[2.4] zSavage's Poison Hurricane (Crit Poison BV)[Budget Friendly][Assassin]
There's a huge consideration you've forgotten in your calculations that makes Added Chaos an inferior choice. If you read the page on Blade Vortex you'll see that it has a damage effectiveness of 30%. This means that all added damage modifiers (x-y) are reduced by 70%. Using your own numbers: Added Chaos Damage (lvl 20): 170-256 = 213 average * (1 + 152% + 86% increased chaos dmg from tree) = 719.94 * 0.3 (damage effectiveness) = 215.98 Blade Vortex (lvl 20): 108-162 = 135 average * (1 + 152% + 199% increased phys dmg from tree) = 608.85 So Added chaos adds about 35% of the base damage of BV itself after multipliers. However, Controlled Destruction at level 20 gives us 44% MORE spell damage, which scales both the base phys, as well as double dips with the added damage from Hatred (as it scales the phys it is calculated from and then the total itself after that). Since you didn't account for damage effectiveness, this renders the chaos damage changes to the tree moot. As for the whole power charges thing: On my original character I got a passive point in Merc, so he has 4 power charges with his tree. My prophecy character did the other and got a PC from Alira in Merc, and I haven't grabbed any PC nodes yet, so he also has 4. And yes, while more power charges would be nice to have, I've found I want more survivability (aka life). I've found my current damage levels to be quite sufficient. As for a 6th link, my current plan is to add the Critical Multiplier gem, as it will make those double poison hits be quite strong, as well as scale well with the already high critical chance. -Savage Theorycrafter/Build Creator for PORTAL guild
@BlightScourge -> guide @ view-thread/1382667 (Retired till Mjolner is fixed) Lvl 94 Crit Mjolner Marauder twitch.tv/savagewolves |
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Oh, so that's what damage effectiveness means. I never knew that. Thanks for informing me :) Also, apologies for using 1.4 instead of 1.44, I forgot CD didn't stop at 40%.
From the Wiki:
Damage conversion is done before any increases, or multipliers are applied to damage guaranteeing that they are only applied once. However, converted damage is affected by modifiers that apply to be both the original damage type it was converted from, and the new damage type that it was converted to.[1]
Damage conversion is used by modifiers on skills, passive skills, equipment, and monsters. It comes in two main forms: #% of [Damage Type] Converted to [Damage Type] #% of [Damage Type] Added as [Damage Type] or Gain #% of [Damage Type] as Extra [Damage Type] It was my understanding that damage conversion (in this case "added as" type of conversion) would only get hit by Controlled Destruction once. As such, Hatred would pull 36% of 135 (base BV value), or 48.6, which would then be subject to all physical, cold, spell, and area damage increases added together (resulting in 219.19 using tree/gear values indicated in previous post - total of 351% increase). Then, this value would be added on to 608.85 before being hit with Controlled Destruction and other support gems. Is this not how it works? If it is (and please correct me again if I've missed something), then Added Chaos does essentially the exact same bonus as Controlled Destruction on the initial hit but with the added benefit of more base poison damage and an additional 8% crit chance, meaning 52% more damage on the poison side (and the initial hit would only be 0.7% less damage).
Controlled Destruction true bonus
*Some values carried over from previous post, still using 5 charges simply for the 20% increased spell damage node* Base multiplier: 1.44 Difference in Crit Effect: (6+2.5)*(1+3.85+1.2+2.5-1) / (6+2.5)*(1+3.85+1.2+2.5) = 0.883 1.44 * 0.883 = 1.27 true damage multiplier
Difference in initial hit
Since I'm factoring in crit chance differential in the skill gem portion (condensed math here), crit portion can be ignored for initial hit ratio. Poison math uses the longer version. BV + Hatred + CD: 608.85 + 219.19 = 828.04 * 1.27 * .9 = 946.45 BV + Hatred + AC: 608.85 + 219.19 + 215.98 = 1,044.02 * .9 = 939.62 939.62 / 946.45 = 0.993
Difference in poison
Longer math to account for poison being based off full 1.44 multiplier. Controlled Destruction Crit Effect: 1 + .085*(1+3.85+1.2+2.5-1) * 1.65 = 2.059 Added Chaos Crit Effect: 1 + .085*(1+3.85+1.2+2.5) * 1.65 = 2.199 For Toxic Delivery's 100% more poison on crit, if you crit 10% of the time it's a 10% more multiplier. Also, Spell Echo's 10% less damage unfortunately also applies to the poison calculation. BV+CD: 608.85 * .9 = 547.97 * 2.059 = 1,128.27 * 10% = 112.83 112.83 * 3.04 = 343.00 * (1 + 0.64175 * 1.00) = 563.12 per second average BV+AC: (608.85 + 215.98) * .9 = 742.35 * 2.199 = 1,632.43 * 10% = 163.24 163.24 * 3.04 = 496.25 * (1 + 0.72675 * 1.00) = 856.90 per second average 856.90 / 563.12 = 1.522 And without Toxic Delivery (if you don't get to uber lab with this character): 496.25 / 343.00 = 1.446 Unless I've missed something else, you get 52% more damage for the poison while losing 0.7% of your upfront damage if you swap Controlled Destruction out for Added Chaos. ----------Edit---------- Again, assuming the above is correct (I don't see how it would be unless the wiki is wrong, though), then switching over to the chaos half-wheel makes sense again.
