Season One, Race Event 1: One Hour Solo

about time to start some HC races, getting bored from default lvling...cheers GGG.
SouthernStar wrote:
Just want to point out that this is Season One. They can make changes to the RP for Season Two, so go make suggestions in the Suggestions forum.

For people who think level 13 is too hard, you have to play differently during a race.

Sprint to Hillock, kill him.
Terraces, kill only when you have to as you run to Mud Flats(get Waypoint)(Level 3)
Kill Hailrake, be sure you hit (Level 4) before attempting the kill unless you're good
Turn in Medicine Chest(Quicksilver Flask)
Grab Rhoa Glyphs, killing as you need to to hit (Level 5)
Run Lower/Upper to get to Ledge(Get Waypoint)
Farm Ledge until 9 or 10
Make your way to Brutus only killing as you must(Quicksilver use)
Brutus dead (Level 11)
Run Ships Graveyard/Coves
First Cavern(Waypoint to Nessa get gem)
Run Caverns(Level 12)
Kill Merveil move to Act 2

If you're not good just go up and Farm til the time runs out. If you're good, you know what to do....

With the speed that new people will run at I would say farming Coves for newer players is your best bet.
Different builds do better than others at Brutus, I generally kill him around level 9, and its perfect if I do because then you can buy a leather belt.
If you're level 5 before Lower/Upper submerged, that's REALLY bad. You're killing way too much stuff honestly.

I'll try and make a race guide at some point, especially for various types of characters, but yeah level 13 is not that hard. I would recommend watching streamers playing.

Some of the top racers right now that stream:
Devmoon ( - seriously, devmoon is a beast, but he plays for progression more than highest level. Always impressive to watch - he's one of the few that can say he's killed turbo vaal in a short race, and I learned a ton from him.
Dime (
Nugiyen ( - Beat me in a 1 hour race for a demigod and killed Piety in the 4 hour so I kinda have to mention it :p
Customs ( - I learned a lot from him, I think he learned some from me as well. He's very strong as a ranger, but so is Pam. Always giving tips and stuff too.

I would like to see Kripp do some races and I know he will, but I want to really see what spec he runs. Been a while. :p

I'll stream as well soon, and I'll try and offer tips and all, I just need to fix up some situations preventing me from streaming.
MyH4o wrote:
Level 13 in 1 hour will prove unreachable for like 75% of the players imo, just sayin.

Actually in one of the first Open Beta races, many people got to at least level 13 in a little less than an hour. Some farmed, but most of the others kept on truckin' along until they got a little into the 2nd act.
Will it be possible to make more than one character and to use stash?
more known as: Elanif
I have to say that I am quite disappointed with no currency rewards. Don't really like the choice to take currency away.

Only thing I like is the removal of trading during solo races. But that's it. =(
triggerhippy wrote:
I have to say that I am quite disappointed with no currency rewards. Don't really like the choice to take currency away.

Only thing I like is the removal of trading during solo races. But that's it. =(

The amount of currency that would flood the markets would be ridiculous if they kept the currency system. It already was bad in CB, but with the amount of people playing now it would be out of control.

The uniques are a cool idea imo
I can't wait for it to start!! I am going to participate in as many races as I can!! Thanks GGG
At first glance I feel like the point awards should be weighted differently for some things, but I'll wait until after I try the first race to see my concerns hold true.

k1llerhitman209 wrote:
all the no lifes going to win lol

How are undead players at an advantage? I'm pretty sure that I - a living and breathing mortal - stand a chance.
OMG 4:00 AM

Im really want to play, but 4:00 AM.... Too early. I will sleep in this time.
Harsh RNG, fair trade is dead, botting everywhere, oneshot mechanic -=RIP=-
Questions: How this will work for players who have already made these respective quests for each day of the event on the respectives difficulties? These events will only work for characters that never made ​​these quests?
Last edited by thenest#6077 on Feb 20, 2013, 9:48:44 PM

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