damage of tempest shield is lightning.
reflection of this and a passive is for physical damage. blocking causes 0 damage to have been caused. nothing happens. the requirements are "they hit you", "they are cursed with punishment or you have the passive 'wall of thorns'", and "they deal physical damage" if one of those isn't met, nothing happens. the exception are flat reflection mods, those only care about getting hit and will still trigger on 0 damage. but those are pretty small. we have no elemental damage reflection so far. Last edited by soul4hdwn#0698 on Nov 1, 2014, 12:09:10 AM
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nvm thx
Songs are like knights. They need to be covered in metal. Last edited by Sadillan#3142 on Oct 31, 2014, 9:27:36 PM
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I'm really disappointed the reflected dmg does not count as a hit. Similar to Tommyvv, I am cursing myself with punishment, but am trying to proc Vaal Molten Shell. If it procs CwDT, why not with Vaal Molten Shell? Not to mention Scold's Bridle procs it and that it's mechanic says the player is dealt phys dmg. Please consider making the damage from punishment count as a hit. I wasted a high lvl respec hoping this would work :(
EDIT: Last line is meant as a warning to others, not a "noob looking for handout" msg :/ EDIT: I retract my previous comment about it procing with CwDT, but my request still stands :P Last edited by perkar#0385 on Jan 31, 2015, 10:30:46 AM
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Cast when Damage Taken does exactly what it says it does - it keeps track of the amount of Damage you take, regardless of source. Reflect Damage is damage all the same, so it works fine.
Vaal Molten Shell explodes when you are hit, not when you take Damage. It's a different condition altogether, and Reflect does not count as being Hit (Reflect cannot Stun/Crit/Freeze you either). |
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Thanks for replying, but I don't have an issue of why it didn't work :P I know reflect from punishment doesn't count as a hit, but I'm asking for GGG to make it count as one with punishment. I understand why for ele reflect that wouldn't be a good idea what with status effects like you pointed out, but I don't see why it couldn't be tagged onto the punishment curse as it's only physical.
My biggest confusion is why it works with Scold's Bridle and not Punishment. They both do do not say how the physical damage is counted, only that it is done to you. And yet one counts as a hit and the other doesn't :/ I'm sure the PoE code keeps track of incoming damage sources so it wouldn't be difficult to single out damage reflected by punishment and count it as a hit. *incoming half-joke* I'd even be ok with a dev trying out a private build of PoE and letting me know how a self-proccing Frenzy, Reckoning, Riposte, Vengeance, Vaal Molten Shell char worked out :P And I was wrong about CwDT. CwDT does NOT proc Vaal Molten Shell. Or any Vaal skill for that matter just fyi. tl;dr: that's ok, I prolly wouldn't either :P Last edited by perkar#0385 on Feb 1, 2015, 1:39:57 PM
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" Scold's Bridle isn't Reflect, it's plain old Damage, just as if a monster punched you. You are dealt Damage, which is mentioned in the description. That is why you can Ignite yourself combining Scold's Bridle with Cloak of Flame and Mokou's Embrace: Convert a part of Scold's Damage to Fire (Cloak), and it'll trigger Chance to be Ignited (Mokou's). Punishment explicitly says it is Reflect Damage ("Reflects x% Damage"). If they changed Punishment to count as a Hit, then all Reflect Damage will count as a Hit. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Feb 2, 2015, 10:04:51 AM
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Not if they kept track of, like I said, the source of the damage. And I'm fairly certain they must. Therefor it would be (probably) trivial to count damage reflected specifically by punishment as a hit while leaving other types of reflected damage unmodified. Does that make sense now? Sorry if I was unclear in previous posts.
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I have never seen anyone use this curse, why? Becaus its bad.
This is what they should do. 1. Make it reflect all kinds of damage (accept chaos maby) 2. Make it so that it reflects the full monster dmg before reductions 3. It should still reflect if you block monster hits (Not dodge/evade) 4. Make it AOE (the dmg will be dealt to all the monsters that suffers from the curse, if a monster deals 100 dmg and the reflect is 10%, all the cursed monsters take 10 dmg +- their resistance) With a maximum number of monsters that can be cursed at a time ofc. 5. Reduce the procentage reflected from all types of monsters. Dont know if this will destroy some pvp builds or not but I feel like the curse is useless as it is |
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oooh boy how crazy this curse is now in my case it boosts my tooltip damage from 28 to 44k dps. it is just crazy good. and while in 2.0 the player damage is not the most important thing the bonus attack speed grants also bits of survivability (life gain on hit goes up, mobility goes up) the only con (but a small one) is the 'enemies must hit you with melee' thing. with a proper build the melee is rarely a problem - the spells are. but still 'A' level skill now. Bonus: summoners can now use Necro Aegis combined with |
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" But buff base duration is just 4 seconds, and enemies should HIT you in Melee.... It wont work if there are ranged/caster enemies around, and buff fades too quickly. For crit builds, Assassin's Mark is far better. For builds, that dont generate Frenzy Charges, Poacher's Mark is probably better. But if you dont use crit, and have ways to generate frenzy charges, then this curse could be useful, i think. IGN: MortalKombat Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Jul 16, 2015, 6:12:11 AM
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