Damage swing of 61% from physical to chaos BV+AC: (608.85 + 215.98) * .9 = 742.35 * 2.199 = 1,632.43 * 10% = 163.24 163.24 * 3.04 = 496.25 * 1.72675 = 856.90 per second average BV+AC+Chaos half wheel: (526.5 + 254.96) * .9 = 703.31 * 2.199 = 1,546.58 * 10% = 154.66 154.66 * 3.65 = 564.51 * 1.72675 = 974.77 per second average 1,546.58 / 1,632.43 = 0.947 974.77 / 856.9 = 1.138 You lose 5.3% damage on the initial hit and gain 13.8% damage on the poison (which is the bulk of your damage anyway). They may not have as big of an increase as I thought they did (thank you, damage effectiveness), but the changes are still more damage for free (without giving up life nodes for power charge nodes). Since I haven't leveled this character yet I wouldn't know if that 5.3% damage drop (and the 0.7% from switching gems) prevents you from one-shotting mobs as you whirl through them, but even if it does (I don't think it would) you deal more damage with the poison and will still kill them by just jumping through them. Last edited by Mageduckey#7231 on Jul 5, 2016, 2:19:56 AM
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My current gear and links:
Best gear if you use new armour wuth +1 curse and switch HoA for new vuln curse. ofc this will be hp build... English is not my native language, so sorry for mistakes
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This build requires good pc or w/e, at higher tier maps bv + warlords and flickers lag the f out
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Hello Savage!:)
First of all, many thanks for posting this build:) I have some questions, now that the 2.4 patch is upon us and if u could take the time to answer them, I'd be gratefull:) 1)Would u make any changes to the links of BV? Now that it can have only 20 stacks? 2)Would u make any changes to the passive tree? 3) and last:) I, like you, prefer Armour over EVA as a defense mechanism. Is that armour alone enough against endgame bosses/content? I'm worried cause this will be my first time playing BV (I've mostly played melee builds so far) and, although in sc, I really care about the tankiness of a build and how it handles endgame content/sustain dmg... I'm not, in anyway, trying to undermine/doubt your build, this is an honest question on my part since, as I said, I'm a complete noob when it comes to BV. Thank you again mate for any answers u might give me and I wish everyone gl in the essence league:) "Too Wierd To Live... Too Rare To Die...."
Personal Motto Finally made it to lvl 100... Only took me 3 years...:) :( |
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" 1. I'm probably going to drop the Increased Duration gem from the link and instead socket Crit Multi or Added Chaos. I could get to 20 stacks in about 5 seconds and the duration of my BV with the duration gem is close to 12 seconds without the buff from the Assassin Ascendancy notable, so losing 74% duration from a 20/20 gem will be only about 3.5 seconds lost. I think I'll be ok with that. 2. Probably not. 3. The armor is very helpful. However, I also run a manual cast Immortal Call along with Enduring Cry. And I walk around or whirling blades a lot in close quarter combat with tough bosses to avoid attacks. The armor with the endurance charges is generally enough to keep the most dangerous physical attacks from oneshotting you (flasks can then heal you back up), and enough to make you not really feel the small hits from most normal or magic monsters. Lastly, the armor really helps against the small, fast hits of reflected BV damage. While I can run reflect maps fine now, it's gonna be a little harder next patch now that BV will hit 63% harder. Manual EC + IC really helps though. I'll probably be updating the guide sometime next week after I get back from vacation (leaving tomorrow) if I have time. -Savage Theorycrafter/Build Creator for PORTAL guild
@BlightScourge -> guide @ view-thread/1382667 (Retired till Mjolner is fixed) Lvl 94 Crit Mjolner Marauder twitch.tv/savagewolves |
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Thank you very much Savage! really appreciate it:)
Oh and have fun in your vacations mate:) "Too Wierd To Live... Too Rare To Die...."
Personal Motto Finally made it to lvl 100... Only took me 3 years...:) :( |
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I continue to use this base of build for 3 seasons. Cheapest build ever, versatile, very fast and EZ. Maps t15, Atziri, uber Izaro, MF runs. All in one build with crap gear! Amazing. Assasin BV - one love :D.
Thank you zSavage! I continue to wait for new ideas and comments. btw sorry my english. Last edited by qeepsake#6112 on Sep 6, 2016, 12:25:20 PM
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alot to read would like to see maybe some screen shots or video of some game play or even just to know how much life and damage u r doing etc etc ty very nice i like it
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Hi all,
I'm kind of trying out this build for the new League. My questions is that how the Assassin can make synergy with this build? The Noxious Strike and Toxic Delivery Ascendcy seems to be an overkill as of mostly works for "Attack"-s. Is there something I don't know? |
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