Death Penalties
We have to consider one thing:
The number of deaths in a X period of time. For example: 1 hour or 3 This will show how is the person doing; During this period it should be different the penalty or bonus for a person that: * DON'T DIE - The player is playing with good gear and/or careful... with skills. In this case he should receive a bonus or option for 3 bonuses to choose from, and the bonus shouldn't give an immediate buff increase. For example, Potions, scrolls, or x% XP gain. * DIE up to 5 TIMES - The player is having a difficult time. It should be given 3 options for a death penalty. For example x% XP LOSS, the other 2... you guys can suggest. * DIES A LOT -Probably low gear or is playing without strategy or the mobs are just too hard. 3 options again for a death penalty. 1:any item from the bag destroyed + LOSS of X% XP to spawn in town. 2:any equipped item destroyed and spawn on same area with a buff (exchanged with the item that was destroyed). 3: Lose a higher amount of XP % and spawn at the same area with an increased buff(exchange with the higher XP LOST). It's not fair for a person that dies once to receive the same penalty as one that dies 10 times in 1 hour or 3 hours. And why not benefit someone for not dying during x period of time, of course they would have to find out a way to know if the player is fighting or not. .:It's never too late to become what you might have been:. |
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" It IS fair to have the same penalty. You just apply it over and over again if you die a lot. I think this is needlessly complex. Something should be static and simple, and if you're going to penalize them for dying over and over, what does that prove? That they should quit? I think that Guild Wars got away with a stacking debuff penality to increase playtime and make you restart an instance and change tactics after a while, which is fine in that setup, but ARPGs sort of have death being an inconvenience without it being a huge deal. You made a cold witch and you came across a random boss mob with ice immune and you cant whittle him down and keep dying, I don't think you should be extensively penalized for your tenacity. I think re-looting corpse, or killing the mob that killed you to get back EXP or gold or something may be enough. Elaborate systems turn away new people to the genre and make the game more limiting IMO. It is annoying and increases play time, but at the same time it's not unforgiving. Last edited by EternisRequiem#6832 on Oct 13, 2011, 4:32:38 PM
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Yeah, your point is true.
So I guess the same penalty applies. Then we should have some options to choose from like torchlight has. .:It's never too late to become what you might have been:. |
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"This probably wins for the easiest to implement. This is twenty lines of code, max. The other thing I like is it doesn't make you afraid to try new areas. If you kick the game up, go check out a new place and die, you lose nothing. "I like this idea as well. Not the spawning part though. The fee should be based on your level and class. And rather than a single npc, I'd just stick him/her near save points. Things not to do: I absolutely hated corpse runs, and that is the single worst idea Blizzard introduced into MMOs. Last edited by FlashOfBlades#3560 on Oct 14, 2011, 10:53:45 AM
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I think corpse runs are fine to get back gold/exp but to NOT have all your items/inventory in them.
That makes it more of a "Im going to get that a-hole that killed me and get something out of it" |
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Losing some experience is probably the best option. There are different ways you could implement it too. You could have your body or something like that drop where you died and you can regain like 50%(or what have you) of the experience you lost if you get it back, to give players an option to return to the scene of their death and either get revenge or lose more experience. The amount of experience lost could even scale with your level.
I also think it'd be a fun idea for PvP deaths. If you kill someone in PvP, you should gain a % of the experience they lost. It would make things more competitive and give people an incentive to pvp against people closer to their level. |
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I like the pvp incentive idea a lot!
As for "fees" There is no gold, and won't be any gold in the game. You have currency items, and I think it'd be unfair to the economy to forcibly take something like that when you die. So, I'd say "fees" would be out. |
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I liked the high experience cost death penalty although its not as effective at lower level play.
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At low levels, IMO, death should be more forgiving anyway.
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No major death penalty.
Allow players to self-rez on the spot with immunity period - time to get away from spot, heal, then go back in. Either minor (equipped) item decay or small money cost for this (minor item decay is preferred). By "item decay" I mean item loses some durability and requires repair to restore it to full durability. Also allow other players to rez those who have died (right click mechanism) - so you can rez other players on the spot. Automatic skill (all players are "born" into world with it). Small cooldown for this before skill can be re-used. No penalty at all incurred if rezzed by another player. Last edited by kallisti#5149 on Oct 18, 2011, 11:24:49 AM
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