Freezing Pulse
Been a long time since I used Freezing Pulse, and I got to say that with Sire of Shards, LMP/GMP is not even needed. As much as I want to use Faster Projectiles gem on FP, I can almost hit off-screen with 20% quality. Though, it does help me freeze more often from farther distance, but I feel satisfied where I am it. With 43% chance to freeze (25% from FP itself and 18% from passive tree/asc tree), 55% freeze duration, and temp chain (I also use it along with Enfeeble while having 40% curse effect to make a lot of things feel like molasses), I can permafreeze to some extent. I went with Elementalist for more elemental damage, less issues with ele reflect, and being able to summon two golems (Ice and Lightning golem to increase my DPS a lot via cold damage and cast speed). As much I could had went crit, that would mean I have to give up on Sire of Shards. I got to thank mostly Sire of Shards to making this possible....well more like it easier to build around Freezing Pulse while maintaining good offense and defense. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game. - raics, 06.08.2016 Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Jul 25, 2016, 5:33:10 PM
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" Well, I can't really get any. As far as I'm aware, there are 3 available for spells. Concentrated Effect doesn't work because FP doesn't count as AoE, Elemental Focus is not compatible with a freeze build, and Controlled Destruction... well, I don't have another support slot. The only thing that can reasonably removed is, as you said, PCoC, and if I do that, I can't take another -100% crit chance. The same goes for removing my crit strikes support, if I do that my crit takes a big hit and I couldn't take another -100%. " I'm not sure this is better. Crit Strikes is, besides its use for freezes and power charges, a big DPS boost in itself. It gives me roughly 15% crit rate, at 255% crit multiplier. That means 155% extra damage 15% of the time, or 0,15x1,55 = something like 22,5% of base DPS. It may not be as spectacular as other support gems, but the freeze and power charge generation make up for that, imo. I tried removing PCoC, and though it can be done, it's not very practical. I just went to Dried Lake and ran through it in a rush, without caring about loot. My power charges dropped off twice and reached 1s twice more. It means that on top of having a longer build up time and needing to rush all the time, I can't rely on them anymore. They can drop off in the middle of a fight, while with PCoC, they can't. Btw, this may be because I only have 2 of the 5 power charge duration passives. " I use Faster Casting for 3 reasons: 1. I can't stand the animation lock of Spell Echo 2. With Spell Echo, every 2 casts count as one, meaning they get only one roll for a power charge 3. My mana consumption is pushing it with the 6L, and Faster Casting has a lower mana modifier than Spell Echo Last edited by Miathan51#5605 on Aug 2, 2016, 8:17:53 AM
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I went and invested a lot into my FP build with a perfect Pledge I found. I went CI, bought some cheap (35ex at the time, which was almost all my exalts) Skyforths, went Occultist for defense and got gear with +mana on it to effectively eliminate stuns, which is the big weakness of CI.
I've played around with numerous passive allocations and gem choices to support FP, but went from trying to freeze lock everything to more damage to just kill it quicker, while still being able to freeze, just not perma-freeze. You will likely notice that I have no real defenses - no leech via GR, no regen via ZO, no armor, only a little evasion, no block, no dodge. Instead, I went Occulist to get ES recharge and regen via killing, as well as investing a little into faster ES recharge start (61% from tree, enchants and gems). I have around 10,800 ES buffed and DPS of 150k with power charges up (196k when atziri flask popped). Also, crit chance is 94% with power charges up. I like this build, even though it is a one-button spam, because it requires me to have some situational awareness, it’s the old “don’t stand in the fire” kind of idea. It can be tanky however, for about 5 seconds anyway, when vaal discipline is popped, since nothing can burn through my 8k per second recharge. It’s even pretty tanky when Wicked Ward and Vile Bastion are ticking. As far as gems go, yes pierce is maybe an odd choice, since FP always pierces, but the “more” damage multiplier at only a 110% cost keeps mana cost around 105 per cast IIRC while providing nice damage boost. If I go Iron Will instead of Cold to Fire, freezes last longer, mana cost goes down to around 95 but DPS goes down by 20-30k or so. Since I can sustain mana cost fine at 105ish with mana potion, I went cold to fire. I tried cold penetration but it didn’t seem to make clearing faster than with pierce, but maybe someone with math skills can show me that I’m wrong such that I should use cold pen over pierce. The 140% mana multiplier on cold pen really jacks up the cost compared to pierce’s 110%, so not sure I could sustain that though, unless the math really made it worth it. Anyway, I’m sure my tree is not optimized, so feel free to offer thoughts. General idea was to get crit maxed and damage from tree, while relying on Occultist for defense. Risky, but fun as hell (to me at least). Contemplating reworking tree a little to forego Forbidden Power and getting malediction for extra curse and going enfeeble for even more defense or warlords mark with ZO for end charges and some leech. This seems attractive since skyforths should allow my power charges with needing Forbidden Power, but I would need to change tree to get extra power charge to make up missing crit chance. Thoughts? Finally, as far as direct feedback on FP: Pro: Freezes, coverage with LMP is sufficient, old-school caster fun, crit at 6% base is good Con: Needless drawback of losing damage over distance since damage up close is not OP; special issues with it not hitting / obstacles blocking (doorways etc) is infuriating; damage is only average comparatively. Suggestion(s): Up damage slightly to make more competitive, fix pathing and obstruction issues. Overall really love this old school spell build. Viable but not anywhere near overpowered and lots of options. |
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I made a Tanky Freezing Pulse build that i enjoy a lot. It's my favourite character and attack skill. I can tank anything without issues up to tier 13 or more where hits start to actually hurt my hp but nothing is life threatening. The only issues that i noticed with FP is the hit box around obstacles and doors is very bad and the damage of the skill is not even close to other skills in the game at the moment. Freezing Pulse needs support gems that change the way the skill fires to make it work and they all decrease damage (for balance reasons) but i do believe that if they add Freezing Pulse shotgun again that would make the skill viable. Or increasing it's damage by even 50 or 80% would balance it for this current meta.
