[2.1.0 Talisman] From the shadows I strike! (CoC - Bladefall - EK)
I'm about 15 fusings off of 5linking this volls I had drop, I'll let you know how I like it once I do.
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So do you use PCOC in your 5 link like it shows or added fire damage? If not pcoc, how do we generate power charges?
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" If you are using voll's protector than you don't need pcoc and can use added fire dmg (or perhaps even icnreased crit chance). If you are using a normal armour -> PCOC is def. needed on there. So yes PCoC. |
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I forgot to give an update, once I hit like 65 I became God like and extremely fast. I personally use Increased critical strikes and I use assassin's mark and blas. As of right now I don't need Warlord's on however I do see I eventually will need it for the very late end game. I believe going dual curse with either Hatred/Haste (I like for the movement speed) + 2 curse blas will be insane or a Curse on hit with something for the tougher enemies. I am debating if I do want to use Voll's protector or not. It reduces mana and only benefit is power charges. However if I get it, I can use two other curses. If I wanted to be super tanky I could use enfeeble + warlord's. However I do really enjoy the assassin's for way more crit's and damage increase.
I plan to use windscream boots. I probably cannot contribute much to the tree, however when I test this more today and tomorrow I can contribute a lot more to the skills and items. I also use blood rage. |
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What kind of jewels are you using? I lucked out and got a phys damage/cold damage/all res. I imagine we're looking for phys damage/crit/life?
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" I mostly went with (1) life (2) phys dmg (3) crit (4) aps Life and aps for some reason are extremly cheap on the league so just buy like 10 and then regal them all and see if you have anything usefull :) Pushing aps to > 2 is needed. Anyway I really need to switch to a vagan dagger but I don't have one yet ... Last edited by sklipnoty#7673 on Dec 22, 2015, 10:54:37 AM
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" Personally I wouldn't use boots that only have 10% increased movement. It will hamper clear speed alot; Although 2 curses would be awesome! |
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Thanks for this build idea, I think I am going to try it as I am not quite so happy with Blade Vortex as main skill... feels to slow and clunky somehow with the recasting all the time.
So with this, you were really leveling with Etheral Knives until Merciless? Which weapons did you use, daggers with crit or rather wands with spell damage on them...? I am kinda new to shadow and crit so I am not sure, EK is a spell so it scales with spell damage, right? What about Bladefall? And for later on, I need to stack normal crit for cyclone, not spell crit... right? Sorry if those are stupid questions but I am kind of new to PoE and just have been playing Marauder with big 2hand :D |
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My opinion on this build. 1st of all i have little bit different skill tree but use same spells etc.
I rly like clearspeed of this but.. i have huge problems with IKs.. (like every acro build) and with poison.. 1-2 poison stacks? Ok.. but when it 3-5 or even more its instant K.O. ..getting some chaos res on gear is the way.. but its kinda expensive.. On lvl80 its pretty smooth lvling.. as long as you dont die not knowing how.. it makes me sick. My gear: Aura setup: Hatred,HoA,Warlords mark on blasphemy (for life leech). Did use blood rage but as i dont have any phys reduciton or life regen it was hurting me a lot. Didnt found "perfect" vagans dagger yet so still using these two i have. Capped on crit so proc spell isnt usualy problem. Also got about 4k Dmg on both spells so thats not problem aswell. I highly recomend to get 2 elreons with -8 -8 you can get to 2mana cost of cyclone >> you can reserve a lot of mana (98% in my case). My final skill tree: So i like this build.. just its not that durable (4,7k hp atm, 10k Eva - still able to die 3 times in one map :D ..maybe im just too reckless). Cant play Immune to curses roll on maps. (unless you start using blood rage again). Getting chaos resistance might solve these problems. If you have any tips for me. Would be glad to hear it. |
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" I bet you will despair trying to get at least 4 green sockets on your 5 links ;) Because of this I would not recommend using a Voll's for this build in any temp league. “Losing a limb is no excuse for cowardice.” - Master Sollis, "Blood Song"
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