

I am running a fun build atm, involving Punishment
Cursing myself with ''Shackles of the Wretched''

And casting Ethereal Knives on monsters to trigger my cast when damage taken gems, without taking monster damage.

So the curse effects on me is the same effect as ''normal monsters'' from what I have read in this topic?
(even when the poe wiki says: In PvP, enemy players register as unique enemies when calculating returned damage.)

I also need to know monster armor, to know what happens to me, since:
((my damage-monster armor)*punishment curse) - my armor = self damage(440 cwdt)

is monster armor going to be a huge problem?
if I am cursed myself for the full effect, I gess it will not

Tommyvv wrote:
So the curse effects on me is the same effect as ''normal monsters'' from what I have read in this topic?

Yep. The wiki is wrong.

Monster armour tends to be so low as to be insignificant, especially for hard-hitters such as Ethereal Knives.
Tommyvv wrote:

I am running a fun build atm, involving Punishment
Cursing myself with ''Shackles of the Wretched''

And casting Ethereal Knives on monsters to trigger my cast when damage taken gems, without taking monster damage.

So the curse effects on me is the same effect as ''normal monsters'' from what I have read in this topic?
(even when the poe wiki says: In PvP, enemy players register as unique enemies when calculating returned damage.)

I also need to know monster armor, to know what happens to me, since:
((my damage-monster armor)*punishment curse) - my armor = self damage(440 cwdt)

is monster armor going to be a huge problem?
if I am cursed myself for the full effect, I gess it will not


Finding a use for 2 weird underpowered items in one build - I salute you. Even if it is not viable and just for fun.
Does this gem mitigate damage at all?
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
Just like everything else, Punishment does not have arbitrary unlisted effects. It does what it says it does.
Vipermagi wrote:
Just like everything else, Punishment does not have arbitrary unlisted effects. It does what it says it does.

I was hoping that wouldn't be the case... This gem is indeed very bad. Thanks for replying.
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
I managed to get 1 shot by the only Punishment casting boss in the game, which of course 99% of the player base never encounter because it's in the corrupted side zone, and out of those players, 99% probably wouldn't be affected [in beyond], due to the prevalence of spellcaster and caster/totem based builds in Beyond.

Was using my level 87 Crit Tornado Shot Ranger with about 80% combined reflect dodge/evasion. I've previously been reflected in high level maps and I can say it's not fun, but at least pseudo-rng plus being aware of enemy packs gives you enough buffer to notice the reflect, and enough time to pop a granite/jade to mitigate reflect if you want to keep fighting. You'll never 1 shot yourself unless you are extremely reckless and don't keep track of surroundings, as I have been and made it to 87 (quite easily I might add).

So I was running level 66 corrupted zones using the Fragments in my map device to kill some time and get more midnights, spawned the Secluded Copse with zero damage mods, and proceeded walk up to the boss chamber. Before any monsters touched me or got within range, I shot a single tornado shot and instantly killed half of the pack of blue monkeys and hit the boss, only die instantly ... to what I find out now must have been punishment. It took me 5 minutes to figure this out, but it's the only thing that makes sense. http://www.twitch.tv/ctcsback/c/5205765

5k+ life instantly gone in a level 66 corrupted side zone. What the f**k?!

My comment is - why is this mechanic still in the game? When is it useful? How does it improve gameplay? Is it fun for players?

Obviously it's a "punishing" mechanic for players, just as the reflect aura is for lots of glass-cannon builds, but my issue is that it firstly) isn't incorporated enough in the normal game outside the one corrupted boss, and secondly) there isn't a good way to play around it. If you are any build that does any aoe phys burst damage, there isn't any way to play around punishment - you will die. At least with reflect mobs, the reflect is only proc'd for those monsters that have the aura on them. For a mechanic like Tornado shot that offscreens packs on accident (random mechanic), there's no way to mitigate a curse that is instant cast / instant effect. Reflexes won't save you when you are mid-attack animation and you get cursed. It's just...really dumb, and there's nothing you can do about it basically. If there were other mages that used this curse, I'm sure all the crit bow builds would have died off by now, as well as a handful of other builds...crit-daggers, crit wanders, leap-slammers, etc. I'm all for the reflect mobs to slow down glass cannon builds with zero mitigation, but I don't think my char should have died in a zone 20 levels under to a broken, almost non-existent mechanic that doesn't have a way to play around or counter.

