Freezing Pulse
I use this spell quite a lot, and find it extremely useful when mobs are up close.
If a mob makes it past my Ice Spear, this spell has a nice high chance of freezing the mob, and does high damage to any that are close. It casts nice and fast, freezes, and does high damage, with this it's easy to tank a rare that makes it into me. I generally cast a couple, get it frozen, drop an elemental weakness, and then take it down. Still using this spell at level 64. |
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I've stopped using this spell ever since I obtained cold snap. It could use some tweaking to make it more useful. A cone shape aoe effect could help. With the arc starting a little smaller and ending much larger could make it usefull in situations were ice spear + cold snap would falter.
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I recently switched to FP from multi Ice Spear. It absolutely MOWS down enemies with the below combination of supports:
Unavailable In order to be effective, though, I need to get in the face of the mobs, so I am taking more hits than I was w/IS. IGN: Quiscient
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I usually use Ice Spear on my level 71 witch, so I tried switching to Freezing Pulse to see if it was any good, and it was absolutely horrible. Maybe it might have some use early game with no supports, but late game Freezing Pulse is worse than Ice Spear in almost every way.
PRO: -Damage seems to be around 20% higher than Ice Spear's. With Added Chaos Damage and +Lightning damage per power charge, that drops it to 10% more overall. CON: -Freezing Pulse has less range -Freezing Pulse has no bonus crit chance <- (in practice, this cuts its damage potential to around half of Ice Spear's for my build with 800% critical damage) -Freezing Pulse does less damage at range -Freezing Pulse's Quality bonus (+projectile speed) is totally useless because it's already very fast, and its range is so limited anyway) -Freezing Pulse's large projectile is redundant when Multiple Projectiles becomes involved (which it will because there's no reason not to use Multiple Projectiles with Freezing Pulse) |
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All feedback after this point is for 0.9.6.
Balance & Design
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Not really impressed by this skill early game.
I prefered to use Spark, Cold Snap or Glacial Spike. low range, low cast speed, less freeze chance than Cold Snap... My main grip was the cast speed though, compared to Spark. PoE forums ignore list script: 0.4: added "ignore" button. ignore list is now saved locally. | |
Feedback after this point is for 0.9.7
Balance & Design
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Given the description of the spell, you would really think Increased Duration would work with it...
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imo freezing pulse is pretty good for kiting monsters around if they are too close, as long as you can aim it correctly
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Using this skill on my lvl 30 frost witch. It was an okay skill, and my main staple for damage in the early parts of the game but now I find myself using it less and less. This skill still holds up well in close quarters which is what it's designed for. I wouldn't really change anything...
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