Suggestion : XP GAIN/LOSS || OFF / ON SWITCH

Hey everyone, I have had the idea for awhile that we should have the ability to turn off XP Gain/Loss for our character for a given time.

Over the course of my journey to level 100, I have gained many friends and acquaintances. The problem is, that I hit level 100, and my friends decided not to.

At level 100, I started to have so much fun with the Map system. Doing double beyond, the hardest mods, and not having to worry about dying and losing 10% XP (about 5 hours of mapping 78's)

So many times, I am online with a bunch of friends, and I offer to do a hard map because its fun. The typical response is "Sorry man, I can't risk the XP" So really, getting to level 100 left me with less people to play with on a daily basis because of this XP penalty.

I don't mind doing easier maps, but once in awhile a hard map is fun to mix it up.

This XP GAIN/LOSS Switch would allow a player, my friend (who is scared to lose 10%), to 'turn OFF' the ability for him to Gain Experience until the player switches it off. Now the beautiful thing, would be if the player Turns OFF the ability to gain expereince for a map, then he also wouldn't risk 10% of his xp if he dies. Since the xp if OFF.

This will allow people leveling to still "take the night off" and not have hours of game time in jeopardy... I miss my friends :( getting to 100 takes a lot of time, and each death just adds to that exponentially.

Imagine being lvl 98 and 90%. You do a map with you friend with some -max and beyond. The unrelenting frost boss spawns and 1 shots you. Now your at 80%, and you are not gonna ding tonight or tomarrow lol.

The 10% penalty is fine for lower levels, but the risk is not worth the reward when u get to the upper 90's. You become a neat freak, who only will do blue maps with pack size (fun fun...)
This switch will allow players from 95-100 enjoy the end game map system for what it is, and not have to put theyre hard earned free time at risk to do it.

What do u guys think?

Balanced in terms of Gain and Loss. Only result would be more fun had by the mapping community.
If anyone has played the Casino game "Craps", Lets think of this switch as "Turning Your Bets Off"

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Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World
Helped 7 Players Grind To 100 PRE Awakening & 3 Players Post Awakening
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Last edited by levy42088#0222 on Jan 24, 2015, 9:10:22 AM
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Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World
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Roll up a new character.
Aggropop wrote:
Roll up a new character.

This ^, its the only way. Why would you want to stop progress on 1 char? Just make a new one. Are you gonna do the new content, act 4 and act 5 and so on with that same char too? 1 char policy kills diversity for the players themselves. Make new chars, 24 default char slots are a good start, i got 39, go figure.
Sry, not interested in making a new char. this is my first and only char. I wanted to reach level 100 so bad so I won't have to worry about the XP penalty if I die, and I can have fun again. This is a great feeling, why would I want to jump back in to the terrible grind.

Probably won't be interested in act 4 and 5 unless they increase the level cap. If they wanted to give me more acts to help me to level 100, then they r too late lol. I have no reason to do any more annoying quests in this game. Screw the damn medicine chest, and the bandit junk.

I play this character because it is what I want to play. I want to be a melee tank with aegis. If any new OP abilities come out I can just use a few regret orbs and recolor my gear to try it out. No need to waste time with pointless quests when the only reason im playing this game is for the end game/

I wish my other 96-98 buddies could turn off theyre xp bar for a couple of maps, to have some fun on a friday night. that and I feel terrible if they join my map and they die.... I feel responsible, and now they lose 5 hours of playing time... thats really not cool...

The 10% might not feel like anything at level 85, but when you need to do a few 78's just to get 1%, you will see.

It takes so long to get to 100, why would u want to just start new once u get there. And not reap the benefits.
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Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World
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Last edited by levy42088#0222 on Jan 24, 2015, 9:01:24 AM
No. There are only two things this game revolves around: drops and experience.

Aside from my point, I'm absolutely certain that nobody below level 100 would defer some experience. It's only more and more valuable due to the difficulty to acquire it the higher your level is. So nobody would disable experience in any way even if the choice was allowed. Well, unless a macro could be made to open the menu, go to the correct tab, and enable it before your character died; in which case it would be abused by anyone willing to do so.

So seeing it from a practical view, it won't happen.

But let's look at the fun part. The best part is that it would eliminate the difference in play between maxed level characters and anyone even one point of experience below maxed. The advantage of being maxed is that you can try builds with the maximum amount of points without having to worry about losing anything, except a portal to a map. Remove that and you remove most of the value of a max level character. Oh sure the extra points help, but 2 points is nothing compared to not losing experience.

So from both practical and impractical perspectives, I don't see this ever being used. Just disable experience, build your build, and see if it survives. If it dies, you never risked anything. If it works, you enable experience and begin mapping.

Natharias wrote:
Aside from my point, I'm absolutely certain that nobody below level 100 would defer some experience. It's only more and more valuable due to the difficulty to acquire it the higher your level is. So nobody would disable experience in any way even if the choice was allowed. Well, unless a macro could be made to open the menu, go to the correct tab, and enable it before your character died; in which case it would be abused by anyone willing to do so.

Loads of players would use it, in order to attempt bosses without fearing the loss of immense amounts of XP. And it would be as much for the loot as for the ability to simply attempt a boss and fully clear the map. Many players (myself included) simply skip most bosses because the time lost if you mess up is higher than the pleasure/reward you get for killing it. Hell, even with a very strong decrease in IIR and IIQ, players would still be very glad to be able to attempt (even with a single attempt allowed) map bosses. I'd gladly go to town, disable experience loss and gain, then come back for my attempt.
EXACTLY TREMER! :D Hit the nail on the head
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Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World
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MrTremere wrote:
Natharias wrote:
Aside from my point, I'm absolutely certain that nobody below level 100 would defer some experience. It's only more and more valuable due to the difficulty to acquire it the higher your level is. So nobody would disable experience in any way even if the choice was allowed. Well, unless a macro could be made to open the menu, go to the correct tab, and enable it before your character died; in which case it would be abused by anyone willing to do so.

Loads of players would use it, in order to attempt bosses without fearing the loss of immense amounts of XP. And it would be as much for the loot as for the ability to simply attempt a boss and fully clear the map. Many players (myself included) simply skip most bosses because the time lost if you mess up is higher than the pleasure/reward you get for killing it. Hell, even with a very strong decrease in IIR and IIQ, players would still be very glad to be able to attempt (even with a single attempt allowed) map bosses. I'd gladly go to town, disable experience loss and gain, then come back for my attempt.

Why would you have to disable it? Just lvl up before the fight and you wont lose XP, then do the boss.
lol, yea thats a perfect solution if u wanna do 1 boss every 6 days (causal player gaining 96-97 avg)

We should be able to be competitive when we want to be, but then casual and care free for a little bit.

If some of you still don't see the brilliance of this switch, then it probably isn't going to effect you. But there are plenty of people with friends in the same spot, and this would definitely help "diversify" the game :)

Or, better yet... for HAKU MISSIONS!!! YOU NEED HIS MASTER XP, BUT ITS SUICIDE!! SO so many people r scared to do his missions.
Standard League
Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World
Helped 7 Players Grind To 100 PRE Awakening & 3 Players Post Awakening
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Last edited by levy42088#0222 on Jan 24, 2015, 11:25:45 AM

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