The Exiled Sale Recipe Book (spoilers)

overburn wrote:
from my observation - quality/quantity mods ON BELTS don't seem to give any alch shards now.

*I think*, if you have minimal value of the mod, then you get no alch shards(this is I am not sure - maybe it only affects belts, maybe other items too). Anything inbetween min and max gives 2 and max value gives 4 shards.

tried body armor and shields, quality and quantity up to 17% rarity: 9% quantity and no alchs
-Meteoric Destiny!
I have tried different items with +rarity and +quantity and I get 2/3 alteration shards for normal mods and 7 alteration shards for maxed mod. Anyone able to document the sell-values in alchemy shards?
I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
Last edited by radiatoren#0601 on Feb 8, 2012, 5:50:24 AM
Ok. Judging by these here screenshots and the mod tables.. it would seem that Tier 1 of either quantity or rarity produces 2 Alteration shards, and a maxed Tier 1 value gives 7. Tier 2 produces 2 Alch Shards. I'm not sure about max Tier 2 value, or Tier 3 values. Hope this helps!

All 3 of these are ilvl 35 if anyone is wondering.

it it possible to get at least 4 alch , about that i'm 100% certain
IGN : (rarely- Doomlar ) / Smurfberries
Usually available after 17:30, GMT+0
I need to re-confirm this, but I am pretty sure. Quivers don't factor into the full set of gear per chaos orb, but they do give you one. Normally you get a random unidentified rare for 5 rare items of same type. If you put 5 quivers of the same type and rare, you get a chaos instead of an unidentified rare quiver. They have to be the same type, i.e. cured, heavy, light, rugged, it can't be a mix of the different types of quivers.
FaceLicker wrote:
Ok. Judging by these here screenshots and the mod tables.. it would seem that Tier 1 of either quantity or rarity produces 2 Alteration shards, and a maxed Tier 1 value gives 7. Tier 2 produces 2 Alch Shards. I'm not sure about max Tier 2 value, or Tier 3 values. Hope this helps!

This sounds about right, previously you could make a lvl 1 char rush them to town and then buy all the item rarity/quantity gear very cheap. Most items are a couple of wisdom scrolls or an armorers scrap, alot less then the alchemy shards are worth. Worst case scenario you would be paying 7 armor scraps for 1 alchemy orb.

It's good that they fixed this, personally I feel the shared stash need to be restricted until a certain level or quest. At the moment I have a few good lvl 2 rares I just equip on each new character and they work fine until I find sometime better. Once I've upgraded these lvl 2 rares go back into the stash for the next character.
Last edited by Silenoz#6684 on Feb 9, 2012, 12:26:34 AM
That's called twinkling and happens in every game. If there wasn't a shared stash you'd mule those items over a la D2.
IGN Snarky/LightBrigade/Firebreather
4 Alchemy shards for maxed tier 2 values of both item acquisition mods is confirmed. Tier 3 values are the only ones missing.

Last edited by FaceLicker#6894 on Feb 10, 2012, 1:23:30 AM
That turns up the rarity of Alchemy gems a lot in lower levels :-/
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Nice work FaceLicker!
I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)

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