Lightning Thorns
Does anyone know exactly how this works?
What does it reflect? Does it reflect in lightning damage only? Does only the monster it's casted on reflect or is it some sort of AoE mechanic? I would like to know all I can as it seems to do more damage than I can explain or account for. | |
When you hit a monster that is enchanted with Lightning Thorns using Melee attacks, you take Lightning damage in return. LT is a single-target buff, but it lasts a good while and the Mages see no issue with spamming it.
No clue about its reflect damage. Shouldn't be hard to test whether it's flat or percentage though; just whack a monster with a shiny two-hander and with a driftwood plank, see how large the difference is in reflected damage. |
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Lightning Thorns is a single-target buff skill. Melee attacks made on the buffed entity will reflect lightning damage, within a flat range based on skill level, to the attacker.
Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Feb 6, 2013, 10:48:47 PM
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Thanks guys.
Interesting to learn it's a flat amount and not a % of damage dealt as I first thought. | |
This sounds interesting...
How to get this spell? I couldnt find it in the skills list on the gamepage :( |
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" It's a skill used by Blackguard mages; it's not available to players. You can use Punishment though, which is a drop-only Curse that reflects a percentage of damage dealt. |
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" This skill is not working as intended. Either it is not taking a player's resistance into account or there is a different factor dealing damage. PLEASE GGG look into this, take a look at all the melee players complaining about this, no matter what their resists, armor and health looks like melee players are nearly 1 shotting themselves everwhere. Melee has it hard enough as it is, no need for a bugged skill to completely ruin whats left of melee. |
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" QFT. Running through Cruel with a Double Strike/Lightning Strike Shadow, I had 75% lightning resist and I couldn't even hope to take 2 or 3 reflects without completely destroying my energy shield. I have no armor, and yet "reflects physical damage" mobs reflect less damage to me than Thorns. Either Thorns reflects physical damage AS physical damage, or it's ignoring the proper elemental resistance. Last edited by ShinobiDragoon#0896 on Feb 27, 2013, 4:23:33 PM
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" Interesting. Based on the skill level of the mob who cast the buff? It seems like the rarity of the mob who has the buff influences the damage too. Or maybe that's just perception and it's only the rarity of the caster combined with a high variance in the range of the lightning reflect that makes it appear that way. Yesterday I had a crazy instance of merciless Barracks on my mara. I swear 3/4 of the mobs were magics! Hardly any whites. Lightning thorns was insanely dangerous as I was running into packs of 5+ magics supported by multiple magic mages. Very easy to 1-shot yourself if you hit a couple of them at once with the buff. Taking out the mages ASAP while kiting the blackguards until the buff wears off is the only way to deal with them. Single target seems ok, but as soon as you AoE it's lights out. Very challenging, even with capped lightning resist. IGN: Friar
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" Also QFT. My lightning res is not maxed but my other res are, and when confronting fire and cold I'm totally fine. The second I swing at anyone with lightning thorns, I basically die. I have decent health too. |
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