Lightning Thorns

How does Lightning Thorns work against Ignite? I was recently insta-gibbed while playing Explosive Arrow, so I'm curious - did I die from the initial fire damage hit from explosion or from the continious dot from the burning?
Cursed the ground where dead thoughts live new and oddly bodied, and evil the mind that is held by no head. Wisely did Ibn Schacabao say, that happy is the tomb where no wizard hath lain, and happy the town at night whose wizards are all ashes.
Damage over Time does not trigger Reflect.
kultisk wrote:
How does Lightning Thorns work against Ignite? I was recently insta-gibbed while playing Explosive Arrow, so I'm curious - did I die from the initial fire damage hit from explosion or from the continious dot from the burning?

the initial attack's individual hits - fast attack speed with quill rain and you prolly got crap light resist

be careful for the mages and / or buff, have a handy topaz flask and maxed resists and take out mages first, use traps and a slower attack
[quote="DirkAustin"]They can always make a loser league where Monsters do no damage and you one shot everything. Goodness, people, just don't play in the hard parts of the game if you cant handle them.[/quote]

Does Lightning thorns not make skills like cyclone/incinerate completely unusable in areas with lightning thorns?
So as a sporker who occasionally chucks a rain of fire out there, how do I keep getting smashed by these blackguard mages with thorns?

I also summon and have just stood by watching my zombies attack and not taking any damage so I'm assuming my cast damage is reflecting. Is this as intended?
Yes, it's intended that all hits trigger Lightning Thorns. If you use a hitspam skill, get fucked, basically.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Lightning Thorns is a single-target buff skill. Melee attacks made on the buffed entity will reflect lightning damage, within a flat range based on skill level, to the attacker.

So is LT bugged right now? It clearly procs on ranged attacks as well.
Onyxfire wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Lightning Thorns is a single-target buff skill. Melee attacks made on the buffed entity will reflect lightning damage, within a flat range based on skill level, to the attacker.

So is LT bugged right now? It clearly procs on ranged attacks as well.

Read the rest of this thread. That particular information is a year out of date. LT now deals damage to whoever causes damage to it, even with spells or projectiles, and has for a couple months now.
If I have two fish, and you have three fish, how many fish do we have?
None. These are MY fish.
Nerf that shit, constantly destroys my xp bar.
infernal blow templar here, if i wanted to do anything in barracs i had to leapslam and kill the mages selectively first.(so basically you dance between 10 - 20 blackguards to kill mages which isnt really safe either) The chain explosion in barracs with two - three mobs with lightning thorns is more deadly than ele reflect maps for me.

EDIT: capped resists, about 3K life at that time
Last edited by mara5a#4883 on Jan 8, 2014, 5:38:56 AM

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