Mechanics thread
" damage over time stacks in this fashion, strongest one of same type work then if a longer weaker one is applied together, the weaker one will continue where the stronger one left off at. this information is roughly available on first post. if you have 100% rarity, then you will see twice as many blue, yellow, and brown items than before when you (or thinks made by you) are making the kill. exp and drop penalties are listed on first page too... after 5th level in area vs you in difference, starts giving less xp. after 2 levels difference starts dropping rate for currency based items (scrolls and orbs). all real money things bought will stay on convert to open beta, stash slots and character slots and kiwi (i think the bird stays, don't see why not) and the demigod presence unique. |
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Do auras stack? If 2 players have anger on, will they both get the added damage of both auras?
Also, what determines the range of conduit? It is effected by any of the aura radius passives? Thanks for any answers. This is a really great thread to have around. IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
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" By integer I mean an actual value, as opposed to a percentage. Unavailable The first mod on the above item (108% increased physical damage) is a percentage bonus. The second mod (Adds 17-35 physical damage) is an integer bonus. By relevant damage mods I mean, %increased fire damage will boost the damage of fire trap. But obviously % increased fire damage will not increase the physical damage done by bear trap. Mines are not considered traps, this quote from mark explains it nicely: " " 1. No, they don't stack. As soul4hdwn says, if you apply multiple bleeds to a target, they all have a separate timer, but only the most damaging bleed will be in effect at any one time. The effects don't queue up like flasks either. 2 & 3 are explained in the OP 4. Anything bought from the shop will remain after open beta. Any items in those stash tabs will be wiped though. " I'm pretty certain that only the highest-level aura will be in effect (they don't stack). I have no idea about the range of conduit. Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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When a physical damage bleed is ticking on me, what is D for the purposes of the reduction equation?
1) one seconds' worth? 2) the whole duration value? If I start running, and I start bleeding faster, does that lower my %reduction? I often find myself wondering how effective my armour is against these things. -- I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago. Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Aug 16, 2012, 12:13:39 AM
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"Because damage over time isn't dealt as a discrete amount of damage, the armour physical damage reduction forumla can't apply to it. Physical damage over time is therefore unaffected by armour (but still affected by other forms of physical damge reduction), at least until we find a good solution. | |
" Thank you, I can now feel a little better about getting rid of anger :) IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
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when is damage calculated when i cast a totem with firestorm for example ? does a summoned totem damage change after swapping gear (increasing/decreasing spell damage)
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" As a point of clarification, I'm interested in figuring out how Blind interacts with the evasion roll to negate a crit. If a mob is blinded, (chance to hit)*4 = attacker_accuracy / ( attacker_accuracy + ((defender_evasion/4)^0.8)) while of course CTH probably still remains at least 5%. If now this mob scores a critical strike on me, is the CTH again divided by 4 on my roll to negate the crit? Or not? If I had 80% chance to evade, and the mob is blinded, it has this probability of critting me per swing: .05(chance to hit, blind applies)*.5(chance to crit)*.5(my evade roll to negate crit failed, blind applies) ~~ 1 in 8,000 swings will land and crit. However, if blind is not applied to the chance to negate a crit, my probability of being critted become: .05(chance to hit, blind applies)*.05(chance to crit)*.2(my evade roll to negate crit failed, blind does not apply) ~~ 1 in 2,000 swings will land and crit. Maybe a bit of a meaningless difference. -- I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago. Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Aug 16, 2012, 4:07:49 PM
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Thanks for answers so far, got few more.
#10 which skills are affected by Skill duration nodes and how is damage calculated for skills after. Especially interested how it affect bleed,poison arrow, burning arrow. #11 When having Iron Reflex node, how does +armor% and +evasion% will work? #12 Which skills does stun? #13 Which armor/weapons reduce movement speed and for how much. 48;49;46;47;58;72;79;83;52;72;52;87;66;87;96;70;86;96;80;89;96;95;90;94;93;83;85;91;95;88;94;92;94;86;83;94;95;95;95;91;94;98;87;88;92;96;89;88;94;96;80;92;94;92;96;84;90;75;86;91;95;94;94;95;95
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" ll skills that have a duration to them: firestorm, sparks, all totems, all traps, all mines, poison arrow, phase run, blood rage (but only once because bug), explosive arrow, all curses, viper strike. damage increases because it keeps damaging for the extended time. ie the 30 dmage per second for poison arrow, is still 30 damage per second but for longer seconds. discussion about this a few pages back, went like this evasion -> armor. straight additive increases. evasion alone gets boosted twice (one for eva boost and one for armor boosts) but doesn't stack multiplicatively. so eva +%eva +%armor. all "attacks" stun, basically not spells. anything using a weapon can stun, even if ranged or elemental damage. here you go (found on the sidebar to the left) |
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