Unknown Unique Hunt Feat. Dan_GGG[Hunt is Over:Unique inside]

Perq wrote:
I'm puzzled about Doryani tho, because his "themed mechanic" might be the Vaal Pact... makes kind of sense with sacrifices and leeching life thingy. Might want to add him to the guesses, that makes sense according to all that has been hinted. :@

Without the clue I gave Zeels90 I don't think the mechanical "theme" of a character is going to get you too far. In this case I'm referring to looking at their items and figuring out what they care about. So broadly speaking, Kaom cares about being tanky, Doryani cares about elemental damage, Shavronne cares about energy shield etc.

Zeels has another data point that makes that useful information.

I guess you guys could also look at artistic theme and go "would this person wear an etched metal visor?" or something.
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Dan_GGG wrote:

I guess you guys could also look at artistic theme and go "would this person wear an etched metal visor?" or something.

Something like this?


Or is that an MTX?
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Dan_GGG wrote:
I guess you guys could also look at artistic theme and go "would this person wear an etched metal visor?" or something.

Etched metal visors were common in helmets worn by mounted soldiers. Deshret fits this theme. She has not had a unique in a very, very long time, and is a Maraketh character.

It could still easily be Voll, as well.
Ruby light of Songbird dreaming,
Daring King of Swords deceiving,
Queen of Sirens left in grieving,
Star of Wraeclast evermore.
Last edited by Xedralya on Apr 17, 2015, 3:04:13 AM
Yellow/gold is a consistent theme in lioneye's uniques, so it's not lioneye's. The visor seems a bit too subtle for Doryani, the scepter and belt are rather grandiose in style. Rigvald, Deshret, and Titicus strike me as helmet people, Gravicius as well. Not the types to wear masks.

Which leaves Shavronne, Voll, and Doedre.
I don't think it's Voll, from the avatar the helmet doesn't look very "High Templar" to me. Looking at all of the str/int helmets none of them are visor-like. Maybe Voll is the exception, but I don't think so.

Which leads me to think it's between Shavronne and Doedre. For the same reason as Doryani, I do not think it is Shavronne's. An etched visor seems too simple for someone who bundled themselves up in Shavronne's Wrappings.

The visor has a hint of "evil" to it, Doedre was evil. She wasn't extravagant, simple, but malevolent. Her gloves also have etchings on them.
The lioneye mask is an MTX.

Dreggon wrote:
I'm gonna go with Doedre because she was one stone-cold bastard.

e: mouth, black void, etc.

Oh man, I missed this. Lucky I spotted it because it's actually correct!

Also Septile, your explanation for this is right on the money. Nice work!

So let's call this weekend the endgame.

The final question is what does it do?
What kind of mods would Doedre Darktongue have on her helm?

I'll reveal the item on Monday NZ time (Sunday US time), let's see who gets closest!
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Dreggon wrote:
I'm gonna go with Doedre because she was one stone-cold bastard.

e: mouth, black void, etc.
I am trending towards Doedre Darktongue as well. I am convinced Dan would only choose a lore character that has a D in their name. Doedre has 2!
I wrote this as dan posted, so ill just leave it here

I think Dan just gave us a hidden clue. It must be "Doedre's Visor".

Whatever lore character it is, it definitely has an ES portion to it. What I was pondering was, is it hybrid with ES or full ES? Originally I thought it must have been a hybrid Armour / ES, but if its Doedre that means its full ES.
It would be an apt time for Doedre to have a new unique, considering they did a lot of work with virtue gems, and the upcoming expansion has a lot to do with them as well.

As for what it does, I think it will assist in the casting of spells, so possibly mana regeneration or if we are lucky, some form of increase to spell damage.
Last edited by Metronomy on Apr 17, 2015, 3:44:20 AM
We all know Doedre demands a sacrifice. Her flask takes some of our life force to give us immense power, her gloves give up some alacrity for greater power (thematically, badly implemented in game though), and her ring gives up almost everything (useful stats) just to be able to damn her enemies stronger than anyone.

It is a Scorn after all, so I expect a downside 100%, while weakening enemies I suppose. Maybe a helm dedicated to curses (making them stronger)?
Last edited by Daidelos on Apr 17, 2015, 4:04:41 AM
This would be my guess :

XXX Energy Shield
+Y% Energy shield
Gems in this item are supported by level Z blind
You are blinded
Your strikes have culling string against blinded ennemies
Something about her eyes implying she was Evil
Maybe something like increased effect of curse with curses reflected back to you?
It would fit the theme of the "In order to receive, one must give" from the flask and synergies well with the ring.
Last edited by Porcoflic on Apr 17, 2015, 4:28:43 AM
Daidelos wrote:
It is a Scorn after all, so I expect a downside 100%, while weakening enemies I suppose. Maybe a helm dedicated to curses (making them stronger)?
I really hope they dont overdo downsides on uniques. I see Doedre as not one what sacrifices everything for obtaining higher magic, but rather someone who has little regard for lesser spells and goes to great lengths to strengthen their own spells / facilitate the workings of stronger spells.

On that note I think something like: 'Gains X% spell damage per 1 mana cost' would be a really interesting mechanic which I think would fit Doedre perfectly. It really resonates with me when I think of Doedre, because you need to spend a lot (in mana cost) to get the benefit of stronger spells.

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