Swedish players

Since this thread is to look for swedish players the few words of swedish there is, is more or less to verify the claim of being swedish.
To use swedish beyond that would as you say be disrespectful of the other forum users.
Also it would serve no purpose really.
Runeclaw wrote:
Remember that this is an English forum and very few visitors understands Swedish. So please continue the conversations in English in order to show respect to the other users here.

I do not think you would enjoy it so much if this forums was full of posts in Polish, Russian, Spanish, German and so on.

Dalkordigo wrote:
Since this thread is to look for swedish players the few words of swedish there is, is more or less to verify the claim of being swedish.
To use swedish beyond that would as you say be disrespectful of the other forum users.
Also it would serve no purpose really.

There's nothing forcing you to read this thread if you don't want to.
There is nothing wrong with having non-english threads.
If you want to participate in the discussion, try using google translate or babelfish.
If you find other languages offensive, then I suggest you don't read the thread.

Du får gärna fortsätta att prata på svenska!
Last edited by Malice#2426 on Aug 19, 2011, 3:00:51 PM
Malice wrote:
Runeclaw wrote:
Remember that this is an English forum and very few visitors understands Swedish. So please continue the conversations in English in order to show respect to the other users here.

I do not think you would enjoy it so much if this forums was full of posts in Polish, Russian, Spanish, German and so on.

Dalkordigo wrote:
Since this thread is to look for swedish players the few words of swedish there is, is more or less to verify the claim of being swedish.
To use swedish beyond that would as you say be disrespectful of the other forum users.
Also it would serve no purpose really.

There's nothing forcing you to read this thread if you don't want to.
There is nothing wrong with having non-english threads.
If you want to participate in the discussion, try using google translate or babelfish.
If you find other languages offensive, then I suggest you don't read the thread.

Du får gärna fortsätta att prata på svenska!

Im from Sweden to =)

Anyone in beta that is from sweden???
Yupp, I'm Swedish as well, and got into the beta 2 days ago, and loving it so far!

Hoppas ni som inte fått några nycklar än lyckas få några! Lycka till!
"I'm in the beta AND the Diablo III beta? Well how about that. WAIT? I'M IN THE BETAS??? BOYA!"
I'm from Sweden as well. I got into the beta a couple of days ago and I'm really enjoying myself so far.
Det bästa som hänt sen Diablo 2 :)
Last edited by pojoakimpoe#6787 on Aug 19, 2011, 7:13:06 PM
Haft min första sittning med PoE nu. Riktigt riktigt trevlig upplevelse. Men nu faller ögonlocken ner så får ge mig.

Lycka till ni som inte fått komma in än.

Detta driver mig till vansinne.

Damn Swedes stealing my beta keys.
Walking the path since August 20th 2011.
Kul att det finns några svenskar här! Själv väntar man ivrigt på en betanyckel... Vem är det man ska fråga om tillåtelse för att t.ex. streama live eller lägga upp en video på YouTube? Är det Chris som gäller då?, om man nu lyckas komma in i betan överhuvudtaget. :)
Stay a while and listen.
Tror du kan fråga nån av de som har "Grinding Gear Games" märket på sin profil. Men går bra o fråga Chris med.
"I'm in the beta AND the Diablo III beta? Well how about that. WAIT? I'M IN THE BETAS??? BOYA!"

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