The Exiled Sale Recipe Book (spoilers)

chickenNwaffles wrote:
Not sure if anyone has posted this yet, but:

5 Items of the same type and Rarity =
1 New Item of that type & Rarity w/ 1 slot

6 Items of the same type and Rarity =
1 New Item of that type & Rarity w/ 2 slots

There might have something to do with the total number of slots of items you need to trade. Too tired, can't think... someone needs to play around with this recipe a little more.

Ive now experimented with this, there is only one recipe a 5 item one. The 6th gets seen on its own and turned into shards or w/e.

The slots and links are dependent on the items you place in for the trade. I dont know if they are just used as a seed or if they have something to do with them. You can also add chromatic/jewel/fusing to change the result of your trade.

For me this was only for the worse even though i put in alot.

EDIT : Seems fusing/jewelers/chromatic can all change colour/number/links. Every different set of these orbs yields a different result... seems like this is the way we gonna be getting our 6 linked armour :P

EDIT 2 : Lol... seems like no matter what u add it rerolls the sockets... ;)
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Last edited by RaWRpewpew#1898 on Dec 24, 2011, 12:00:47 PM
Lmaoboat wrote:
Any skill gem + Orb of Scouring = Same skill gem - 1 level.

Extremely useful find, Lmaoboat. Thanks for this one!

I got an Orb of Alchemy offer for 2 Golem Casinet rare armors. I swapped out another rare heavy strapped leather, and a rare strapped leather and got different things, so I think it is the shared name rather than the armor type.

Edit: Also got the same result with 2 weapons named Beast Thrasher or something like that.
Last edited by SoulReaper#6631 on Dec 27, 2011, 2:28:58 AM
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if u delevel a gem with quality it becomes +0 ! So it removes quality!

i posted it here:

dunno if this is a bug or intended
Hartbrot wrote:
Both times with body armor. First one was an archanist vest i think, second was a leather armor.

I will post two of the items that I can sell for 10 jeweler's. If you can do so, please do the same.

In addition, I had a third item that I actually sold for 10 jeweler's that had sockets that looked like this:

It's possible that there is some minimum number of links required, or a minimum contiguous number of links.
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Found one:

A full stack of orbs (any type) = A full stack of widsom scrolls.
"We were going to monitor the situation but it was in the wrong aspect ratio."
I got 3 items with 6 sockets today, the socket links were different every time. One of those was an unidentifoed magic item, I got the 10 jewelers every time.

Did anyone find something to get fusings?
IGN: Nazhand (Standard), Gaurithoth (Anarchy)
White+Blue+Yellow of same base armor type = 2 aug orbs.

EDIT: Sometimes it's only 1 Aug which makes it useless as 1 rare alone late game sells for an Aug, this recipe could do with a tweak (make it 3 Augs for a set)

I haven't tried it with weapons yet.
Gangplank - Level 73 Mara.

"I ate some oranges and it was k"
Last edited by chillerspoon#3643 on Dec 24, 2011, 6:18:49 PM
Helheim wrote:
I got 3 items with 6 sockets today, the socket links were different every time. One of those was an unidentifoed magic item, I got the 10 jewelers every time.

What was the worst linked one? E.g. 2 solo and 2 pairs?

chillerspoon wrote:
White+Blue+Yellow of same base armor type = 2 aug orbs.

EDIT: Sometimes it's only 1 Aug which makes it useless as 1 rare alone late game sells for an Aug

You haven't mentioned whether the items were identified or not.

A tri-set of identified gives 1 aug.
A tri-set of unidentified gives 2 aug.

Do your results differ from this?
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Last edited by unsane#5479 on Dec 24, 2011, 6:30:29 PM
radiatoren wrote:

Recipe: Weapon with 20% Quality
Reward: Blacksmith's Whetstone
Finder: Marymouche

Not for me. Getting 1 Scroll fragment for
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