The Exiled Sale Recipe Book (spoilers)
From what I beleive a plain item with max durability gets you an upgrade item (for flasks - glassblower's, gems - gemcutter's, for weapons - blacksmith's, for armor - armorer's)
This also works if you trade in items of a similar category who's total quality equal 40% or more total. -Meteoric Destiny!
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the amount of alteration shards u gain from idintified blues seems to be based on the mods on the item. an amulet with spelldmg and cast speed gave me 6. while +life mod just worth a scroll shard. attackspeed, +1 to x gem socket, dmg and evasion/armour/es also seems to give more shards.i dont know yet if the roll of the mod is a factor.
it also makes u wonder what to identifie. weapons, wands and shields seems to give good result because its likely that they get the right mods. armour pieces is more of a gamble althou they can have quantity/rarity mod.. |
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" Yes, links are required between all 3. And it works for armor as well as weapons. Also, it's already listed. " I'm sorry if I made it confusing, but it's not automatically a maxed implicit bonus. It's still +10 to +20 just like normal Onyx Amulets. However, it seems it's not difficult to get a high or maxed implicit bonus if you have multiple gems/amulets to switch out and try combinations of, as the mod appears to be randomized based on seed values from the amulet and gems used. To make the somewhat complicated simple: If you wanted a +20 badly enough, you could run a few characters to town and kill hillock for various colored starter gems, then try different combinations with your amulet till you got what you wanted. Or just try many different junk amulets with the same set of gems. Either way should get you what you want, or at least very close to it. Also beware that the ilevel of the amulet is based on which vendor you use to craft it. This can be extremely important when you add mods to it. An amulet crafted at Nessa in normal difficulty would probably have mods similar to the jewelry she sells (in other words, not very good). Amulets crafted in Merciless Act 2 will have an ilevel of 50, which pretty decent, but will likely have mods too high in level requirement if you're crafting it for a level 20 character. Urist McDwarfy has been happy lately. He admired an exceptional ARPG recently. He took joy in slaughter lately. He has been attacked by the dead recently. Check out the Path of Exile wiki: Last edited by UristMcDwarfy#1339 on Dec 23, 2011, 10:06:52 PM
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" Not true. Tried it 2 times, just got wisdom shards. DMT: Load universe into a gun. Aim at brain. Fire. Last edited by Hartbrot#3222 on Dec 24, 2011, 12:01:20 AM
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Recipe: 1 unidentified rare, 1 unidentified magic and 1 normal of same base type = 2 orb of augmentation
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Before 0.9.5b, if you turned in a normal, magic, and rare of the same base of jewelry or belt, it would give you an Alchemy Orb. But Chris found out (because I might have mentioned it at some point) and this no longer works. At the time he said it was buggy and that "something else was needed" or something to that effect. And the patch notes say that this bug "caused items to be included that we didn't intend." I haven't figured this one out quite yet. I had the idea that maybe you needed the exact same value on the inherent mod. I tried that combination with both rare + magic + norm (all same mod value), without any luck. I also tried magic *3 with same inherent mod value. That doesn't seem to work either. I think the recipe was just fixed, and not disabled, so it's probably still out there... Urist McDwarfy has been happy lately. He admired an exceptional ARPG recently. He took joy in slaughter lately. He has been attacked by the dead recently.
Check out the Path of Exile wiki: |
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" Strange. I have tried it with three different items and several other people have also said that this works (I have no idea if they actually tested it or not). What item did you try it with? Urist McDwarfy has been happy lately. He admired an exceptional ARPG recently. He took joy in slaughter lately. He has been attacked by the dead recently.
Check out the Path of Exile wiki: |
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Both times with body armor. First one was an archanist vest i think, second was a leather armor.
Load universe into a gun. Aim at brain. Fire. |
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Not sure if anyone has posted this yet, but:
5 Items of the same type and Rarity = 1 New Item of that type & Rarity w/ 1 slot 6 Items of the same type and Rarity = 1 New Item of that type & Rarity w/ 2 slots There might have something to do with the total number of slots of items you need to trade. Too tired, can't think... someone needs to play around with this recipe a little more. 너부터... 없애버리겠다!
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nvm...guess it was kinda stupid question as I just realized xD
Last edited by Btah#4397 on Dec 24, 2011, 8:33:50 AM