[2.4] Crit DW Viper Strike - Deathless Core, Ms of DPS
" Third time as this build a bit more successful, atm 75 lvl on hc essence, 3k hp, but still this build has no space for error ;) and i'm not done uber yet, what is better in ascendancy toxic tree full and half of deadly fusion tree or deadly fusion and half of poison tree? p>S Doesnt matter i'm again died, but this time it was stupdify got arcanist box with swarm of bloodline mobs killed them and box dropped 2 exalted i'm was so confused what forgot to see at hp during they leak out cuz of corrupted blood xD GG this build was fun. Last edited by DarkVaox#5620 on Sep 18, 2016, 1:32:29 PM
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" The dagger might increase your tooltip, but it lowers your damage by a lot compared to Death's Hand. That's because Viper Strike can be used with Daggers/Claws/Swords only, and so when you use DH, its base damage doesn't affect your real damage at all. It's only Bino's base dps that the Viper Strike dmg is based off of. However, the game can't tell if the skill can be used with both weapons or not and it calculates the tooltip as if you could use both. This is what I am talking about in the damage calculation section. Since you wield two daggers, they are both used alternatively, and the real dps is the average between the two. So to get the same dps as with DH, you would need a dagger with about 370 dps. Even then, DH is our way of generating Power Charges - which, as far as I can tell looking at your setup, you currently have no way of generating otherwise. Seeing as we are playing an Assassin and rely on PCs quite heavily for our crit chance, it's pretty important we get them. As for your gem setups: - Reave is faster than Wild Strike if you can keep the Vaal Reave stacks up, but you should play what you like the best. But apart from that, your setup is probably not optimal. MPD only works on the initial Wild Strike hit, but not on the resulting elemental effect - which isn't based on the melee hit. You would be better off using Weapon Elemental Damage together with Physical to Lightning, Multistrike, LMP/GMP or similar. This is not the best character for that, though, as we have no elemental scaling from tree/items and no way of defeating resists (as you would have with Inquisitor, for example). As a side note, your DPS isn't 60% higher than the tooltip. The 60% is converted damage, not added damage. Also this conversion is included in the tooltip, it's just that the tooltip doesn't show the dps of the second part of the attack (the one that actually clears the mobs). So in your case, the second part actually does less damage, because it isn't affected by MPD. - Void Manipulation is straight up better then Rapid Decay. Just with the converted chaos damage from Viper Strike and Atziri Flask, at least 50% of your damage should be chaos, possibly more (and even more if you used DH) and Void Manipulation affects both the initial hit and the poison degen (double dips, as they say). Rapid Decay only affects the degen. Also, you list MDOFL being in your setup, but then you say you use multistrike. Well, I would advise against using MDOFL - it gives less dps than Multistrike, but if you also use Blood Rage (which you should), then you are never on full life (with BR your life stops a few points below max) and MDOFL doesn't do anything. Regarding your gear, your jewellery badly needs life and accuracy. Also I don't see a mana leech roll anywhere, are you getting the leech from jewels? That's fine, just don't spend any tree nodes on it. And, as I mentioned, Death's Hand is the superior option. That's all I can think of right now, cheers! |
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Hey man, Great build Its my first time playing POE and i picked this build. Having a blast so far. Im currently lvl 70 and ive followed your build religiously. I just have one problem. I need resistance LOL
I am having a hard time finding a good ring/amulet that has great resistance and attributes since IC and Blasphemy require some str/int. is there gear that you can recommend so that i wont be one shot by a minion who has cold spells LOL. Something cheap too cause i just blew off alot of currency to get 5L |
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" There is nothing special I could recommend. You will just have to sacrifice some damage/accuracy on rings/amulet, or use rare gloves instead of Facebreakers. Alternatively, you can use life/resists boots instead of Windscream and use just Enfeeble and no second curse, but that would lower your damage even more. |
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Cabesi what do you prefer to take first from ascendancy toxic tree of deadly fusion first for 6 points?
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Hi Cabesi
In regards to using Death's Hand in the off-hand, what if I am using a really high-dps dagger and then Bino's in the off-hand? In high level maps DH does not generate as much power charges, thus resulting in using a Frenzy setup to generate both power and frenzy charges (especially on bosses). But since Bino is 240 Pdps dagger and it would alternate between main-hand (as you have mentioned previously, it would still be a detriment? |
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" Deadly Infusion first, then Noxious Strike, then finally Toxic Delivery when you finish Uber Lab. " I have never had any problems generating charges with DH even in T16s, or maps with extra monster life. The only time this doesn't work is in "Cannot be stunned" maps. Either way, DH still gives you 30% more damage, while a second dagger would lower your damage unless it was above ~370 dps. If your dagger is as good as that - and you are fine with generating charges with Frenzy setup - then feel free to use it. However, if your dagger really was that good, by far the best option would be to use it instead of Bino's - that is, use your high-dps dagger and DH. Last edited by Cabesi#0949 on Sep 23, 2016, 8:53:09 PM
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what about legacy vinktar if we cannot manage to take one we have to take vaal pact ?
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" Don't think that Vaal Pact is worth it. Dealing with Blood Rage degen gets way too bothersome and some mods like Desecrated Ground or Vulnerability really fuck you up. It is also four points away on the tree. Luckily, there isn't that many situations where the instant leech is necessary. Against trash mobs, you shouldn't ever be taking enough dmg to need it, and against a boss, you still have your Vaal Grace and other flasks. If you are running corrupted T13s+ all day, then yeah, there might be situations where it's very handy, otherwise you can do without it just fine. And as to non-legacy flasks, ToH is barely worth it and might be replaced with good rolled Basalt, and the non-legacy Vinktar is also not that worth it and could be replaced with Lion's Roar, or Stibnite for more defense - and the missing shock would be achieved by using Vaal Lightning Trap. |
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Goddamn this build looks fun, almost makes me want to play ESC or standard just to try it out
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. |
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