tl;dr Sorry about my little rant - lvl 87 one shot in lvl 66 zone with 0 dmg mods. Need to fix/rework broken d2-style iron-maiden mechanic that will kill off all phys burst builds when encountered.
Last edited by ctcsback#1217 on Sep 29, 2014, 1:09:53 PM
ctcsback wrote:
I managed to get 1 shot by the only Punishment casting boss in the game, which of course 99% of the player base never encounter because it's in the corrupted side zone, and out of those players, 99% probably wouldn't be affected [in beyond], due to the prevalence of spellcaster and caster/totem based builds in Beyond.

Was using my level 87 Crit Tornado Shot Ranger with about 80% combined reflect dodge/evasion. I've previously been reflected in high level maps and I can say it's not fun, but at least pseudo-rng plus being aware of enemy packs gives you enough buffer to notice the reflect, and enough time to pop a granite/jade to mitigate reflect if you want to keep fighting. You'll never 1 shot yourself unless you are extremely reckless and don't keep track of surroundings, as I have been and made it to 87 (quite easily I might add).

So I was running level 66 corrupted zones using the Fragments in my map device to kill some time and get more midnights, spawned the Secluded Copse with zero damage mods, and proceeded walk up to the boss chamber. Before any monsters touched me or got within range, I shot a single tornado shot and instantly killed half of the pack of blue monkeys and hit the boss, only die instantly ... to what I find out now must have been punishment. It took me 5 minutes to figure this out, but it's the only thing that makes sense. http://www.twitch.tv/ctcsback/c/5205765

5k+ life instantly gone in a level 66 corrupted side zone. What the f**k?!

My comment is - why is this mechanic still in the game? When is it useful? How does it improve gameplay? Is it fun for players?

Obviously it's a "punishing" mechanic for players, just as the reflect aura is for lots of glass-cannon builds, but my issue is that it firstly) isn't incorporated enough in the normal game outside the one corrupted boss, and secondly) there isn't a good way to play around it. If you are any build that does any aoe phys burst damage, there isn't any way to play around punishment - you will die. At least with reflect mobs, the reflect is only proc'd for those monsters that have the aura on them. For a mechanic like Tornado shot that offscreens packs on accident (random mechanic), there's no way to mitigate a curse that is instant cast / instant effect. Reflexes won't save you when you are mid-attack animation and you get cursed. It's just...really dumb, and there's nothing you can do about it basically. If there were other mages that used this curse, I'm sure all the crit bow builds would have died off by now, as well as a handful of other builds...crit-daggers, crit wanders, leap-slammers, etc. I'm all for the reflect mobs to slow down glass cannon builds with zero mitigation, but I don't think my char should have died in a zone 20 levels under to a broken, almost non-existent mechanic that doesn't have a way to play around or counter.

tl;dr Sorry about my little rant - lvl 87 one shot in lvl 66 zone with 0 dmg mods. Need to fix/rework broken d2-style iron-maiden mechanic that will kill off all phys burst builds when encountered.

Just one question:
Do you have Vaal Pact?
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
How to fix Punishment:

-Double quality bonus (doesn't buff aforementioned boss and future users, makes quality on the gem worthwhile,)
-Applies to all damage, including chaos

Done. That's all it takes. Not overpowered, just able to be used in some builds. This is what needs to happen and this skill will be useful.
how does this work with block? like in pvp if i curse someone using tempest shield and he hits with phy - so he takes reflectdamage - can he block it and do tempest dmg then? dmg from reflect aura from monsters can be blocked according to wiki but how about this?
Songs are like knights. They need to be covered in metal.
Last edited by Sadillan#3142 on Oct 31, 2014, 5:14:42 PM

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