Flicker Strike
Given how frequently the attack has to communicate with the server, I imagine something as simple as latency might be causing some of the behavior you're seeing. Last I checked, I'm running an average latency of 35-50ms; what's yours look like?
"And 'Do what thou willst' shall be the whole of the law." -- Aleister Crowley "First, love; then, do what thou willst." -- St. Augustine "Whatever is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil." -- Friedrich Nietzsche |
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Latency is fine. Around the same as yours. Works much better when selecting a target as you said. I am going to try and hit 7 hits per second with the build I am currently working on. I bet that will just look silly.
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I have noticed some problematic behavior with this skill and item highlights. I tend to play with auto-highlight on to make sure I don't miss anything, but anytime my mouse lands on an item name, even if I was previously focused on a single target, my character just walks towards the item and stops attacking. I'm using one of the QWERT keys for Flicker Strike, if it helps, though I'm pretty sure a similar thing happens with my right mouse-button (which is Cleave), though it's more of an issue with Flicker Strike since it moves me around so much and has more opportunity to land my mouse over an item.
This is just deadly in the Maelstrom, where any break in attacking is pretty catastrophic. ------
"And 'Do what thou willst' shall be the whole of the law." -- Aleister Crowley "First, love; then, do what thou willst." -- St. Augustine "Whatever is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil." -- Friedrich Nietzsche |
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comparing this skill to viper strike and double strike, the skill feels ridiculously OP, the 40% total damage is too high for a skill that teleports you to target, can be spammed, and protects you from most melle mob attacks at the same time.
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I started using this skill with my Assasin-build (dagger and arm guard spec) Ranger. I've jsut hit level 20-something and my feeling is that this skill is too good.
I can literally target the ground with the skill and hold down the trigger until everything within range is dead, occasionally using a pot to keep my Mana up. I intend on grabbing Blood Magic (mostly because I love the skill) and using it with that and Blood Rage. Now, my character has a bunch of points dumped into +move speed, some into int, some into dex and some into str. Its very much not a "perfect build"; I even went out of my way to grab the "daggers poison on critical strike" passive. So, if I can clear a screen with what amounts to a single drawn-out button click, I hate to think what a "real" build could do. Before I got Flicker Strike I was having great fun with Shield Bash, but now... there just doesn't seem any point to using it. I'd like to see Flicker Strike's untargeted activation removed; so you had to actually target something with it. I'm guessing you've made it the way it is to avoid people using it strictly as a movement spell - teleporting their way across maps; but as it is having the ability to just spam this skill and kill screens without aiming at all is ridiculous. |
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" Once you hit the second difficulty, you will notice a huge difference in the effectiveness of this skill. You can still make it OP with the right builds, but I find using anything but a two hander makes it a bit inefficient as it takes 5 or so hits for each enemy. It is way too overpowered in normal though. It is overpowered in the other difficulties with the correct builds. It is really tough to use in the Maelstrom, at least for me, because I get 1 or 2 shotted by rare monsters with a 100% flicker build. You will also be drinking a mana pot about every 3-4 seconds. I think this skill just needs to change completely. It is the glitchiest skill I have used. (6.2 warps per second just isn't going to work correctly over the internet methinks) I hate to say that as it is also the most fun to watch skill. But that is all I am doing for the most part, watching. Hold right click and hit numbers 1-5 until either I am dead or all the enemies are. |
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Ok, hopefully I'll get some more time in over the next couple of days. I look forward to having to use a more diverse skillset again!
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This skill is pretty key for getting out of danger for dexterity builds. It's kind of strange that this is a level 10 skill, but Phase Run, which is also pretty underwhelming at the moment, is a level 1 skill.
I vote that these be switched, and phase run become something worthwhile. This skill rocks for a dexterity martial build for claws. You end up waiting to long to learn it's eccentricities and how to use it well along with your other melee skills. |
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Two handed sword duelist with full on dex + frenzy charges.
Once charges are stacked the skill can just be held down and it will take me half way through a dungeon before I'm stopped, disregarding loot and chests. I feel its current iteration is borderline broken and the previous version, where charges were consumed, was more balanced. Suggestions include: - Reverting to having charges consumed. - Requiring a target to warp at. - Swapping warp speed for additional attacks per cast, per frenzy charge. @ I.e. Generic combat situation: Surrounded by 4 enemies. You have 5 frenzy charges. @ Flicker strike one target and at that point 5 opaque "clones" of the character perform an identical attack on 1 enemy each per charge. @ As there are only 4 targets one of them would be hit by 2 clones whilst another would be hit by the character and a clone. @ If there was only one hostile in range he would receive the attacks from all 5 images + the player, this could be capped to avoid excessive damage. The idea is that it simulates the feeling of warping at multiple targets without moving the character beyond the initial strike. It would also give a dex based multi target attack to dex only characters who have no access to AoE attacks because of weapon choice. |
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This currently seems to be by far the best single-target ability. Its dps is generally better than skills like double strike or heavy strike, and it only gets better with frenzy charges. It also gets rid of a big downside of single-target skills, which is having to spend time walking between enemies to keep whacking them. This doesn't seem right for a skill that also has great utility.
I think making it require intelligence (as well as dexterity) would be a good idea. It's a "magicky" skill in that it involves teleportation, plus it should hopefully provide encouragement to use daggers and claws which are desperately underused at the moment. Non-intelligence characters can still use it for getting around a fight, but not as a staple attack any more. Alternatively, give it a nerf of some sort, but then give that back to dagger/claw users (maybe its attack speed per frenzy charges only works with daggers/claws?). |
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