Flicker Strike

EC will grant more Charges per activation. Will be weaker against packs of 2~4 monsters (value depends on how strong the buff is), probably.
Wow, forum ate my post... :(

This skill lacks flow. There is a pause after you flicker due to having to situate yourself and the mouse once again on the enemy you just blinked to. I find myself never using it, unless in rare occasions where I need to get behind a mob.


- Increase the range... This skills range is pitiful. Leap Slam hits full screen, why not flicker?

- Try Flicker StrikeS... Instead of 1 hit... finish flicker with 3 or 4. Not saying increase damage. You can lower that for all I care. What this does is give the player time to situate his mouse once again on the enemy in order to flawlessly continue the barrage of attacks. It's a feel thing.

This skill, as is, completely ruins the flow of my high attack speed high crit character.
Mechanized82 wrote:
Wow, forum ate my post... :(

This skill lacks flow. There is a pause after you flicker due to having to situate yourself and the mouse once again on the enemy you just blinked to. I find myself never using it, unless in rare occasions where I need to get behind a mob.


- Increase the range... This skills range is pitiful. Leap Slam hits full screen, why not flicker?

Flicker is very fast and provides instant travel, leap slam isnt. That's why Flicker's range is pretty short. BTW, if you increase it's range, it will a HUGE nerf to builds that use Flicker Strike as main DPS skill. Why? Because the more distance travelled, the more you get lags and desyncs. Flicker builds will became just unplayable.

- Try Flicker StrikeS... Instead of 1 hit... finish flicker with 3 or 4. Not saying increase damage. You can lower that for all I care. What this does is give the player time to situate his mouse once again on the enemy in order to flawlessly continue the barrage of attacks. It's a feel thing.

Have you ever tried Multistrike support? It does that thing - 3x Flicker Strikes instead of one. An, yes, flicker isnt the best movement skill. But there are a plenty of others to chose from, if you want just close gap between you can enemy.

This skill, as is, completely ruins the flow of my high attack speed high crit character.

Then dont use it, lol! If you use single-target attack skill, like dualstrike, you probably should better use Whirling Blades or lightning Warp. IF you can use Leap Slam, use it, it's even better. Flicker is great when combined with no-target skills (usually linked with multistrike), like Reave, Cyclone, etc. With them, you dont need precise targeting, so you wont waste time after flicker, just press shift and shred all enemies into pieces.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power

Flicker is very fast and provides instant travel, leap slam isnt. That's why Flicker's range is pretty short. BTW, if you increase it's range, it will a HUGE nerf to builds that use Flicker Strike as main DPS skill. Why? Because the more distance travelled, the more you get lags and desyncs. Flicker builds will became just unplayable.

You are wrong. Having a short range on flicker strike makes you desync more. Why? Because when you use flicker strike as your main dps skill you tend ending up in big group of monster and you tend on putting your mouse over a desync monster that is further. So your character will try attacking it but since it is out of range, your character has to move towards it and makes you desync because in your screen the action has been made without moving towards the target. So making this skill unlimited range would actually help a little bit the desync issue with it.
Last edited by FleepQc#2480 on Oct 7, 2013, 6:37:23 AM
FleepQc wrote:

Flicker is very fast and provides instant travel, leap slam isnt. That's why Flicker's range is pretty short. BTW, if you increase it's range, it will a HUGE nerf to builds that use Flicker Strike as main DPS skill. Why? Because the more distance travelled, the more you get lags and desyncs. Flicker builds will became just unplayable.

You are wrong. Having a short range on flicker strike makes you desync more. Why? Because when you use flicker strike as your main dps skill you tend ending up in big group of monster and you tend on putting your mouse over a desync monster that is further. So your character will try attacking it but since it is out of range, your character has to move towards it and makes you desync because in your screen the action has been made without moving towards the target. So making this skill unlimited range would actually help a little bit the desync issue with it.

A mouse-over issue is easily countered by proper mouse positioning. If you dont want your character to charge certain mob, dont mouseover any mobs, that's all!
And the range is what usually makes you leap several screens in a second, which creates insane lags. Actually, for me, lags are main killer when flickering! If i had high-end PC, then the number of my deaths would be cut in half!
As for desyncs... Well, there were deaths because of desyncs, but that were probably 5% of total number, no more.
Unlimited range for flicker? Lol, prepare to face tonns of stupid deaths (like flicker to off-screen reflect pack, or flickering sofar that your PC just hangs in lags.

Is Flicker unplayable? Hell NO! (unless you got shitty 10-years-old PC, or shitty super-fast weapon with 1.7+ speed).
I played with flicker most my game time.
As most skills, it has its strong and weak points. Every skill has them. But i can assure you, that strong points of Flicker are worth your efforts.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Oct 7, 2013, 1:57:33 PM
I made a HC build for flicker strike... the only reason why its not viable: Desync. THe main reason why my character desync seems to always be because a monster is out of range or hes hiding behind a wall. Reflect shouldn't be a problem if you built ur character properly for every situation. You just can't do anything about desync... flicker strike seems to be targeting random targets sometimes.
FleepQc wrote:
I made a HC build for flicker strike... the only reason why its not viable: Desync. THe main reason why my character desync seems to always be because a monster is out of range or hes hiding behind a wall. Reflect shouldn't be a problem if you built ur character properly for every situation. You just can't do anything about desync... flicker strike seems to be targeting random targets sometimes.

Actually, desync is the only reason why Flicker Strike isnt most OP melee skill in the game.
Everyone, please, ask yourself one simple question and answer honestly - "what if there were no desync issue"? Obviously, Flicker would because the most used melee skill ever, because its DPS is far greater than any other melee skill's, while also providng an ability to close gaps instantly and moving so fast, that enemies have no chance to perform a hit.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Oct 15, 2013, 9:41:09 AM
its sad cause it is the most fun build i've ever played ... and can't even make it work on HC :(
Probably been posted before but ... can't you do something about the camera while doing a flicker strike ? Like only centering your character when it gets out of the screen or close to doing that ? Make an option for it in the Options menu for those that actually use it in a build like that ?
Last edited by IonSugeRau#5504 on Nov 1, 2013, 4:13:53 AM
This skill seems really buggy in relation to platforms and "thin" walls. You can dash over them to monsters but sometimes the game decides you actually couldn't... 10 seconds later and teleports you back to where you started the flicker.

Sometimes you will have taken monster damage but dealt no damage to monsters in that 10 seconds. Coupled with other odd desynchronization bugs its can be a real problem.

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