[old build] Doomfletch's Prism Elementalist (Budget and strong) [Top30 PHC]
Idk but why I've doubt..
You said you died, do you know how much DPS you had ? I would try this build, but with that Bow Idk, sure ele dmg is nice, but not strong enough for good bow ?! Do you agree, when I say, that a rare bow can be better, if they have t3 (or better) mods with adds ele-dmg (prefer fire + cold because tree), or is having ALL ele-dmg needed for your build ? Last edited by most1010#7437 on Jul 9, 2016, 4:57:15 PM
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" People already show the math on early pages of this thread. The bow gives you 110% of your physical damage to EACH element so you get 110% phys added as Fire, another 110% added as Cold, and another 110% added as lightning. So if you stack up PHYSICAL damage on all your slots (rings, amulet, gloves, quiver, etc) then that damage all gets multiplied for each element you have, essentially creating something like a 650-700 effective DPS weapon. |
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This build was really fun up until I hit merci labyrinth. I think I shot him for about 3 minutes straight and he still didn't die. Eventually I slipped up though and failed.
This build has insanely good aoe... but pathetic single target. I literally can't kill that weird slug map boss that does life leech. I just sat there firing and it stayed at full health lol. Edit: Saw someone say use slower projectiles instead of faster attacks in the last page. Tried that and it is waaay better. Thanks. Last edited by Dromidas#2487 on Jul 10, 2016, 2:07:41 AM
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I'm with the guy above... against packs this setup is absolute slaughter.
Against high HP single targets like rares it comes up horribly short, moreso against bosses since none of the elemental debuffs will proc on them. How this handles above tier 4 maps I have yet to figure out - Mind, I'm still in the low 70s so I have a lot more points to allocate. Also: How do you build frenzy charges? I've resorted to a two-slot frenzy shot w/ greater multi just to throw arrows out for charges, but that's hardly efficient. Ice Bite does well, but gimps DPS a lot. If you'd like to see my current setup see my profile: Gaia_Angered " Yeah, thanks for that, I forgot about that ability entirely. I slotted in blast rain as someone else said earlier and... uhhh, wow. Yeah, it doesn't off-screen but holy bloody hanna does it melt stuff fast. I think I'm going to alter my current path to pick up the AOE nodes in the witch area, and change one of my sockets to blue for AoE because... gods, at level 1 Blast Rain slaughters things as fast as my level 18 split arrow. Too bad I bought that helm for the enchant. :D Maybe I can sell it for something with more AoE. [edit] Yes, blast rain does murder things, but I'm thinking that it's not double-dipping the same way as split arrow's pure physical does. It certainly doesn't proc my ele prolif as often it seems. However, combining it with Ice Bite freezes damn near everything it hits, but as I said, DPS suffers. Switching to slower proj from faster attacks DOES proc prolif, and does so quite a bit more than faster attacks did. Also melts rares lickety split, bosses die a *little* faster, but not by a whole lot. Overall, it is a FUN build to play... EZ mode all the way, honestly, except for bosses. Patch Notes 3.15: Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive. Patch Notes 3.19: Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment. Last edited by BlaqWolf#1151 on Jul 10, 2016, 10:15:05 AM
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Well, I ripped this build due to AFKing when I thought I was in town, but it was so much fun I had to go and reroll as it.
Managed to buy everything I needed again on a fairly decent budget (just missing a +SA Projectile Helm atm)
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Hey @Oos , we have Daresso's Defiance armour but why u use Enduring Cry ?
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@Oos What's best, flat ele rolls or %wed on jewellry? I'd think wed beats flat but you have flat on your rings, just because its cheaper?
How's single target vs T10 + with your setup? Also what do you think about Blasphemy temp chains instead of Arctic armour? |
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I don't know, but this build is crazy, even t15 kaom melt away like a ice :D
i am using
with HoI,HoA and HoT on 20% and that is nice dps boost, i little change build and took balistic mastery and 4 proj. dmg nodes and it can kill every thing. Yes sometimes it is harder when you know there will be only one target, so for that i am using burning arrow instead split arrow and with BA it is easy. |
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Where do you get your Chaos resistance? All I saw on your gear was ele resists.
Trust your gut.
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First 90 char for me in a league with this Character..
My setup is different though.. I'm more on the LA Frostwall+Spell Echo for single target.. It melts boss so fast... (Beside Stupid Uber Izaro... Probably the only thing the build is bad is doing the labyrinth) I'm pretty much done with the character but I would like to thanks the creator and everyone in the thread for this This is what I wear now.. Yeah I Use reach or Doomfletch and it depends of how I feel
Tree looks like that.. I switched the long "Elemental Overload Road" for some projectile damage node in the ranger tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAABeBS0FtQguCPQM8g2NES8RgRM1Fr8XpBmOGo0i9CPTI_YmlSpbKwouUzBxMHw2PTfUOkI6sz7PQzFGUkd-Sn1LeEz_TZJOKlBCUUdS7FM1VEdUrlVLVvpaGlsmW69d8mHiYqxjp2VNZ6BqQ2sXa3psCGwLbIx07XXLeu99dX3Sf_uCXoTZh3aK8Iw2jX2Nfo2_j2CTJ52qnsSjiqXLpr6n1LCrtMW1SLvjvOq9Nr3mvqfAVMLswzPEgsSiyL_NmNNv037UB9Qj2sHb59yN3UbdqN-K45_pRupi62PtP-2D7g7vevxM_MX-uv7I?accountName=MunsuLight&characterName=APlatefulofOurDead |
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