[2.4] Crit DW Viper Strike - Deathless Core, Ms of DPS
Hello. Welcome to my guide for Crit Viper Strike Assassin.
---Personal thoughts on the build--- The Bad: Mediocre clear speed, single target+melee splash mechanics aren't quite there The Good: Excellent damage for the budget, boss killer, can do all map mods, uses 5 uniques for very replicable results, surprisingly tanky, cheap. ---Quick info on the state of my current character--- - lvl96 - 11-12ex overall cost (a lot more if counting legacy flasks) - Viper Strike (6L): 210k dps, 91% crit chance (142k dps tooltip - which, however, is meaningless even when comparing with other DW Viper Strike builds. Check the end of the guide for calculation of the actual dps, including the dot part.) - 4.9k life, 26%DR, 30%EV, 46% Dodge, 30% Spell Dodge, 15% Block - Blasphemy Dual Curse (Vulnerability + Enfeeble/Temp Chains), or Hatred+AA ---Videos--- (2.4) Deathless Core Clear - 76% extra life, but the bosses still feel squishier than before. Double Core seems like a possibility now. (2.3) Core Clear - Some hilarious unnecessary deaths, but yeah, pretty easy and could handle some harder map mods. Relies on Vinktar a lot, though. Abyss Clear - Double Boss, Boss life, Reduced Crit Dmg Vaal Temple Clear - Monster dmg, -max, Turbo Plaza Clear - Double Boss, no regen The Worst Double Excavation Boss Ever Ever Gorge Speedrun - 2:08, using Reave+AoE+Poison; with Viper Strike it's about 3 min Village Ruin Clear - Double Boss, no regen Palace Clear - Extra life, -max Pre-Ascendancy: Boss Kill Reel - Many bosses, read video description for details (lvl93, 5L, Vinktar's) Atziri run - bosses only (lvl93, 5L) Malformation Clear - 60% extra life Piety with Endurance Charges (lvl90, 5L) ---Tree--- Current Tree At lvl95. Planned to take Growth and Decay initially for better Blood Rage sustain but it didn't seem to matter that much, so took Aspect of the Panther instead. Now getting Fatal Toxins. Lvl100 Tree Fatal Toxin and an extra jewel slot. ---Gear---
Life is somewhat important. Otherwise damage. Also, consider getting jewels with resists to get yourself over-capped for ele weakness maps. Additionally, try to get jewels with generic or Area damage as they double dip with poison.
More detailed gear discussion
General requirements: Dex: Will always have enough Str: 121 for Death's Hand Int: 155 for Vulnerability --Weapons-- Death's Hand is the best off-hand you can get - generates power charges even against single targets and gives us 30% more damage pretty much permanently. As for Bino's, now after the nerf, it might not be the best option anymore, but it's a very good option nevertheless (and I don't own a GG dagger to replace it). --Chest-- Daresso's gives you a lot of nice shit, mainly endurance charges though. For the lazy people, who can't be bothered to self cast Enduring Cry, it is strictly better than Lightning Coil. Also it is dirt cheap. Alternatively, you could use Cospri's will. With Cospri's on, you could use Atziri's Step for extra evasion and spell dodge. Being able to curse hexproof enemies would be quite useful (although depending on how you roll maps) and the extra evasion and spell dodge would help as well, even though not massively. The disadvantage would be losing endurance charges, which give you both usable IC and 12% DR permanently - greatly helping with the weakness of this build which is one-shots. --Ring-- Ideally with life, resists, flat phys and accuracy. One piece of your jewellery also has to have mana leech on it - and ring is the easier place to get it on. --Gloves-- Facebreakers are the best option. Unless you wanna be crit-capped for some reason. Then you can use Maligaro's. Which are much more expensive and give less damage. If you can, get Facebreakers corrupted with Vulnerability on hit. You can then run an extra aura. --Boots-- Windscream so we can run double curse. If you don't want to ever do hard content and want to run Hatred, then rare evasion, armor or hybrid boots work too. Atziri's Step is an even better option if you don't care about overcapping your resists either. --Helmet and Belt-- Rares with life and resists. Ideally enough resists so that your amulet has suffixes free for Crit Chance and Multi. Strenght on belt helps you fill your stats. Armor isn't bad either. Accuracy on the helmet is good. --Amulet-- Flat phys, Life, Crit chance and Crit multi. Agate base is the best for filling your stat requirements. --Flasks-- Atziri's Promise is a no-brainer. Taste of Hate is quite nice, although a Basalt will serve similarly. Vinktar's is good because of the shock - a legacy version is not necessary, and a non-legacy is possibly not even desired, as the same effect (shock) could be achieved with Vaal Light Trap as well and you would have a space for a Heat flask. Otherwise a Grounding flask has to be run for obvious reasons. If you chose not to run Vinktar's, a Stibnite, Ruby or Topaz can be equipped instead. --Luxury Items-- +1 Curse Amulet ---Gem Setups--- 6L: Viper strike+Melee Splash+Multistrike+MPD+FA+Void Manipulation 4L: Whirling Blades+FA+BM+Fortify 4L: Blasphemy+Vulnerability+Temp Chains+Enfeeble/Hatred/AA 4L: Inc Duration+Vaal Haste+Vaal Grace+Blood Rage 3L: LW+Less Dur; Golem 3L: Cwdt+IC+Inc Dur
