Lightning Thorns
attack that do a lot of hits such as gmp chain that hits the mobs multiple times are a nono for lightning thorns. So u guys have to attack those mobs with care if u have an attack that hits multiple times..u can counter it by using an attack that does a lot of dmg in a single hit rather than multiple hits since Lightning thorns isnt based on reflect damage.
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Is melee splash considered 1 hit so you only get reflected the once?
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I think it reflects ALL damage, not just lightning, as ppl with 5k+ hp can single hit - kill themselves. I doubt they are doing 5k+ lightning damage. Even if they did, resist should stop 75% (if maxed), i would think it also IGNORES your resist. This really needs to be removed from the game, especially for hardcore.
Pretty pathetic when low-end creatures are far superior to the 'BOSSES' in the game. Last edited by computertech82#1006 on Apr 27, 2013, 9:14:34 PM
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" Don't have yourself be the source of the damage. Things like traps, totems, etc. are the best way to deal with them. I think reflect in general is rather strong. I faced a unique in Normal who reflected physical and if I used Frenzy, I would be brought to my knees in no time if that was all that I used. The only sane way for me to take it out was with aid of a Flame Totem and that was still a chore. If you face something with reflect of your main source of damage, you are in for a painful fight. |
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No. That HAS to be fucking wrong. My 55 Incinerate marauder just died to some [Removed] with lightning thorns. Explain. Few casts of torches to them "poof" I died. Not melee. Spell fire damage. How? Silly GGG... Last edited by Bex_GGG#0000 on May 5, 2013, 6:55:30 PM
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How? Simple.
A patch happened. |
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" How? The latest changing to this skill made it affect not only melee, but spells/projectile attacks as well. This skill doesn't reflect any damage, but hit's the attacker for a certain amount of damage (like Tempest Shield, just without having your attack blocked), it's therefore of no importance which element your skill has. The faster you attack, the more often you hit thorned targets, the faster you die. Sorry Exile, but your loot is in another dungeon!
IGN: Delirii |
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So their solution to (possibly) the most complained about skill in this game, is to make it YET MORE annoying? Does not compute. |
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The feature Lightning Thorns is perfectly fine. As long is there is a solution to it.
It means that you can't just plow through hords of mobs with no care. You gotto be alert. If you are in an area where you know the probability is high, be sure to bring bear/fire trap or someother outsourced damage dealer with you. Carefully take out the lightning thorn casters, and bear trap the creates that have it cast on them. Move on. I dont hope GGG nerf this. I hope they add more features just like it, that are challenging even to the very high level players. |
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" I strongly agree, imho it keeps you alert and the game interesting. Also, I would like to bring in that the addition of spell/ranged to be affected by thorns is very nice for summoners. Its really satisfying to see tentacles suicide themselves with a few shots at my thorned-zombies! Note that I also play a ranger, so I too experienced the downside of the nerf. I wondered why people focus so much on one attack (with the highest speed possible). From allround game experience I incorporated a slow attack from the beginning, expecting some situations where my preferred attack (fast, elemental, hit) would not be sufficient. I ran the barracks multiple times, no problems at all, just sniped the mages with poison arrow and all was fine (I experienced they die very easily to the chaos(-DoT) damage, every foe has its weakness). Only thing that GGG could have done better is communication: I can very well imagine that losing a high-level HC-character "out-of-the-blue" (not everybody reads all patch notes, nor should need to do so) is very frustrating, especially when that could have been prevented easily when one was aware of the risks. Maybe a popup when starting the game for the first time after such gameplay-changers are implemented? |
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