The Exiled Sale Recipe Book (spoilers)

Has anyone tried selling a complete set of uniques? Much like the Chaos orb recipe where you sell a rare of every item slot.. just do the same for uniques?

Maybe its a exalted, or mirror recipe.
In Wraeclast, if someone tries to kill you... you just kill them right back.
2 items with same rare-name giving Orb of Chance > 2 rare rings, 1 rare amulet, 1 rare boots, 1 rare gloves, 1 rare belt, 1 rare armour, 1 rare headpiece + either 1 rare two-handed weapon or 1 rare one-handed weapon + 1 rare shield or 2 one-handed weapons giving Regal Orb

I tried this and i got Chaos Orb?
Ign: Stevii
Thanks I have changed it.
I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
Last edited by radiatoren#0601 on Feb 16, 2013, 5:15:06 AM
Chaos Orb Recipe

Any RARE item works
Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very useful.
Trapperkeeper wrote:
Has anyone tried selling a complete set of uniques? Much like the Chaos orb recipe where you sell a rare of every item slot.. just do the same for uniques?

Maybe its a exalted, or mirror recipe.
Theres a few versions of this that need to be tested.

1)One unique item of every slot
2)One Unidentified unique item of every slot
3)Same as #1 but with 20% quality
4)Same as #2 but with 20% quality
5)Try #1-4 but add in a unique map and/or flask

It's all much easier said than done.
FaceLicker wrote:
Trapperkeeper wrote:
Has anyone tried selling a complete set of uniques? Much like the Chaos orb recipe where you sell a rare of every item slot.. just do the same for uniques?

Maybe its a exalted, or mirror recipe.
Theres a few versions of this that need to be tested.

1)One unique item of every slot
2)One Unidentified unique item of every slot
3)Same as #1 but with 20% quality
4)Same as #2 but with 20% quality
5)Try #1-4 but add in a unique map and/or flask

It's all much easier said than done.

I'm close to being able to test #1, just short a couple rings, maybe a chest piece. Thats easy enough to test. #3 would be afterwards. #2 and #4, I dont see being tested for a long long time.
In Wraeclast, if someone tries to kill you... you just kill them right back.
1 ID'd set of uniques does nothing. Tested earlier today.
reddit got exalt recipe down ;)

edit: or photoshop
Last edited by bgx#6387 on Feb 18, 2013, 1:46:45 PM
It looks like 3 sets of unidentified uniques, anyone want to get to testing?
Trapperkeeper wrote:
Has anyone tried selling a complete set of uniques? Much like the Chaos orb recipe where you sell a rare of every item slot.. just do the same for uniques?

Maybe its a exalted, or mirror recipe.

I did it in closed beta and it was nothing.

Reddit Post is a fake I tried that in closed beta even with more uniques.
You expect too much from a trollboard like reddit.

Proof(I could even add more idendical uniques and it does nothing)

It needn't be a photoshop it can be a modified content.ggpk file too. It's quiet possible that this combination is 1 alchemy orb so he replaced the alchemy orb skin.

FYI I tested several unique combinations in closed beta. 20% and normal it did nothing.

Also such a receipe makes no sense because low level uniques are easy to find.

You should better mess around with something like 1 white/magic/rare amu/ring with every variable stat to get blessed orbs.

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