More detailed gem discussion
--Viper Strike-- For the sixth link you might go either with AoE and swap ICD for bosses, or get Void Manipulation. Personally, after trying both, I decided on Void Manipulation for several reasons: 1. Size-ably more damage than ICD; 2. No need to swap; 3. Clear speed isn't that worse because Bino's poison prolif gets more powerful. Get quality on your Melee Splash ASAP. --Curses/Auras-- Run Blasphemied Vulnerability + Temporal Chains or Vulnerability + Enfeeble. Might depend on the map, boss and your preference. Lately I have been favoring Enfeeble for T12+ mapping. Run Hatred + Artic Armor for curse immune maps. --Cwdt-- Works. --Movement-- Fairly obvious. You use Whirling Blades as your main movement skill and to apply Fortify, and Lightning Warp to get over obstacles. --Vaal Auras-- Pop before hard encounters. Like viagra. ---Stats---
Viper Strike DPS
![]() 2.3 screens ---Bandits--- Normal: Passive/Oak Cruel: Passive/Kraitlyn Merciless: Kraitlyn Took 2 passives. ---Leveling--- Level as you would any one hand crit melee. Get blasphemied Vulnerability and Enfeeble as early as you can. Viper Strike isn't actually bad for lvling once you get melee splash. One of the easiest builds to get through Act4 with. ---Mapping--- This build can run pretty much any map mod. This is how: Monsters cannot be cursed: Vulnerability+Enfeeble -> Hatred+Arctic Armor Cannot leech: Enfeeble -> Poacher's Mark Phys reflect: Vulnerability+Enfeeble -> Hatred+Arctic Armor; MPD -> Added Fire If you wanna run (and be able to switch between) Vulnerability+Temp Chains and Vulnerability+Enfeeble, your Facebreakers will have to be BBBG. To be able to use Hatred+AA with a 6L, a second pair of BBGG Facebreakers is required. ---Actually Playing--- What you need to remember to be successful with this build: 1. Although the defenses don't look it, this build is fairly tanky. Don't be afraid to get into mobs' faces. Use flasks, though. 2. Generally, you only need to hit bosses until they are about 50%, the poison will take care of the rest. 3. Defeating single targets is what this build excells at. For better mechanics and clear speed, you might want to look at Reave. Which, btw, you can swap in any time - but it's not gonna be perfectly optimized. 4. I will add stuff if anyone cares enough to leave questions :o ---Real DPS--- The fact that we are dual wielding - which infamously generates incorrect tooltips -, use curses which don't show on the tooltip, and most of our damage is Damage Over Time - which doesn't show on the tooltip either -, leads to a very inaccurate portrayal of this build's damage. In the interest of accuracy (and e-peen) I will calculate the correct value.
Da Mathz
(This is without flasks, bleed, or the Assassin bonuses triggered on bleed) 1. Dual Wield Tooltip Base Phys damage: 80-253 (Bino's) + 20-35 (Rings+Amulet) = 100-288 = 194 avg hit Avg Phys Hit damage: 194 x 6.55 (total %inc) x 0.75 (Viper Strike conversion) x 0.7 (Multistrike) x 1.794 (Viper Strike) x 1.49 (MPD) x 1.16 (Frenzy Charges) x 1.2 (DW Bonus) = 2482 avg hit Avg Chaos Hit damage: 194 x 0.6 (Viper Strike conversion+Unholy Might+Force Shaper) x 7.41 (total %inc) x 1.39 (Void Manipulation) x 0.7 (Multistrike) x 1.794 (Viper Strike) x 1.49 (MPD) x 1.16 (Frenzy Charges) x 1.2 (DW Bonus) = 3123 avg hit 2482+3123 = 5605 combined avg hit Attack speed: 1.4 (Bino's base) x 2.89 (total %inc) x 1.1 (DW Bonus) = 4.451 x 1.94 (Multistrike) = 8.63 attacks per second Crit Chance: 91.09% Crit Multi: 519% Average crit affected hit: ((5605 x 8.91) + (5605 x 5.19 x 91.09))/100 = (49941 + 2649803)/100 = 2699745/100 = 26997 average hit Final DPS: 26997 x 8.63 = 232984 dps x 0.9 (accuracy) = 209685 dps 2. Curses Phys - Chaos ratio: 44.2 : 55.8 Pure Phys DPS: 209685 x 0.442 = 92681 dps Vulnerability DPS: 92681 x 1.43 + 117004 = 132533 + 117004 = 249537 dps 3. Damage Over Time Damage over time: 249537 x 0.8 (10% of hit over 8s) x 3.06 (total %inc) x 1.39 (Void Manipulation) x 1.36 (Vulnerability) x 1.16 (charges) = 1383323 x 1.9109 (toxic delivery) = 2643393 dot dps after 8s 4. Total DPS After: 1s: 579961 2s: 910385 3s: 1240809 4s: 1571233 5s: 1901657 6s: 2232081 7s: 2562505 dps 5. Other stuff affecting DPS Accuracy: Is calculated against the average evasion of