Stringing on the Kickstarter customer, or Why this game needs to die
Good to see you back Scrotie, even if it's for a farewell message :(
Somewhat agree with some of what was said, but having only been in OB (and not CB), I can only post based on my less-than-complete experience. My view is relatively straightforward, as my thoughts often are: - Is the game today better than it was in 2012? Absolutely - Has GGG worked their asses off to make the game better than it was? For sure - Do they deserve the amounts that I, as both a customer and a supporter, have contributed? I do think so - Will Act 4 keep me hooked? I'm relatively confident it will (but will need "more of more" for the game to feel a little less predictable) - Has GGG stuck to its initial promise of no-BIS uniques? Nope. The masses won out here - Is the fact that BIS uniques exist the end of Wraeclast? Not at all. A mirrored rare will always be the ultimate prize. (My issue there is with mirrors, but that's a different story) - Are there still relatively fundamental issues that can never be solved without a rework? Yes - Will the game live to Act 5? Maybe? But I strongly doubt it'll reach Act 6. The engine is already showing it's ancient age and the game will need a rework soon | |
For me, I agree with Dlrr the most. I keep supporting because of four main things:
1. I still believe in GGG as a company. I appreciate their effort, their clear love of and enthusiasm for this product. Their customer service is top notch. Can they, as a company, do things better (speaking strictly as a company, not in relation to the game management or game design)? Of course, find me one that can't. I still have faith that they want to do better and are trying to. 2. GGG has kept its ftp promise. I have never once, and will never, pay into a game where it gives you a gameplay advantage. Yes, I own a lot of stash tabs (well, relative to the starting 4, not some of you nutjobs). But I could play with the starting 4 if I had to and it wouldn't really be different. My hoarder instincts would cry though. 3. I still have fun playing this game. Do I agree with every decision they've made regarding this game? God no. I will loathe, til the day I die, the fact that there was no post-OB wipe and that legacy items exist. Do I think that the supremacy of AoE is what I want most or is best? Nope. Charan has an excellent thread on that issue. Is the game as stable or efficient as I want? Hahahahahaha. I mean, really. It takes a ridiculous amount of computing power to run this game, and there are definite stability issues in places (looking at you maps). Sayya had a spot on, if a tad angry, post about this like yesterday. However, in the end, this game is STILL a blast to play. There are still at least 20 characters I want to make to try out various skill/gear combinations. They are still putting out new content that I enjoy. I can't speak to the current temp leagues as my gaming computer fried and my current one can't play PoE (see above re: ridiculous computing power needed), but FM was fantastic. The new unique maps are great. I have high hopes for Act 4. My only real concern, and for me this will be a watershed test, is whether GGG learned from the disaster of A3X. Yes, disaster. Everyone I talk to, without exception, loathes A3X. The monster design is obnoxious, and the difficulty spike is stupid. The rest of the game is just good enough to bitch about having to get through A3X on guild chat and then move on. Although, to hell with playing A3X in Merciless. 4. I still want those mtxes. I really like the aesthetic (in general, Seraph stuff can go away now). I never use mtx to show off, I use what I like in combos I like because the damned character is on my screen 100% of the playtime, so I want to enjoy looking at it. ---- My original pack was based on playing a free weekend and being very impressed with GGG. I didn't intend to support ever. As long as each of the four things above remain true, I'm sure I'll spend more, even if perhaps the game isn't what we envisioned in CB. Support a free Hong Kong.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. -Galileo Galilei |
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I'd also like to echo dlrr's sentiment. I'd also like to add one more thing:
Has GGG grown as a company since those early days? You bet. It's probably not as interesting a narrative, but rather than the pig-headed stubbornness or blind fantasy-world explanations some of the more creative forum users come up with, I'd like to believe it's simply a matter of them still being understaffed while at the same time having to deal with an ever-growing laundry list of past mistakes that they need to correct now that they're a bit more the wiser. Of course a more cynical way of looking at it would be to say that they were young and naive to make such lofty promises when they were a humbler group, and now that they've been tested by the rigors of real-world game development they're doing their best to keep up with such unrealistic promises. IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
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All i see is lashing out, similar to what Charan does when he is in a dip.
It's an insult to the supposed "intellect" you guys posses. Surely you have the wisdom and capacity to understand why things have evolved the way they did, without the need to lash out. Sure you can disagree with that evolution or with what it has created, but i simply disagree with this "call in arms" to fellow supporters to ditch this game just because you are incapable to adapt to it or reconcile with its current status. All i see is yet another "i am leaving, do this or i won't come back" masked by a few conclusions and pretty words followed up by a click-bait tittle. Simply put, i can agree with most of your assessments and i usually have in the past, but the tittle is a bust and so is the call to arms, which is quite frankly insulting to GGG. Peace and i hope your doing well and your life is back on track, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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This is a very interesting conversation to say the least. Minus a few malcontents, this maybe one of the best threads I have read in awhile.
Yes this game has changed from CB. Nor for the better in my opinion, but more than six people can't decide where to eat lunch. I was happily surprised to see you post again McB. I understand why it could be your last too. But improvements to the game need to come from GGG. Not us. We can point out what we conceive as flaws and ask them to be addressed. We can offer suggestions ideas on what we consider the game is lacking that would make it better. But no matter what happens some of us won't like it. Choosing to buy additional supporter packs is a personal decision and should remain that way. My reasons are not your reasons. But if I was to point to one thing I think the game could use to help us that only play melee is a support gem that bypasses ES. Similar to ignores armor in D2. -30- |
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@MoonYu , you should be more specific about that last gem suggestion, since "added chaos damage" does exactly what you describe there.
/sorry derail Peace, -Boem- (i hope i am not a malcontent simply because i still have faith in GGG?) Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" You mean like added chaos or atziri flask?
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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[Removed by Support]. I personally feel that POE goes from strength to strength and is currently sitting in the best spot it ever has with sufficient content & reasonable balance. Hope you find a game you like because it sure ain't this one.
Last edited by Jared_GGG#0000 on Feb 10, 2015, 1:33:07 PM
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tl;dr OP hates legacy items and certain build enabling uniques as well as GGG's choosen business model of F2P game with supporter packs instead of charging $XX.XX.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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I don't want to derail this thread, but I always hated the idea of chaos damage.
What I'm about is a simple ignore ES. My physical attack goes right through it. Why? Because melee is forced to hunt down each monster unlike the ranged attackers. But Chaos is a game breaker as far as I am concerned. Want to know more? Start a new thread. |
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