially since we already have a lot of pen. There is no minus resistance cap for monsters. So if we have lets say 130%fire pen and a mob only has 60%res our flameblast damage will count as the mob had -70% fire resistance. Because of this mechanic Mastermind of Discord is way stronger than Liege or Calamity :)

I just recently read that EE doesn't work like penetration; which means it doesn't go into the negative. Given that most map bosses have only around 30% fire resistance, it is slightly less awesome then full penetration.

Any of you guys find Tul to be near impossible compared to the other Breachlords? I just cant seem to beat that f'cker with this build :S

Yeah, he's easily the most difficult of them. I think he shouldn't pose to much of a problem if you know the mechanics and have 3 freeze immune flasks on you.

So for the Flame Golem:
That's gives 40% inc damage to fire + another 40% (100% to the buff) damage from it's buff.
and the Lightning Golem's attack speed buff is also doubled to 20%

Would this not be better than getting the +25% fire pen?
Or is my math wrong?

Regarding the math: I just did it and I think although it is closer then I thought, 25% res is still quite better.

Let's say we fight a mob with 130% fireres and would deal 100 DMG. I have 41% firepen, so the mob is left with -11% and I deal 111 dmg. With 25% additional pen I deal 135 dmg, which is a 21% increase.

Increased Fire Damage from the fire golem is additive, so we need to consider the rest of our spellpower bonuses. I have 50% inc. aoe dmg, 98% elemental damage, 170% fire damage, 39% spell damage on the tree and 140% elemental damage on my gear, which gives 497% increased damage (roughly). 80% increased fire damage would give me 577% and 'only' a 16% increase. The cast speed is nice, but is also only a 10% increase on top of my already existing 95%.

This is of course just a very rough estimate, but I hope I didn't make a severe mistake in it.
Current league chars: Bladestorm Champion SSF
Last edited by Shaileen#3285 on Dec 11, 2016, 8:07:04 AM
I'm newer to Path of Exile and noticed the final tree of this build includes Ghost Reaver. How does this work with spells? As far as I know life leech is only applied to Physical Attacks right? I don't see how picking this up would work with spells. Can anyone explain this for me?

Edit: Just found his explanation of why he took ghost reaver with that particular flask.
Last edited by realsss#1431 on Dec 11, 2016, 11:50:53 AM
hey guys, can you farm uber izaro with this build ? my first char was a disaster this league i would like to roll a decente build for high end content
axelw wrote:
hey guys, can you farm uber izaro with this build ? my first char was a disaster this league i would like to roll a decente build for high end content

Uber Izaro is very easy with this build :) Even if you want to go for 3 Keys. Argus might be a little pain in the ass tho because he is ignite imune. But you can kill him with your impact damage.
What's a budget Doryany's catalyst alternative if I have 20c on me?

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