monsters of our lvl. Since the highest lvl monsters can only be lvl85, our accuracy might be on average higher. It might be lower against bosses, exiles, etc. Crit Chance: Because Crit Chance is checked against Accuracy to confirm the crit, the same thing applies as for Accuracy. Curse effectiveness: Act and Map bosses (as well as Piety, Voll, Kaom and Daresso, but not other bosses or exiles, etc) have a 60% reduced effect of curses on them. Quality Blasphemy gives us 10% increased effect, leading to a 50% curse effectiveness against them. (Works a bit differently now in 2.4, will add details as new info comes out) Flasks: Atziri's Promise and Taste of Hate increase on hit damage, Vinktar's shock increases both (double dips). Chaos resist: Is in the range of 15-22% for the absolute majority of bosses who have it. Phys resist/Armor: Practically non-existent as far as we know apart from the map mod. Last edited by Cabesi#0949 on Sep 7, 2016, 10:51:05 PM Last bumped on Feb 25, 2017, 5:14:08 AM
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Saving for later.
Thanks IGN: Yakovsky/Archby/DreamLotus
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i tend to fk up builds quite often, but this doesent seem so expencive or difficult to build, knowing me i will probably fail or get bored before i get enough stats... wish i knew why i was such a terrible player...
i have the gloves, the offhand, allmost got the body, could get the main hand, had one drop a while ago but sold it, i have more than enough to afford it right now, could probably get a suitable gear and then i just need to fix the tree and leveling, i said this a while ago on another build but ended up bored and quit it... I usually do not read popular posts again after i made a comment on it, unless it's one of my own. I wish to have a Black robed Grim Reaper micro set in game one day, grant my wish, GGG
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" Godspeed! |
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Lvl93 update. Added map mod tips + Atziri run video.
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Lvl94 update. 6L acquired. Added a detailed DPS calculaton + Boss Kill Reel video.
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Ascendancy updated \o/
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2.4 changes: More damage, yay. Otherwise no difference. Oh, our curses might be slightly less/more effective against bosses, depending on what the final less curse effectiveness mod ends up being.
Pre-Nerf Core achieved here. Last edited by Cabesi#0949 on Sep 2, 2016, 11:20:43 AM
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is daresso's defiance the best for this build? interesting build :)
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" It might be depending on what you prefer and what other gear you have. There is a lot of comparable chests, and any of them could be used: - Daresso's Defiance - Kintsugi - Belly of the Beast - Lightning Coil - Cospri's Will I prefer Daresso's, mainly because the endurance charges make for a usable Immortal Call and also help to over-cap resists for Ele Weakness maps. Also half of your damage is chaos, so any extra leech is good too (we already have Atziri's Flask and Vinktar, but they might not be always up) Kintsugi is a bit worse, in my opinion. Good mechanic, but the "on hit" also registers for spells, so with a combination of attacks and phys spells - or just with spells - you can get bursted down and have, in effect, no extra defense. It could be used if you needed the extra resists, though. Belly is an all-round decent choice. On my character, it would result in about 5.5k life, which is an increase of 14% that works against everything, spells, attacks, phys, ele, degens, etc. You do lose some defenses, but I don't think it would be a big deal. Lightning coil is what I already mentioned in the guide. I feel like Daresso's is overall a bit better. Legacy Lightning Coil, however, would probably be the best option, if you could fill the resists. Cospri's allows you to use different boots, basically, as well as run hexproof maps (so it saves currency). For new boots, you could use Atziri's Step (that would cap you on Spell Dodge with Vaal Grace), or just some rare boots with resists and life. Again, resists would be hard to over-cap with Atziri's boots. I would say that Cospri's is not worth the extra cost of obtaining it. It would be an excellent choice if you wanted to map mostly using Reave, though. A rare, evasion chest with life and resists would also be perfectly usable, although it wouldn't really offer any advantages over the unique ones. Mostly you would wanna use it as a way to get a cheap 6L. |
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