Freezing Pulse
I played freezing pulse this league, and I liked it. But I had 3 complains:
- Projectiles as too wide to cross some doors. It would be perfect that the "hitbox" of the projectile it's smaller than the visual size. So it's easier to cross doors. On some layouts it's literally impossible and are forced to cross the door. "Ranged" skill, "projectile", but you're forced to go face to face. - Sometimes you don't cast projectiles at all. If there's an obstacle near, instead of the projectile appearing and collide against the object without travelling, it doesn't appear at all. So if you have enemies all over you, you don't hit them at all, and this sucks. - Abyss jewels with projectiles speed would had been nice. I had a short budget, and didn't have projectile speed in my wand/jewels, so I played with 0%. It's not that necessary really. |
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I found this skill a bit too powerfull.
It's overall dps is way better even at far hits, high projectile speed and 100% pierce make this spell too good. |
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I would like to emphasize the harsh collision dectection of the projectiles at small doors / hallways.
There are a lot of them at the temple/incursions and you can't hit any mobs if one stands in a doorway. I would love if something could be changed in this regard. |
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I really appreciate all the changes made for this skill in 3.3.0 so far. But please fix the collision with corners and doors. It's a bit much to have the skill not fire at all depending on your angle, or never go through doors. It's especially rough in Incursions.
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How does the damage scale over lifetime duration?
Is is reduced or less damage over projectile lifetime? Edit: I can't work out the damage returns to expect from faster projectile support vs say added cold or lightning damage support; over the in my opinion, useful portion of the projectile lifetime. Is it only the skill's base freeze chance that scales to 0 or all added freeze chance as well? Could you add a visual effect to show the freeze chance hitting 0 and another showing when the projectile has reached its half-life. Last edited by Tzoshirzup#3708 on Aug 6, 2018, 2:56:38 AM
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The biggest issue with this skill is its collision with doorways and corners and other objects.
I am not a programmer, but I have a vivid imagination. Therefore here is a solution I imagine for this problem: Freezing pulse is a projectile in form of an arc. Any part of arc that touches a monster deals damage. Can't you make projectile of FP a small dot that has collision rules. Then make the arc of FP that damages monster attached to this dot and travel with it. Make the arc free of collision rules. I believe this way it will still get blocked if you fire it straight at an object, but wont disappear as soon as even the slightest edge of FP arc touches any corner. ) )) +) )) ) + Projectile dot, with collision rules. ) Damaging arc, that has no collision rules and can pass through walls. POE2 should be the ruthless vision experience and POE1 should be the zoom power fantasy sandbox to capture both audiences. I petition to return all the fun stuff that was removed or nerfed over the years back into POE1. Last edited by Bosscannon#3325 on Sep 19, 2018, 3:56:47 AM
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Hi there i would like to voice my concern about freezing pulse. The skill seemed really cool when i played this in beta but now is over shined by frost bolt and even glacial cascade. A major issue with freezing pulse is the unit collision. Every corner negates the spread if you are near the corner. The entire doorway frame blocks the skill even when youre standing in the door. The damage falls off rather quick if you dont invest in faster projectiles so it doesnt dissipate. Having to stand infront of the monster doesnt seem reasonable for a spell caster unless spell leech or damage leech is applied and even then its hard to obtain it. Frost bolt executes ice damage range projectile more efficiently than freeze pulse.
After the shot gun removal of projectiles freezing pulse has lost uniqueness and viability. Perhaps changing the damage effectiveness from 125% to 110% or even just 100% and adding another kind of mechanic to make freezing pulse effective and unique. 1) Builds up cold around the spellcaster and then releases smaller cold pulse projectiles. (like an ammo system, each Freezing pulse spell cast adds one minor cast of Freezing pulse maxing at X freezing pulse stacks. the more you spell cast the faster it builds) fires in a volley like line. 2) Allowing Freezing Pulse to be the first spell minion cast; adds a frost minion for the cost of increased mana per spell, upon dealing X amount of Cold damage the minion appears and grants a buff as long as the exile remains alive. (the minion itself is the buff, dealing X% dmg with projectiles mimicking Freezing pulse with linked support gems) Exiles still cast freezing pulse but reduced damage. Thank you for your time and i hope for any news on freezing pulse. Last edited by SirKnightRoe#1503 on Oct 30, 2018, 5:47:56 PM
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Is there any chance the threshold jewel will be changed in the future? I'd like to play Freezing Pulse with Volley Support for a thicc projectile, but the existence of the threshold jewel makes this an extremely sub-par choice.
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It'd be awfully nice if the threshold jewel's damage could be applied if totems killed an enemy.
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So I leveled with freezing pulse as Inquisitor from lvl 1 to 100 in Heist. Very good leveling skill, good dmg too that scales nicely as I had no dmg issue from mapping tier 1 to Sirus 8, currently sitting at a nice 4million dps. It's not heavy minmaxed dmg wise as I like being tanky too. My only issue is the clear. Obviously freezing pulse suffers from being too directional, so that's a bit annoying, but the more annoying aspect is the angle of the projectile. Sitting at 8 projectiles total (4 from jewels, and 3 from pinpoint) I often shoot at a pack and miss some of the mobs, because the projectiles are so tiny. This can be fixed with a lot more projectiles, but manmore than 8 feels like overkill. I think increasing the angle size would be better and in case FP becomes too powerful, then locking it behind lab enchantment would be fine. Overall good skill! |
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