Death Penalties
i would personally expect a rage quit more to the death itself or the fact that one is not good enough to get firther instead of a moral loss (as this was what we where talking about at that time)
Im not in for super harsh death penaltys if it looked like that. Thats why there was a smile behind it :) As for the moral does not have to be an exp boost, it could be anything else. A moral system could reward for staying alive and could be build into a death penalty and other stuff maybe. It could be a small indicator on how well someone is doing if its worked out well. I might see to much potential in it now but in my head it looks and sounds so nice in theory :) |
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I know the feeling. What would be the best reward for moral?
im gonnaa put down some reward ideas here. - Magic find boost: I think this wouldnt have a noticable effect. It would also be too easy to unbalance the loot if the MF boost is too high. - Damage boost: This could become unnoticable at higher levels as the natural damage overwhelms the boost. - Attack speed boost: Players would definitely notice this. It would have to be minor though or else it could unbalance poe. - Run speed boost: some people just wouldnt care. - Potion charge gain speed-boost: People would appreciate getting access to potions quicker. Might have to change the default pot charge gain speed if it becomes too fast. My take on moral: 1 moral bar that increases as you kill any monster. Moral has to seem dynamic. It could start depleating if you dont kill anything after 'x' amount of time. It doesnt reset if you enter another instance. It will start to depleat or continue to depleat regardless of if your playing or not. Im not sure of what the moral reward should be. Im leaning towards either an attackspeed boost or a potion charge speed-boost. The moral reward shouldnt be too great, yet it cant be too little or else its not a reward. | |
moral: of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical.
morale: emotional or mental condition with respect to cheerfulness, confidence, zeal, etc., especially in the face of opposition, hardship. Sorry. It was starting to bother me. Continue discussing. Forum Sheriff
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" Sad to see For those of you who may not have read, in the thread marked "Death Penalties" tpapp157 was being bothered by others mixing up 'moral' and 'morale'. I find this completely immoral (even unethical some might say), and am actually offended by it. |
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Sometimes i read the comments and you guys are insulted so easily that i some times think that you are making fun of my post in the "unethical" Thread.
Calm down tpapp told you meaning of different words it wont make anything worse. Repent! That's what i'm talking about!
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There really is very little little difference between a "survival bonus" and a "death penalty". The main difference is:
* With a death penalty, you start out at maximum effectiveness, and only drop below max if you die. * With a survival bonus, you start out at minimum effectiveness, and slowly gain power the longer you stay alive. Death reverts you all the way back to minimum effectiveness. This goes for XP buffs/penalties, stat buffs, whatever. A survival bonus also penalises players who are struggling. Someone who is having difficulty and dying regularly will never accumulate much of a bonus, always remaining at minimum power. On the other hand someone who is finding the game easy will get bonuses that make the game even easier. A morale system is just a combination of both death penalty and survival bonus. So I can't really see any valid argument to why a survival bonus is better than a death penalty, or why a morale system is better than either or them. An instant XP loss is much easier to balance the game around. Difficulty will always be constant regardless of how often you die. It will never make the game harder for struggling players since you can't drop below your current level. And it won't be a problem for new players since the penalty in the first difficulty is zero. |
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I was wrong about the Xp loss. Now that i think of it again it may be a good way to balance things out. I would go for it.
Repent! That's what i'm talking about!
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I hadn't thought about a survival bonus type arrangement being tough on struggling players. Good pick-up Malice!
I think something similar to Torchlight where you give the player various respawn options, each with their own costs. "So Shines a Good Deed in a Weary World" - Willy Wonker
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I guess when the thread becomes 50 pages long the content of the 50th page will be roughly the same as this.
The cycle of... I dont know what. Whatever. |
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"\ AHAHAHHAAHH "I find this completely immoral (even unethical some might say), and am actually offended by it." *High five* Cheaper than free... Speedtree
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