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I'm playing an Ice Spear crit freeze build in Essence League. I use Freezing Pulse for a single target attack because its range compliments Ice Spear's so nicely and I like the higher freeze chance up close.
Freezing Pulse is really disappointing in tight spaces, doorways, or near obstacles. My character takes the time to cast it, but the projectile just hits the obstacle/wall/doorway without doing any damage. This is quite dangerous for my character, and it is difficult to determine visually which obstacles will cause the issue, so it's frustrating for me. Softcore, solo self-found.
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This skill is pure shit endgame content.
with right setup and flasks against bosses and... im lvl 92 maxed out gems 6L and ci 12k es tanky leecher and cant kill all guardians cause u go single target gem slower projectiles and then comes the adds for example phoenix boss. gg rip chimera same shit when adds come still can manage but wtf single target or go lmp with much much less much weaker and longer fight... gg skill minotaur, even with warlords makrk and lifegem and being tanky will rip u in this fight unless u dodge every god damn stone that falls everywhere, slower proj and have trouble against adds or lmp and fail anyway, weak gem.. and its lvl21q20, gg rip impossible to kill. hydra can manage but barley good god... still not ok for a maxed out toon. shaper: hahaa... gl hf hc gg rip All the god damn obstacles that can prevent this skill, oh my god, its been there for far too long when will u fix it? remake the skill entirely plz pros: u can freeze stuff which is useless endgame nice so god damn nice, stuck with slowerprojectile against hard bossfights with no range or go lmp and cry, this skill has been nerfed to the underground of the underground of the bottomless hole. and no, dont just nerf the shaper, its not shaper its the freezing pulse gem that is terrible, even after shaper nerf i bet 100%. this is coming from probably the strongest crit, tankiest perm-freeze freezing pulse build ingame today, yes i am. rest in peace freezing pulse, u are nothing compared to blade vortex or all chaos skills out there. what have u done ggg?... |
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" this is true, I dont even have to write anything more ign: klavesnica
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No changes for 2.5 .... damn you ggg.
Ok since you guys are so slow and only focus on new uninteresting temporarily content, let me solve this problem for you. Cause either you dont have time or u dont know how to solve this. I will give you suggestions of year 2017, these suggestions are so good, all u have to do is implement them ok? Here we go for new Freezing pulse: Remove less damage the further it travels. There is no point to this mechanic for this skill now that shotgunning is gone, absolutely useless. Remove it. This skill is not made to facetank anymore, u made that happen. Give it built in faster projectiles with levels! Why u may ask? Since you took away shotgunning and sticking to it forever, lets make this skill for what it is now. Give it less dmg taken from reflect the further it travels. This will balance out the faster projectile. Give it 2 built in extra projectiles at lvl 10 gem and 5 built in extra projectiles at lvl 18 gem! Yes free GMP ALL WITH NO DMG LOSS. Why you ask? Even with GMP u miss some mobs standing next to u to the left or the right. that happens all the time. GMP with freezing pulse is NOT as great as you think! You still need to position and angleshoot all the time. Anyway this will also solve the boss fights with adds. For GOD sake, THIS WILL SOLVE EVERYTHING WITH BOSSFIGHTS. Lower mana cost MUCH more, this will stop forcing ppl to go warlord's mark for mana leech, there are other curses that is more suitable for FP builld. There you go, start working at it good god. Last edited by SupervAn#7023 on Nov 30, 2016, 6:36:00 PM
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"I would be okay with this happening or not happening. I like the fade mechanic because it's interesting, but if GGG wanted to buff FP's damage that would be okay too. "FP already has this, and you get even more proj speed from quality, I don't think proj speed is a problem for FP. It's something you can invest a wand suffix into if you really want, but you don't have to. "FP already has this... less damage dealt = less damage reflected. "I don't think FP needs built in GMP. And I barely ever miss a mob with FP. In my opinion, FP requiring GMP for clearing (or Snakepit rings) is a fair cost of playing the skill. Not that FP is overpowered or anything, but you can't just get everything for free :/ In my opinion FP is in a good spot right now, in your opinion it's not, that's okay I spose. FP does a lot of damage and can perma-freeze T15 bosses on a reasonable budget, hard to ask for better than that. "This one I agree with, although I didn't have to use Warlord's on either of the last 2 FP builds I played; for one I used a mana flask and for the other I used Consecrated Ground (as inquisitor). But I agree that GGG needs to make mana easier for spellcasters. Nobody uses regen anymore, it's not possible to sustain with that. builds:
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please, please, PLEASE improve it with multiple projectiles, like a fixed spread similar to tornado shot or split arrow, it makes absolutely no sense it can still be aimed so tight together
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